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It's the fact that every fight ends with just this move or an "ERUPTING BURNING FINGERS!! YAGGGHH!!" is what turns me off from it. No variety really.





I saw mention of Code Geass and Gurren lagann. Those and Seirei no Moribito where my favorite shows from this past year. The only show from the winter season that I'm looking forward to is the second Minami-ke series. If you like pure, random (plotless) humor, go download the first series (the second one is being done by a different studio, but with the same voice actors).

What I'm really looking forward to is this upcoming spring season which has the second half of Code Geass and Macross Frontier. Macrass Frontier looks like it's going to be awesome from the one teaser episode they've released thus far.

This is something I was talking about with a friend the other day.

A lot of American hit movies or TV shows are considered good by perhaps the majority of people, but there is always a distinct group which disagrees and explains why it is T3H SUCKZ.

With the top quality anime we don't get that. I have never heard someone call Trigun or Cowboy Bebop a bad anime. With stuff like DBZ or Inuyasha, people will enjoy it as light action, but no one will claim it as a masterpiece. But with the heavy stuff, like the ones I mentioned or Akira, I think there is pretty much universal agreement on their quality.


Well one problem with your arguement is you are grouping all American TV shows and movies together in a large lump, and then saying that "there is so much arguring over what is good and what is bad".

umm...duh? Your lumping hundreds of genre's together.

Anime is probably around 9-10 genre's repeated over and over, with a few truely orignal and creative works.

of course the smaller/niche group is going to have less arguments over what is better.

Secondly, trust me, there are plenty of people that hate what I consider to be classic anime (Akira, Cowboy Bebop, Hokuto no Ken) and I have to deal with morons who think Inuyasha and Death Note are ZOMG 100X better than that old crap! "ugh the animation is ugly! They don't have KATANAS! they sux!"

anywho, yeah, I'm a bitter oldschool anime fan.


I don't like Akira personally. I do own the special edition DVD and i can appreciate it as a "masterpiece" because it's well done and for the time it was groundbreaking and amazing or whatever. It's not really my cup of tea though. If i were having this conversation in real life my friends would argue "what, because it doesn't have tits?" and then i would say "yeah but it did have tits!"

On the topic of bad animes, I haven't really watched any that I hated. Though i tried to watch Lucky Star one time, and i wanted to blow my brains out. But i'm sure it's a rather good anime (for stupid people).

On the topic of bad animes, I haven't really watched any that I hated. Though i tried to watch Lucky Star one time, and i wanted to blow my brains out. But i'm sure it's a rather good anime (for stupid people).

Or people who like the "slice of life" shows that don't have 'storylines'.


Lucky Star is amazing, even if you don't get HALF the references. After the first few episodes it hits its stride. It's a bit like Azumanga Daioh meets Family Guy: a cute quirky slice of life show about high school girls that makes use of a LOT of referential humor.

Except unlike Family Guy, it doesn't start sucking.


ALSO! Miyazaki movies are great but they're so overrated, DBZ was better as a manga, and yes, anime is not as varied as newbie fans think it is. You can usually nail down the genre and progression of any new show pretty quickly; keep in mind though that these genres aren't necessarily the same as American TV show genres. Anime, like video games, comes with a set of genres all its own.

Lucky Star is amazing, even if you don't get HALF the references. After the first few episodes it hits its stride. It's a bit like Azumanga Daioh meets Family Guy: a cute quirky slice of life show about high school girls that makes use of a LOT of referential humor.

Except unlike Family Guy, it doesn't start sucking.

Couldn't have put it better myself. It really is like that. And you get to really know the ins and outs of the characters and care about them in a way. That in itself is a big thumbs up in my book.

... That and the numerous Haruhi references. :-P

I have never heard someone call Trigun or Cowboy Bebop a bad anime.

OPINIONS LOL to follow:

I never liked Trigun--I fail to see why it's considered anything above mediocre. Cowboy Bebop, on the other hand, was good. At the time I saw Bebop, my only exposure to anime was DBZ, Evangelion, and Gundam Wing. I felt that Bebop was better than all of these in terms of characterization, music, and plot, and for a few years, it was my favorite anime.

Since then, however, I have seen a lot more anime, of broader genres, and I no longer consider it the best. I think that while the majority of anime recently produced is pretty bad, the top shows of today are a little better than those of a decade or two ago.

Amongst fairly recent anime, Honey & Clover is probably my favorite, though I found a couple of episodes from Welcome to the NHK! to really resonate with me. The first episode of Macross Frontier looked really good; I would like it even more if some of the unnecessary fanservice was reduced, but that's not going to happen. Same with Gundam 00.

Or people who like the "slice of life" shows that don't have 'storylines'.

I love these kinds of shows. Anyone who just wants to relax should watch ARIA the Animation, Haibane Renmei, or Kokoro Library [uNDERRATED :V], then read the Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou manga [then watch the two OVAs for that, and download the totally chill and awesome soundtracks for all of these things I mentioned]

I like to balance out my watching of anime also. I'll watch something new then something old, then something serious then something comical, etc.

Devil May Cry was pretty damn good, imo.

I thought it was okay. Felt pretty anemic and shallow compared to most anime out there though. Which is okay for a shallow conversion.

I saw mention of Code Geass and Gurren lagann. Those and Seirei no Moribito where my favorite shows from this past year. The only show from the winter season that I'm looking forward to is the second Minami-ke series. If you like pure, random (plotless) humor, go download the first series (the second one is being done by a different studio, but with the same voice actors).

What I'm really looking forward to is this upcoming spring season which has the second half of Code Geass and Macross Frontier. Macrass Frontier looks like it's going to be awesome from the one teaser episode they've released thus far.

Zetsubo Sensei is a must too. The most ridiculous mix of Freudian humor since, ever. Then there's the lighter comedy like Potemayo, Sketchbook and the new Aria. Seto no Hanayome was really good for the random, wacky comedy but this year, it looks like They Are My Noble Masters will be the big comedy this year. I really liked the first episode of that.

But yeah, Macross Frontier's first episode felt more like an anime movie than a TV episode. If they can keep that up for 50 episodes, it's going to be the best show ever.

I don't like Akira personally. I do own the special edition DVD and i can appreciate it as a "masterpiece" because it's well done and for the time it was groundbreaking and amazing or whatever. It's not really my cup of tea though. If i were having this conversation in real life my friends would argue "what, because it doesn't have tits?" and then i would say "yeah but it did have tits!"

On the topic of bad animes, I haven't really watched any that I hated. Though i tried to watch Lucky Star one time, and i wanted to blow my brains out. But i'm sure it's a rather good anime (for stupid people).

I would argue that Akira would still be amazing even if it's released today. That and the Akira movie is like a complement to the manga, which I can't see anyone bashing unless you dislike stupid-amounts of action and sex and debauchery.

I love these kinds of shows. Anyone who just wants to relax should watch ARIA the Animation, Haibane Renmei, or Kokoro Library [uNDERRATED :V], then read the Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou manga [then watch the two OVAs for that, and download the totally chill and awesome soundtracks for all of these things I mentioned]

Yes, I also rather enjoy the slice of life genre. Also, if you liked Haibane Renmei check out NieA_7. It's by the same people and is, well, awesome.

Zetsubo Sensei is a must too. The most ridiculous mix of Freudian humor since, ever. Then there's the lighter comedy like Potemayo, Sketchbook and the new Aria. Seto no Hanayome was really good for the random, wacky comedy but this year, it looks like They Are My Noble Masters will be the big comedy this year. I really liked the first episode of that.

But yeah, Macross Frontier's first episode felt more like an anime movie than a TV episode. If they can keep that up for 50 episodes, it's going to be the best show ever.

Yes, Zetsubo Sensei is great too. Have the 1st episode of the second season downloaded, probably watch it tomorrow or sunday. Seto no Hanayome was good, but about half way it felt like they were doing pretty much the same stuff in a slightly different manner, but the show definitely finished strong. I haven't seen any of the other shows, but I have the first episode of They Are My Noble Masters in my queue of things to watch. And this is why I don't like recommending shows... I always forget to mention certain shows, usually because it's been a while since I've watched them.

Though my favorite random comedy of all time is still School Rumble. (Pure awesome)

And 100% agreed on Macross Frontier.

I love these kinds of shows. Anyone who just wants to relax should watch ARIA the Animation, Haibane Renmei, or Kokoro Library [uNDERRATED :V], then read the Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou manga [then watch the two OVAs for that, and download the totally chill and awesome soundtracks for all of these things I mentioned]

"Slice of life" anime is one of my favorite, if not the favorite, types of show. If you're saying that's what those are, then thank you very much! I shall go find them immediately!


I honestly don't like Akira at all. I can appreciate that it IS a well done anime/manga. But personally I just don't like anything about it, I don't like the art style, the story, or the events that take place in it. (Some of them make me uncomfortable and twitchy).

All that said it IS a good anime, just not my cup of tea, so I dislike it.

I haven't seen or heard of most of the anime being talked about now so I'll have to step back and just watch the conversation. Maybe when I have some money I can check out some of the stuff being brought up here though.


I dunno if anybody else has mentioned this, but Higurashi (full name is Higurashi no Naku Koro ni) is a pretty good series. I've only gotten to episode 7, but it's engaging so far.

I dunno if anybody else has mentioned this, but Higurashi (full name is Higurashi no Naku Koro ni) is a pretty good series. I've only gotten to episode 7, but it's engaging so far.

Quoted for emphasis and awesome.

Imagine a MGS (Metal Gear Solid) anime. That would be awesome...

Imagine a castlevania anime made by the dude who does D. Why doesnt this exist?


I love Iria. Iria and Vampire Hunter D on SciFi's saturday morning anime (remember that from way back in the mid/late 90's anyone?) are what got me hooked on anime in the first place.

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