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Sonic the Hedgehog 3 'Sonik Azure'

Interesting guitar panning here. Guitar's a bit out of tune, but the rest of the stuff sounds good. High quality samples, sequencing is solid. Nice effects on the Rez/Cut. Hmm... this song kind of makes me happy. Yum.

Edit: I finished writing this before finishing the song. I really like the ending. It's clever and cute and splicing vinyl noise into a song is almost never a bad thing. Also you gotta love the happy hip-hop feel the whole song has. Nice work.



Great guitar work, doesn't sound annoying at all. I was waiting for an ironmix to be posted (I never really participated in them or even downloaded anything) so it would force me to start participating in listening and reviewing or whatever goes on in there. This kinda sounds like this one song...nothing to do with VG mixes...seems like a lot of people would have heard it...just don't know what the title is. doo do do do dooooooooo, doo do do do doooooo do-do-do

Definitely one of the better Sonic mixes. I never really go out of my way to listen to a lot of the Sonic mixes for some reason.


I remember a while back djp saying he'd like more ReMixers to use the review board on their own work. So to thank djp for posting this, I will do just that :)

Like DarkeSword already mentioned, I wrote this for TimerWolf's IronMix3 competition, and it was unanimously declared the winner by the judges. You can read their reviews here and listen to the other entries over here. For those interested, you can download this track in Ogg Vorbis from my website.

Here's a rundown of the sounds, in order of appearance:

The guitar parts are played by me. I recorded my Fender Strat direct, using a dbx386 to get it to line-level. I used the excellent Amplitube VST plug-in for the guitar parts, I do own a vintage Gibson amp but I really did not feel like dragging that thing out.

The bassline patch I made on an Access Virus C synth, it was just a square osc and a saw osc an octave apart going through a LPF. Add a nice phat bass boost in the EQ.

The whiney sawtooth sound was a simple saw osc on the Virus with lots of portamento. From there it goes into my Sherman Filterbank 2, for that analogue filter envelope sound, mixed in with the unfiltered signal. Add lots of delay.

The drums are made from a hiphop kit I downloaded off some website. As one can probably tell, they go through a LPF plugin that has the cutoff and resonance automated.

There's a subtle string patch from my Waldorf Micro-Q, I think the only thing I added was reverb.

There's an interesting guitar-riff sounds after the lead guitar, I took a patch on my Roland JV-1010 and buried it in a flange and delay plugin. Being able to sync flangers to the song tempo is very cool.

Finally the piano ending, it's a patch on the JV-1010, added reverb, and then through a DirectShow plugin called Isotope Vinyl, it's free, search for it.

The ending itself was almost a cop-out. I was going to use that theme for a big wall-of-guitar section at the end but to be honest, I just got lazy. Guitar parts are rather time consuming for me while piano parts tend to write themselves. I decided "less is more" and just went with a vintage sounding piano solo to end the track, but it worked pretty well.

Overall, I'm pleased with how this turned out. seeya.


First off, don't like the full guitar panning and I think it's a bit out of tune. Other than that, I'm loving this stuff! Sweet synth, sweet bassline, sweet beats. This is done really well and is very very enjoyable. Keep it up!

First off, don't like the full guitar panning and I think it's a bit out of tune.

I dont see how this is out of tune like that guy above said

not every damn thing has to be perfect towards your aspects

The song is done just perfect

everything is nice and it flows perfectly, but some how i cant get myself to hum to it along with the original Azure lake


I've LOVED this since it was in IMC. Now I can say it's one of the five BEST OC ReMixes. This is an incredible mix. You should mix more Sonic 3 and rival Jivemaster's mixes. ;)


Oh. My. God. This is absolutely beautiful. The guitar, the drums, the bass, the synth... I just... wow. I agree with Twilight, this is probably one of the best remixes on here. I'm a sucker for guitar anyway, but this is so much more than the song simply redone on a guitar.... I love it. This and aquacadence have pretty much catapulted analoq to one of my favorite remixers. Keep up the good work, sir.


Oh. Wow. This is one of those mixes that you could listen to over and over again, and never EVER get tired of it. I get lost in it each and every time I listen. Reminds me a lot of running through a peaceful city, all happy and giddy after I just saved the world or something. Not that I've ever done that (that you can know about :) Anyways, definetly one of my favorite mixes on the site.


Whaow!, love this track. if your a fan of the Sonic Series then what are you waiting for? This ones so much fun. I love the chord change in the middle especially. I would have been happy with just the main part of the song, at the end it had a different mood and sounded like a totally different tune all together.


Apparently I am with everyone else when I say this remix is awesome. I have heard a ton and this has to be one of the very best. I seriously set up an account just so I could tell you how good this song was. The guitar is great...If it's out of tune, all the better. It's a perfect blend to make an all around awesome song. Great job.


I think this is my first post on the OC Boards. Hrm. Well, I've been visiting the site forever, so don't think of me as some random n00b.

Anyway, I liked this remix... until I listened to it. The out-of-tune guitar sort of gave me an uneasy feeling, and kept it from being enjoyable. As soon as other instruments came in, I started liking it again, but it was more of a "okay, I can live with this" instead of a "wow, this is really cool" kind of feeling.

Overall, though, it wasn't something I could listen to over and over again. Just tune the guitar next time, cool?



I think this remix is well done. The guitar is beautiful, almost as if it is crying, reminds me of Day Tripper by the beatles. The drums are excelent in quality, very flowing and easy to groove to. The ending though is what really caught me attention, so intresitng to hear. Beautiful remix. Great job!

Nikolas Hall


Remember Filter? "Momma give me my medicine that makes me feel like a tall tree" and so forth? Right. The way this tune is... well, filtered makes it sound similar to Filter's body of work.

  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Woah! And after listening to Her Azure Eyes, this song gently let me back down again. :) If Her Azure Eyes was the 60's, this has gotta be some kinda early 90's made-for-TV rebuttal or something. :) Not bad, you took it in an unexpected direction and totally pulled it off. Great guitar work, BTW! Mixxers who actually play an insturment are automatically twice as cool! :)

Incidently, what's with that chick on the left in your sig image? It looks like she's got a bit of a mustache, and her facial features are kinda hazy and indistinct. Did you superimpose your face over hers or something? And, if so, are you transgendered or something? And, if so, you should hang out in the forum over at www.unicornjelly.com . There's lots of really friendly, cool, inteligent, and very silly people over there who will more than likely not make fun of you.

Um, yeah. Once again, great song dude. Or, you know, lady. Whatever you're comfortable with.

  • 2 months later...

I found myself listening to this today, and I got to thinking... This really is one of the best songs on OCR. Seriously, I made a disc of all my absolute favorites to study to (honestly, this stuff is GREAT for getting the mental juices flowing) and this is, I think, the sixth track on the album. That's not to rank it or anything, it just jives nicely with the ones before and after it.

Also, since I'm talking about what a badass song this is, this was one of my first OCR keepers - back in the day when I felt that I didn't have the HDD space to devote a bunch of game remixes to my music library. So feel special in the fact that yours has always been one of the elite.

I wish I could say something musical about it, but I just don't have the vocabulary. It just plain sounds good. If you want the picture that forms in my head... I see a spikey-haired blue hedgehog standing on the top of a cliff wailing on an electric guitar while the entire world spins around him, as if he was the only being on a planet that literally revolved around him.

Damn I want to be that hedgehog.

Seriously, this is one of my favorite remixes on the entire site.

  • 3 weeks later...

well... i really like the composition, effects and panning tricks used here. the main problem is that the guitars are so out of tune that it makes it hard for me to listen to. i would have brought the level on the lead guitar down just a little bit, and used some more interesting phrasing, but it's not my song is it? works great. just think that it would have been high up there in my playlist of oc remixes had the guitars been in tune. :cry: next time right??

  • 3 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Pretty much the entire OC Remix collection is awesome. Even among that company, though, there are a few songs that have enough longevity to follow me from MP3, to CD-R, to whatever media the future holds. This is one such keeper. It strikes a unique mood that I haven't heard on a single other piece. Ignore the complaints about out-of-tune guitar. I've listened five times already and I can't detect it.

  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Interesting you said that it seems like a rolling credits type song. I thought the same thing, so I emailed analoq and got permission to use his song in a short movie I made for a movie competition. It turned out like anyone would expect with such an atmospheric song. Really captured what I was going for.

Great mix

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