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So I am playing OOT... On the VC. its sweet.. bit one thing bothers me... What went on during those seven years link was just sitting in there waiting to be ready. I mean some how gannondorf took the place over... I mean You hibernate for seven years and BAM hes got ReDeads covering the town... and his castle is massive... think of all the slaves he had to use... And there are no Black people in Hyrule...

Oh and Is it possible to use a key in the wrong place in the forest temple, cause I am pretty much stuck... And I think it may be because I used a key in the weong place at the wrong time....

if this is offtop. the move it there....


Been a long time since I last played the game, so I quickly looked up OoT's story on Wikipedia.

Spoilers ahead, of course.

Link retrieves the three stones and returns to the castle, where he sees Ganondorf pursuing Zelda on horseback. Spotting Link, Zelda throws the Ocarina of Time into the castle moat. After Link retrieves the Ocarina, Zelda telepathically teaches him the "Song of Time", which, combined with the Sacred Stones, allows Link to open the door that leads to the Sacred Realm. Just through the door, Link finds the Master Sword, a magical sword forged to fight evil. As he pulls the Master Sword from its pedestal, Ganondorf appears, having followed Link into the Sacred Realm, and claims the Triforce.

Seven years later, an older Link awakens in an ethereal room and is met by the elderly sage Rauru. Rauru informs Link that his spirit was sealed for seven years until he was old enough to wield the Master Sword and defeat Ganondorf.

Also, for the Forest Temple part, just keep looking around and shit. Unless it's not part of the story yet or you haven't gotten a particular item you're always able to go where you're supposed to, no matter how stuck you may seem to be. In other words, if you're in the correct temple then you cannot make a mistake--there's always a path. If it gets too frustrating, www.gamefaqs.com, but that's no fun. :D


Well, to be fair, there already was a castle standing there from the beginning. Even though I lack a degree regarding the transforming properties of the power of the Triforce, giving the whole town and itsroyal building an appropriate "facelift" wouldn't be too hard to pull off considering that Ganondorf already had mofo magick skills before.

And then we also have the 7 years he had in order to pull off this project, and if you apply that time interval in videogame units, we're pretty much looking at an eternal time span here measured with our own units.

And Link was in a celestial coma. Simple as that.

So I am playing OOT... On the VC. its sweet.. bit one thing bothers me... What went on during those seven years link was just sitting in there waiting to be ready. I mean some how gannondorf took the place over... I mean You hibernate for seven years and BAM hes got ReDeads covering the town... and his castle is massive... think of all the slaves he had to use... And there are no Black people in Hyrule...

Oh and Is it possible to use a key in the wrong place in the forest temple, cause I am pretty much stuck... And I think it may be because I used a key in the weong place at the wrong time....

if this is offtop. the move it there....

I don't recall you being so reckless with spelling and sentence structure. Have you been drinking?

and his castle is massive... think of all the slaves he had to use... And there are no Black people in Hyrule...

No blacks in Hyrule, but surprisingly there's actually a large Jewish population there which was quite effective.


As far as missing a key in the forest temple, try the very beginning room, the one with two wolves in it. There's a key in a chest, up in the tree in that room. I miss it EVERY time I play the game, and end up stuck for 2 hours before I remember... Only reason I remember it now is because I just beat the game again a month ago.

As far as what happens in those 7 years: Basically, you're supposed to put it together based on what happens in the game. Zelda and Impa go into hiding, and Impa trains her in the ways of the Sheika. She disguises herself as Sheik to hide from Ganondorf. Because of the death of the Deku Tree, the Kokiri forest slowly becomes infested by monsters. Ganondorf releases Volvagia from her prison in Death Mountain, and the Gorons are all taken prisoner because if their refusal to help Ganondorf. Darunia goes to save them. Zora's Domain is frozen over, and Lake Hylia evaporates because of it. The festering evil that Impa sealed below the well continues to writhe and squiggle and try to escape. Nabooru is captured by Kotake and Koume and forced into seven years of service as a guardsman for them. Meanwhile, Ganondorf fortifies the seals on his castle, slowly biding his time and waiting to conquer the world completely. That's what happens while you're frozen.

Oh, and the fish get WAY bigger.

Also, for some reason no one marries Malon.

She may be playing for the other team after all...

Note all the "possibilites" that could have happened to Malon during those decaying times... I was surprised she's even sane and healthy let alone still at the ranch as a worker safe from the monsters roaming Hyrule at the time...

Note at the time I had a partial mindset of "Berserk" as I was playing OoT and wondered how she was basically "untouched" throughout those seven years...

*Somewhat off topic

Would any one of us honestly play a LoZ game where no matter what you're doomed to fail saving hyrule from evil, in particularly from Ganondorf/Ganon? I'm refering to the time where the whole world becomes flooded just because the hero failed to appear. Chances are we will never actually see it play out in a title. Even if it did, knowing what the outcome will be, it could & would be bashed for just creating storyline plot instead of progressing, *if any* story line...

Note all the "possibilites" that could have happened to Malon during those decaying times... I was surprised she's even sane and healthy let alone still at the ranch as a worker safe from the monsters roaming Hyrule at the time...

Note at the time I had a partial mindset of "Berserk" as I was playing OoT and wondered how she was basically "untouched" throughout those seven years...

*Somewhat off topic

Would any one of us honestly play a LoZ game where no matter what you're doomed to fail saving hyrule from evil, in particularly from Ganondorf/Ganon? I'm refering to the time where the whole world becomes flooded just because the hero failed to appear. Chances are we will never actually see it play out in a title. Even if it did, knowing what the outcome will be, it could & would be bashed for just creating storyline plot instead of progressing, *if any* story line...

I would, but they would have to make the game differently, like from Ganondorf's perspective or something like that.

It would be LoZ: The trials of Ganondorf


I would, but they would have to make the game differently, like from Ganondorf's perspective or something like that.

It would be LoZ: The trials of Ganondorf


Take over Hyrule before the 7 year time limit expires! Create a dystopia so bad not even the Hero of Time can remedy it to win!

Would any one of us honestly play a LoZ game where no matter what you're doomed to fail saving hyrule from evil, in particularly from Ganondorf/Ganon? I'm refering to the time where the whole world becomes flooded just because the hero failed to appear. Chances are we will never actually see it play out in a title. Even if it did, knowing what the outcome will be, it could & would be bashed for just creating storyline plot instead of progressing, *if any* story line...

Actually that setting has a lot of potential. Here's a quick example:

The following might be a little inconsistant with previous games,

this is just a brainstorm.


Evil comes to Hyrule once again. One brave lad answers the call. Travelling

throughout the land, he fights evil, overcomes incredible odds, and navigates

impossible traps. Along the way, he enlists the help of the princess on his

quest to reach the master sword.

Finally, after many trials, the blade is reached, and the lad tries to extract

the master sword. But try as he might, he can't extract the blade. He

apparantly, isn't the hero of legend. In addition to this, the efforts of the false

hero initiates the endless rainfall that will ultimately submerge Hyrule.

Needless to say, Zelda is pissed.

Desperate to undo the damage he has done, the false hero and the princess

search Hyrule for answers. Where is the real hero? Does there truly have to

be only one destined hero per Hyrulian crisis? Should Zelda be concerned that

she is growing interested in a boy who is not a hero of legend?

To make matters worse, the only way to end the rain prematurely is

for Gannon or Zelda to kill the false hero. Will Zelda cave in and kill (or

let Gannon kill) the lad for the good of Hyrule?


That game could potentially be the darkest game in the series. The fact that we

know Hyrule is doomed from the beginning only serves to make the plot more interesting.

...possible story plot...

That could work, but ultimately I don't see that happening under Shiggy's eyes... Then again if any one who played through LoZ:TP and remember that example one of the forest gods gave Link in reference to the corruption of power... It could happen...

Also I was half glad and half disappointed this thread suddenly did not degrade to envisioning "I, Zelda" with thrown in silhouetted rape scene :lol:

but I digress...

I can't help but think in alot of ways, there's a... fourth party involved, where they wanted the three major characters in constant chaos; namely Zelda, Link, and Ganon in order to stave back a greater evil from awakening... If the endless loop is ever broken, who's to say would be awakened by such a disturbing change to where he/she/it would take advantage of the broken loop and have a greater source of power beyond that of Power, or even the three put together...

Meh kinda reads like a bad fanfic but hey... you never know...


I could, however, go for OoT from the Princess' and Impa's point of view (and Malon, I guess).

Legend of Link, Adventure of Zelda. (Or even better: "Legends of Hyrule: the Lost Chronicles")

Something that starts back at Link's birth, when Impa is the one to protect him and bring him to the forest. The initial Temple of Shadow battle for Impa. Then you move to Zelda's point of view, when she has to escape the castle to make it to the garden for the fated meeting. And then Impa and Zelda's attempts at foiling Ganondorf as he is trying to subvert the king. Then there is the flight from Hyrule's Castle.

Then it would become episodic, from Malon's unseen efforts to preserve the farm and keep the fields safe to Zelda's training as Sheik. Then there would be the various moments where Sheik protected Link without him knowing. And they could throw in a final battle unseen in OoT where Zelda kicked Ganondorf's ass.


Heh. This sounds like some sort of anime. It should all be in the year 2013 as well.

Then it would become episodic, from Malon's unseen efforts to preserve the farm and keep the fields safe to Zelda's training as Sheik. Then there would be the various moments where Sheik protected Link without him knowing. And they could throw in a final battle unseen in OoT where Zelda kicked Ganondorf's ass.


Coming this fall to the CW.

Heh. This sounds like some sort of anime. It should all be in the year 2013 as well.


Coming this fall to the CW.

You do realize who CW caters to... right..?

no thanks, and no offense but... I do not need to see ads from KFC or for DC in general popping up every times it needs to go to commercial break...

Instead... just air it on HBO where it wouldn't be edited for "family" viewing...

Note* for the sake of clarity of my comments...

I've lived in DC for most of my life before finally leaving it at the young age of 17... I never felt better after finally leaving behind the garbage that roamed the streets as well as those that invaded the neighborhood where I lived...

I could, however, go for OoT from the Princess' and Impa's point of view (and Malon, I guess).

Legend of Link, Adventure of Zelda. (Or even better: "Legends of Hyrule: the Lost Chronicles")

Something that starts back at Link's birth, when Impa is the one to protect him and bring him to the forest. The initial Temple of Shadow battle for Impa. Then you move to Zelda's point of view, when she has to escape the castle to make it to the garden for the fated meeting. And then Impa and Zelda's attempts at foiling Ganondorf as he is trying to subvert the king. Then there is the flight from Hyrule's Castle.

Then it would become episodic, from Malon's unseen efforts to preserve the farm and keep the fields safe to Zelda's training as Sheik. Then there would be the various moments where Sheik protected Link without him knowing. And they could throw in a final battle unseen in OoT where Zelda kicked Ganondorf's ass.

How about a game simply about those 7 years, from Zelda's perspective?

Imagine, if you will, that 7 years was not predetermined, that Link was not kept in the Sacred Realm so he could grow older, but rather was trapped there when Ganondorf took the triforce.

Ganondorf takes the three spiritual stones, and again hides them throughout hyrule, and in doing so reseals the entrance to the sacred realm with Link inside. In order to help Link escape from the Sacred Realm, Zelda must find the three spiritual stones and bring them once again to the temple of time.

But wait! The Ocarina of Time is sealed inside the sacred realm as well! It cannot be used to open the door of time. It's up to Zelda to discover some other way...

I would definitely buy a game like that.

You do realize who CW caters to... right..?

I think you misunderstood. Those were intended to be two separate comments:

1) The comment about it being in the future was somewhat serious. (I've always thought a dark, dystopian cyberpunk/fantasy mash-up of LoZ would be interesting, and a plot like this would work extremely well for it.)

2) The comment about a Hyrule show for the CW was a joke (i.e., Smallville), though I think it would be interesting to see how badly they could butcher the series.

Sorry if I wasn't clear.

How about a game simply about those 7 years, from Zelda's perspective?

Imagine, if you will, that 7 years was not predetermined, that Link was not kept in the Sacred Realm so he could grow older, but rather was trapped there when Ganondorf took the triforce.

Ganondorf takes the three spiritual stones, and again hides them throughout hyrule, and in doing so reseals the entrance to the sacred realm with Link inside. In order to help Link escape from the Sacred Realm, Zelda must find the three spiritual stones and bring them once again to the temple of time.

But wait! The Ocarina of Time is sealed inside the sacred realm as well! It cannot be used to open the door of time. It's up to Zelda to discover some other way...

I would definitely buy a game like that.

Replace Ryu Hayabusa with Zelda/Sheik and modify a Ninja Gaiden title to where it works for the Wii and story line for OoT, then you got an instant winner :)!!

I'm very serious about that. :)!!:)!!

Replace Ryu Hayabusa with Zelda/Sheik and modify a Ninja Gaiden title to where it works for the Wii and story line for OoT, then you got an instant winner :)!!

I'm very serious about that. :)!!:)!!

Ninja Gaiden has to be one of the best hack n' slashers ever. Mixing that kind of gameplay with Zelda would be intense. I'd shell out good money for something like that.


Haha, upon first reading the title I thought you were talking about the 7 years between the end of Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations and the start of Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney (the next chapter in the "Phoenix Wright" series) :lol:

I really need to catch up on my Zelda...

And yeah, the Forest Temple was by far my least favorite in OoT.


Ninja Gaiden has to be one of the best hack n' slashers ever. Mixing that kind of gameplay with Zelda would be intense. I'd shell out good money for something like that.
You mean the old NES one or the new next-gen one?
So I am playing OOT... On the VC. its sweet.. bit one thing bothers me... What went on during those seven years link was just sitting in there waiting to be ready. I mean some how gannondorf took the place over... I mean You hibernate for seven years and BAM hes got ReDeads covering the town...

Link wasn't just sitting around, oh no, he was sitting around getting assreamed by that priest of light guy¡ Most likely Ninty wanted to take a shot at the Catholic church¡ After a while, the pederast of light probably decided he had enough lulz making sure Link got AIDS and decided that he wanted some new meat in the realm of light¡ ENTER THE SAGES.

It's pretty easy to get all their base when you HAV DA (trifarce) OF POWA¡¡ And the redeads? C'mon, man. That's easy¡

What selfrespecting superevil guy doesn't summon a horde of undead to keep the chaos in his new world order?


and his castle is massive... think of all the slaves he had to use... And there are no Black people in Hyrule...

Yeah, he must've really put the whipcrack on some other minority, like the Gorons¡ They are clearly the only race of Hyrule suited to manual labor¡

No blacks in Hyrule, but surprisingly there's actually a large Jewish population there which was quite effective.
The Gerudos could be considered black. I shall leave it to be interpreted anyway you wish. I am not implying anything.

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