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I'm typically not a fan of "endless" series like Naruto, but Claymore was one show I wished they had just kept making more and more of and kept going with the manga. I didn't really get into until around episode 5, but after that I loved it. Because the manga isn't over, the TV show ended up having a weak ending, I thought.

I really liked Claymore till it started to diverge from the storyline. I could barely watch the last couple episodes because I felt they were murdering it. The other current uber popular anime (Bleach, and Naruto), I prefer in manga form as well. They are making part 2 of naruto seem like the worst reaches of DBZ where you spend an entire episode doing nothing but powering up. I really enjoy some of the more mature manga like Tengo Tenji, Ubel Blatt(basicly elfish kid with sword kills everything around him). I just wish they could have done Claymore more justice because the current arc rocks.


In regards to Naruto and Bleach I only read the manga now. I'm also currently following Dragonaut the Resonance, which is kinda lame...but it entertains me, Shakugan No Shana, which is in the same boat, but I have seen some pretty interesting ones. I recently finished Noir which was quite good.

I've always liked anime, but it's hit or miss with these newer ones. Oh, and if you liked the Gundam idea but didn't like the anime itself try out Eureka seveN.

Favourites thread about what? Anime? I think the thread's topic clearly says anime.

I was never really hardcore for Gundam. I mainly watched Pokemon, and DBZ.

My point is that people shouldn't be posting top ten lists without DISCUSSING the topic. These are discussion boards, and OCR generally discourages topics where people just post a favorites list and then don't talk about stuff.

My point is that people shouldn't be posting top ten lists without DISCUSSING the topic. These are discussion boards, and OCR generally discourages topics where people just post a favorites list and then don't talk about stuff.

Fair enough.

I used to read naruto manga hardcore, but I started watching ahead of the english manga, so I stopped reading naruto for some reason.


Well, I try not to let anime alter the way i think, but then again, they do alot of crazy stuff in anime, which is really fun. My friend started wearing weights like Rock Lee on his feet.

So has any anime actually changed the way you've thought about anything? I sort've feel alone in the cold here.

It sure did for me. Denno Coil made me question the nature of friendship even more than I already do, Shigurui taught me that all men are evil pigs, and stuff like Code Geass had a lot of conflicting nationalism and racism that is always fun to ponder about.

Anime nowadays are so much better written than they ever really were. Most great anime now don't really rely on gimmicks as much as they used to in the 90's.

PS- This made me think so much: MUST WATCH!: http://blog.seiha.org/?p=551



Seriously though, I watch plenty of series. I can usually only stand smaller series with about 24 eps, but if it has a solid story then following something with a total of 60 episodes and beyond won't be too hard. I see it only as entertainment though. It's a good source for me to get a laugh, decrease my brain functions for half an hour or to just kill some time, but I haven't driven it to the point that I've gotten obsessed with the japanese culture and taken the first steps on the dark path of weeaboo faggots.

I can't recall a moment where anime drastically changed my opinion of a certain subject, but it has surely boogled my mind several times and taken my own sense of fantasy to new levels. I mainly stick with the humoristic series, even though I can enjoy some of a much more serious nature.

Concerning how anime has become "better drawn" over time, I'd say that it's an improvement. The Laws of Anime still own an accurate description of most of them today, but the fact that they've started to avoid large sweatdrops, curly blue lines along the forehead, and moments before mentioned when

completely change the art style on the fly for 'comedic' effect.

More work put into facial expressions and body movements is always a positive development, but that only goes for the general concept of anime. Cowboy Bebop is one of the earlier creations and it uses none of the "features" associated with anime".

I second the recommendations of Denno Coil and The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.

Titles I can think of that I'd recommend would be Mushishi, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Honey and Clover, Hikaru no Go, Death Note, Code Geass and so forth despite what qualms with each of them.

Good man. Mushishi has a great soundtrack, and one new case with every episode with some hints here and there concerning Ginko's background made it a very interesting watch.

I've watched Hikaru no Go as well, but it feels like I can't really recommend it. For being an anime about a game which has the equivalent entertaining value as chess, it's surprisingly good, but I couldn't really stand how slow everything went during some points and how everything went towards being gay at the end. Add the fact that most characters didn't know how to hold a decent dialogue, and it became something that got some points, but wasn't overall that great.

And if you liked H&C, then I recommend Nodame Cantabile. Classy, funny, serious, enjoyable.


I've watched Hikaru no Go as well, but it feels like I can't really recommend it. For being an anime about a game which has the equivalent entertaining value as chess, it's surprisingly good, but I couldn't really stand how slow everything went during some points and how everything went towards being gay at the end. Add the fact that most characters didn't know how to hold a decent dialogue, and it became something that got some points, but wasn't overall that great.

It managed to keep me watching it to see what happened, it definitely takes a special sort of person to fully enjoy it, and I'm not one of them. There may be a few people somewhere on this board that are the sort that can really appreciate it. I don't think there's much room to complain about the pacing of the anime though, considering that YES it IS about a board game.

Can you stand anime that may have slow bits, but have good dialog? Like uh, .hack//SIGN? (It seems like an anime most males probably couldn't get through though... I dunno.)

If you like anime to let your brain run at half capacity to and to laugh at, I really suggest the Japanese Sonic X, it's meant for like 6 year olds. It's one of the silliest most amusing things I've subjected my mind to, and definitely helped me unwind a lot when school was starting to stress me out pretty bad.

It managed to keep me watching it to see what happened, it definitely takes a special sort of person to fully enjoy it, and I'm not one of them. There may be a few people somewhere on this board that are the sort that can really appreciate it. I don't think there's much room to complain about the pacing of the anime though, considering that YES it IS about a board game.

But it really isn't. I mean, I haven't watched the show, but I've read the entire manga series, and it's not about a board game. It's about PEOPLE who play a board game professionally. It's about what they go through as pros, their rivalries, successes, and defeats. It's a great drama series, especially in the latter half.

But it really isn't. I mean, I haven't watched the show, but I've read the entire manga series, and it's not about a board game. It's about PEOPLE who play a board game professionally. It's about what they go through as pros, their rivalries, successes, and defeats. It's a great drama series, especially in the latter half.

It's mostly that the focus sometimes thrown on the game really confused me, since I had no idea what was going on. :P

That bit makes it harder for me to fully enjoy it honestly. I thought it was good, just takes a certain kind of person to fully enjoy it.

What new Hellsing? I actually really enjoyed the original (13 episodes). If there's another one, I'd love to see it.

I love the manga for Hellsing way more then the anime mostly because Serras is total ownage in it.

I read a few pages of it in Barnes and Noble. It's one of the only mangas I've ever considered buying (collecting manga is far too expensive IMO.)

Thats why I read off the internet for free. I know a couple sites PM me if your interested.


I have never been a big fan of anime or manga series, mostly only stand-alone animated movies (think Street Fighter II, Appleseed, Ghost in the Shell). However there are a few that have really enjoyed, though I would say mostly because they have interesting stories rather than anything else.

Basically the only anime I actually like include:

Ghost in the Shell SAC

Gundam Wing

Street Fighter II V


DragonBall (not GT)

I have tried watching other stuff but I just can't get into it. Most recently Samurai 7, which I guess I mostly disliked only becuase I'm a big fan of the original Seven Samurai film. I do find Death Note a little interesting, and I want to watch Planetes but currently have no way of doing so.

Also on the side-note, I really don't think DragonBall is that bad. I think it gets a bad rep sometimes mostly because of how the American market decided to potray the series. If you really read and the watch the original Japanese content, its different and much more mature. I personally think the story is good too.

Seriously though, I watch plenty of series. I can usually only stand smaller series with about 24 eps, but if it has a solid story then following something with a total of 60 episodes and beyond won't be too hard. I see it only as entertainment though. It's a good source for me to get a laugh, decrease my brain functions for half an hour or to just kill some time, but I haven't driven it to the point that I've gotten obsessed with the japanese culture and taken the first steps on the dark path of weeaboo faggots.

I think that's harder to do nowadays since so many anime now blur the line between comedy, drama, action, etc. You watch Kanon, one second it plays out like standup comedy, the next, there's violence, death and the whole drama.

Good man. Mushishi has a great soundtrack, and one new case with every episode with some hints here and there concerning Ginko's background made it a very interesting watch.

Speaking of the soundtrack, though everybody makes a mockery of the Naruto shows, it has an amazing soundtrack. And it is done by the musician who did Mushishi's.

And if you liked H&C, then I recommend Nodame Cantabile. Classy, funny, serious, enjoyable.

Or hunt down the shows airing on the WOWOW channel (usually involves rape, extreme onscreen violence in WOWOW shows. Much, much darker material than usual) or NoitaminA (Animation backwards) that shows a lot of college-centric topics like Honey and Clover, Nodame Cantabile and Moyashimon.

By the way, the H20 anime looks pretty cool.


Actually, the first episode was pretty enjoyable, although disturbing with the girl-beatings. I recommend it.

Are you even talking about SEED? I'm not aware of any mechs in it that have a jolly roger on it. That'd be odd as the SEED mobile suits are usually just solid colors without designs. Gundam SEED is my favorite anime (and 2nd favorite work of fiction) so I of course refute your entire view. I do find it interesting that you accuse the characters of being whiny but are an Evangelion fan. That's the show where I see people constantly bash the main character for being whiny, which I'm not really one of. SEED is actually an influence in my daily life and my foreign policy views. If I'm pondering whether something would be morally acceptable for a country to do in response to the actions of another, I usually think "Would Kira and Lacus approve?" as they are the most moral, pure, and noble characters that I'm aware of in all of the books, games, movies, and television shows I've experienced.

As for the conversations in Gundam Wing, I cared about the conversations. My circle of friends and I hardly ever have a time where we get together and DON'T discuss

a)The problems with humanity

b)How to solve them

c)Whether war is a viable solution

d)Whether democracy or tyranny is the best way to achieve change

No seriously. We do this. As for the plot itself, what more do you want? It's got political intrigue and war.

I seem to have upset someone. For what it is worth, Seed and Wing were both rather boring stories of political intrigue and war. Maybe I just lack the attention span to get the idea but I didn't like either of them. I like UC Gundam and 0083, and that is all I really need. If you don't agree with me that is your perogative.


I stopped watching anime about a year ago. After a while, it just became more and more of a cliche jumble and every show looked the same. The only anime that I would recommend watching that have been released in the past two years would be Eureka Seven and Gurren Lagann.

Well, I try not to let anime alter the way i think, but then again, they do alot of crazy stuff in anime, which is really fun. My friend started wearing weights like Rock Lee on his feet.

I hate you and I hate your friend, simply because you represent everything that is wrong with the "otaku" (god I hate that word) culture in the US. Please stop being such weaboo failures.


I tend not to watch anime, preferring instead to read teh mangaz. Deathnote and Bleach are my most recent perusings (that word is funny). Parasyte is good as well, although slooooooow to come out. Can't stand Inuyasha.

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