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OCR00873 - Chrono Trigger "Town Life in Piano"

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Chrono Trigger 'Town Life in Piano'

If there is one thing I really like, its when somebody plays a piano solo, they really know how to put a lot of feeling in it, and they know how to keep it sounding timed right. It's nothing like a 4 on the floor techno beat where the timing is always perfect, because it sounds more like the song has a natural flow to it. Also, I feel that the female human voice and the piano are probably the top two most amazing sounding instruments on the planet. Now, this piece lacks the female voice, so it has the next best thing. And when it is played as beautifully as it is here, it is truly something to admire. This is one hell of a beautiful, ear pleasing piece of work, kLuTz, don't stop now.


A nice, warm, fuzzy piano solo. Easy listening, for those that enjoy it. For the rest of you: Leave now... Your kind is not wanted :P


Seriously though, great arrangement by kLuTz, who is known for his amazing piano solo's on OCR, which this remix is no exception.

Good stuff, kLuTz! Keep up the great work!


The pace of the song is held just right. I'm not really sure if video-game music is intended to sound this good! From the 2 minute mark is where I think it reallly shines the most--it conveys an incredible amount of feeling. Very good piano work I must say--makes me want to learn to play piano so I could try stuff like this. . .


Nice piano. I would have taken a little more creative liberty with the song personally. A half-time feel would have really been beneficial to this song. After the first 30 seconds, it seems a bit redundant, and I felt like I was stuck in an episode of the twilight zone just from the repetition. Tempo changes and the such would have really made this song a lot better. But it's still a good song, and the length was about right. Good interpretation of the original. I recommend at least a listen highly.


As I stared at my monitor, wide-eyed, gaping-mouthed, only one thought was running through my head: this is awesome. this is great. this is beautiful. this is amazing. this is gorgeous. Well, I guess that was more than one thought, but it's all the same.

I'm very, very impressed with this piece. A slow, sad song to begin with, you captured the very essence of the piece while enriching its flavor and... wow, I'm bad at this. You did great, we'll leave it at that. :)


I don't care what DJ Pretzel says about this piece not being very "innovative," because I believe this is excellent work. It's a theme that hasn't been played out, stomped on, tore to pieces, and put back together again only a thousand times like Schala's Theme. Due to all of the Schala remixes I've actually grown to hate them, there's just too many. Anywho, Klutz has never let me down when it came to remixes like many others of his skill level, and I hope to see more from him.


Say what you will about this ReMix, but I thought it was done rather nicely. kLuTz's playing perfectly captures the warm, fuzzy feeling you get from living in a small town that truly makes one comfortable, or the feeling of coming back to a familiar place that you call "home." At least, that was what I thought while I was listening to this. Sure, it isn't the most innovative ReMix, or the most elaborate, but it really doesn't matter when one successfully creates emotion and evokes it into the listener. I'm recommending this to those who can appreciate a thing like this.

At least it's a hundred times better than the drivel that Lorie Line churns out...


Thanks Ginnsu, and all you guys for all your comments! As Browsa perfectly stated, I was not trying to go "all out" for this arrangement, but rather capture the piece for what I thought it was. I wanted to create a nostalgic sense of home, as well as attempting to embellish the 'wonders' of living the town life. Dj Pretzel got it right on the dot, (as he certainly wasn't criticizing), because he noted the piece for what it really was, and I'm glad he mentioned it. Glad you guys like it and thanks again!



This is a beautiful piano piece...it's the kind of music you would hear in a movie when a guy is sitting on his porch out in the middle of the woods, birds flying by every once in a while, a deer standing right there, grazing or whatever...hehe.

A truly beautiful piano piece, and deserves the score I gave it, since it is flawless in accomplishing what it set out to do...the only reason I gave it a 9 is the ending. The ending is a *little* too sudden...I would have LOVED to hear a more elaborate ending.



It's been a while since I've felt so strongly about a mix, but this one... I don't know. I basically said this same thing when it came through the judges' forum, but here goes again:

This arrangement is incredibly simple. TOO simple, in my opinion. When I first heard this arrangement, I thought "nice. Simple, but not displeasing." THEN, I heard the original. And I sat down at the piano and played the original the way it was there, then listened to the arrangement again. The only credit I now give this arrangement is to how well it's played and the dynamics (variations in volume) used.

The original of this song had a beautiful chord progression to it. The bass, accompaniament, and melody fit so perfectly and naturally together. On the converse side, the license that kLuTz took with the structure is the AOL of chord progressions, folks. This arranger has made the progression so user-friendly that it's lost all of it's beauty, at least to me.

The lack of variation bothers me as well. I realize you were going for a simple feel, but there's so much that could be done with this. The song was already pretty simple to begin with, so it's not like making it simple would have been a huge challenge.

But the slaughtering of the chord progression bugs me more than anything else about this song. Too much 1-4-5 for a song that originally had so much class. This arrangement really killed it for me. I'd really like to hear a more faithful rendition sometime. Might just whip one up for my own leisure. Maybe I'm an ass, but I think "maybe" is being too lenient.



This is a decent piano solo and is well put together in terms of the overall sound and performance, compared to a lot of the rubbish I've heard... a worthwhile download, anyway. It's clear that a lot of effort's gone into this work. I'm sorry to say it though, but I have to agree with Disco Dan on his points - I acknowledge that the idea was to recreate the atmosphere of the game while keeping to the simple tune, but if you're going to go as far as you did with shifting the timing of the melody about and making it more lively, perhaps it would have been a good idea to create more variations or subtle melodies. Also, you've kinda killed the chord progresion - it doesn't sound nearly as beautiful as the original with such simplistic harmonies, and that's what the piece is all about. Still, as I said, it's a decent recording as it is, and is based on a sadly under-developed tune that remains one of my favourites. I'd enjoy it just for that. :)


Yes, I'll be the thrid person in a row to say that this mix was far too simplistic for my tastes. It was definately well played, and that enough should say that this remixer has talent. However, I'm a person who, when hearing piano renditions, expects the piece to sound even more beautiful then the original, such as through a good arrangement. I know that this song had a few minor variations, but they were repeated over and over until welcome was worn out. The basic melody sounded better in the original, as the different instruments melded together perfectly, and created a more beautiful harmonic sound. The piano alone as it is in this remix sounds plain in comparison, ecpecially due to (as DiscoDan said) the downplay of the chord progression. Anyway, if you love all things piano, listen to it. If you love piano specifically for good arrangements, don't hold your breath.


Hmm...I can definitely see your points in this, as I kind of feel the same way :P. I always improvise when playing, so each time I play it'll be different; I should take more time in creating the arrangements, maybe not all, (might take too long ahh laziness! sshhh...) but some I feel should be more notable...thanks for comments guys! :D



I don't know what you guys are talking about, this piece being too simple? It's perfect. How could it be too simple if its the exact song done in piano, if it was anymore complicated then it wouldnt sound right. Don't listen to em Klutz, this song is by far the best piano ive heard and i continue to play it all the time. Infact, on my playlist of 26, I only play this song and 2 others. I think its very good man, keep it up, i want more.

  Aprentis said:
I don't know what you guys are talking about, this piece being too simple? It's perfect. How could it be too simple if its the exact song done in piano, if it was anymore complicated then it wouldnt sound right.
  DiscoDan said:
The original of this song had a beautiful chord progression to it. The bass, accompaniament, and melody fit so perfectly and naturally together. On the converse side, the license that kLuTz took with the structure is the AOL of chord progressions, folks. This arranger has made the progression so user-friendly that it's lost all of it's beauty, at least to me.
  Jimlad said:
but if you're going to go as far as you did with shifting the timing of the melody about and making it more lively, perhaps it would have been a good idea to create more variations or subtle melodies. Also, you've kinda killed the chord progresion - it doesn't sound nearly as beautiful as the original with such simplistic harmonies, and that's what the piece is all about.
  ME! said:
I'm a person who, when hearing piano renditions, expects the piece to sound even more beautiful then the original, such as through a good arrangement. I know that this song had a few minor variations, but they were repeated over and over until welcome was worn out. The basic melody sounded better in the original, as the different instruments melded together perfectly, and created a more beautiful harmonic sound.


The piano performance was great without a doubt. It's more of the arrangement here that is being crticized. Nobody should take this personally.


Infact, on my playlist of 26, I only play this song and 2 others.

(I know this is just being an ass but...)

Um, if you only listen to 3 songs in total, why don't you just remove the other 23 songs from your playlist? Also, doesn't it get a little tiring hearing the same 3 songs over and over again for who knows how long. Unless the other songs are like hour long mixes or something, you may want to consider finding more music to listen to. :P Heh heh, j/k.


Aprentis, the point was that it *isn't* the exact same piece - hence the criticism of the new harmony, and despite this, it isn't much more of a difference either - there's not much development. You're saying that the piece can't be simpler, or more complicated, or it won't sound right - but I think that's the very reason why it doesn't quite work. It's not totally true to the original, yet at the same time it's nothing groundbreaking. I do acknowledge that it's a good performance and a decent recording though, and that's where this piece's merits lie.

(btw kLuTz - just out of interest, did you intend for the harmony to be more simplistic than the original, or was it totally accidental, and you were just too used to the 4-5-1 progression?)


Hehe, well, this piece was *not* supposed to be exactly the same, but rather a sort of conversion into the "new" chord structure. It wasn't accidental; I knew it wouldn't be the exact same, because all I did was listen to the original and improvise how I thought I liked it :D. All of you guys who say it's a simple piece, you're definitely right, it's not complicated at all, but rather how I intended it to be...maybe it could've been more complex, but the way it was written satisfied me. Ultimately, I think that's all composers really want in a song: satisfaction.

Thanks guys :P


BTW, new arrangement at http://klutz.vgmidi.com

I'm not gonna submit it, but just wanted you guys to know..

Oh yeah, and if you want to comment on it, uh, try not to post it in this topic, hehe, might get a little confusing :D


Kaleb. I guess i go threw fases with songs or something. im really into trance and piano right now, and i have been for like 2 months. the rest of the songs on my playlist are rock and some decent piano. I'm only listening to about 3 or 4 now, but mind you im not on the computer all day. so ill probably here the songs about 5 times. For some i guess it would get boring, but it hasn't for me.

  • 5 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Absolutely beautiful! I love piano solos and this one gives me the chills because its so good! I've actually never heard the original but this piece could easily stand on its own.


  • 1 month later...

sh'dang yo...you made THREE piano arangements and all three kick ass...wow....this ones beautiful as well and all but it lacks one thing...well...nothing really except length but other its another song that I'm downloading myself!

  • 1 year later...

Having never heard the original before listening to this piece, I have to say that I did, and still do, believe this is incredibly beautiful, even prompting me to email klutz to thank him for the music (not ABBA style). I think you can look at this song two ways - the Disc Dan view, considering the original against the remix; or you can come at it as a fresh piece of music, as I did. Whether kLuTz has massacred the original is of no consequence to me - it's still beautifully moving, regardless of what the original sounds like. Peaceful Days was nice, but this is nice in a different way. A different, but incredibly excellent kind of nice. And that's all that matters to me.

  • 2 months later...

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