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Level 99

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  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Arrangement & Orchestration
    Drum Programming
    Mixing & Mastering
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)
    Acoustic Guitar
    Electric Bass
    Electric Guitar: Lead
    Electric Guitar: Rhythm
    Vocals: Male

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  1. I again give my permission to monetize my songs on the ocr youtube channel. I don't post much anymore but the site's existence is still important to me, so anything to help make the site's costs easier to manage and plan for is fine by me. Please upload a video at some point of all of Liontamer's Lamborghini hot tubs, though.
  2. Just saying, I make a lot of these. I mean, like A LOT ...yeah...
  3. Edit: Okay, after further consideration and some conversation, I'm tentatively going to keep my tack on here. I'm going to contact everyone with done or near done songs to get this into a small OCRI EP release. No new track assignments, no updates from stuff that isn't close to finished, this is basically just a cleanup job so that the music that is mostly done can be out and we can all move on with our lives.
  4. If I get the chance, I'll upload a mirror of all the stuff that used to be on OCRemoved. Sorry to hear you had to quit the site, Douli. It was stuff Val and I listened to on our date nights
  5. Bring back the old forums, and the sidebar, and all the mixes that were removed! These new forums are legit in all seriousness.
  6. Even if I can't contribute, I want to say how much I am behind this project. I'll see what I can muster, cause this is in my top 5 N64 soundtracks and my top 50 soundtracks ever. LOVE this.
  7. Friday, July 24 to Sunday, July 26 Hamilton Convention Centre, Hamilton, Ontario (in CANADA!) http://conbravo.com OverClocked ReMix's first convention appearance on Canadian soil, and they're sending OverClocked University as the ambassadors of Video Game Music to rock out at ConBravo 2015. TWO OC ReMix panels, ONE OCU performance! Prizes! Music! PowerPoints! SHAQ-FU! (More information coming soon) Panelists: OverClocked University Diodes DragonAvenger Level 99 OA Tom the Drummer! \m/
  8. 1. Post on the forums more than once a month. 2. Clean my plate of all my remaining OCR stuff so I can have a full stop for a little while (need a break for real life for a bit). 3. Get to goal weight of 165 by this time next year, no other pressure physical fitness-wise. 4. Make 2015 the most active and growing musical year for me since 2010. I have hopeful plans to make and release 3-5 albums. 5. Start a family (maybe, this might be a 2016 goal).
  9. Bday! Yours! Stevo! :D

  10. Talking to "some members of the community" is a vague point. How many, who, what did they say specifically, etc.? Posting a thread about it is fine, and if people chime in here, then we can actually SEE how they feel about it. It may or may not change how things are done, as is with everything about the site (DJP always has the last word on everything, even from within staff), but it shows that there's something that possibly needs addressing. As such, I'm going to disregard anyone else and just address you with my post. The reason why there are no qualifications is because, unlike how to become a posted mixer, the qualifications are in flux depending on what the staff is currently in need of. The judges recruitment is a bag all its own that the judges take into very careful consideration when there's a deficit in the amount of votes going on. Other functions of OCR staff are dependent on what the site needs, such as forum mods, album staffers, coding, etc etc. There isn't a single staffer I'm aware of that only does one role. Even if there was, it isn't some kind of standardized test or job you can make a resume for. The philosophy of "don't call us, we'll call you" isn't meant to be deliberately exclusionary, but it is meant to make sure people don't come asking for jobs. There's a lot of reasons behind that. One, if you're approached for a role and you turn it down politely without public spectacle, that's very appropriate. If you come asking for a position, and get passed over for whatever reason, it can possibly be taken personally. Another reason is that sometimes the help that is needed is already underway. We have meetings every week and discuss what the site is currently lacking or how it can be improved, and there's a whole checklist of ongoing staff projects that we keep tabs on, from site redesigns to judge recruitment to workshop changes to forum reorg to whatever we can think of that the site could use. That is also why there's a Feedback section where people can go and post about their ideas for site improvements. It's not there just to take up space on the forums As for time in the community, it varies, just like everything else. Sometimes staff is even brought in from OUTSIDE the community for one reason or another. It could be due to specialized skills, for example. Community membership and participation does add to exposure (we don't know your skills if you don't post at all, so you can't expect to be approached for judge tryouts if you have a 0 postcount ), but its not the be-all end-all. If you do what you are passionate about within the community, such as trying to organize things like compos or direct an album, or give a lot of consistent, quality feedback in the workshop area, then staff might contact you if there's a need in the area you're good at. That's about as solid as things can get That's the reason why staff can't give consistent answers: it's not a static set of criteria. It's not a secret club. Everyone is a volunteer, and there's a lot of work that needs to be done, and gets done. Being staff is more of a responsibility than anything else. Its not a free ride, or a fraternity/sorority. Granted sometimes we just chit chat about normal things since we become very good friends inevitably because of the time we spend working with each other on OCR stuff, but that adds to the chemistry of the work and is one of the better benefits of having to do all these things with our spare time. We're all ears for suggestions about any other roles that are missing, jobs that aren't being done properly, and any area of improvement. We will respond appropriately and, if necessary, explain why some things are they way they are, or why they can't be different, or why you're suggestions can be implemented and how. In short, no, we can't make a list of what is needed to be on OCR Staff.
  11. Wait...I know this guy... Also yes that is totally me on Beth's track and I'm deeply sorry to anyone who has to listen to it
  12. I was just talking about doing something from Phoenix Wright. I was thinking Andrew could retool his "Holiday with Mia Fey" for live performance.
  13. OCAD comes back tomorrow night. 8PM. Ready your panties.
  14. Apparently, I'm going. Only be there Saturday though.
  15. Where is my Homer Simpson "OH MY GOD" Tramopoline reaction youtube?! WHERE IS IT?!
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