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SUCCESS! ReMixes 1-2500 retagged! http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=41730

I still want better encodings of past OC ReMixes. I have most of djp's and Mazedude's stuff, and most mixes with lossless releases (album projects/free Bandcamp DLs) are already covered. I'm looking to get other mixes as well, no matter if they're from 1999 or accepted but not yet posted. IF you've already given me something in the past, I still have it, no worries.

Email me a hosted link to FLAC or WAV copies of your past OC ReMixes at larryoji@ocremix.org. They can't be changed from the existing version on the site, I'm just looking for the versions currently on OCR as WAVs or FLACs.

OC ReMixers with >5 mixes

(specifically listed since you have the most tracks):

Are you on this list? Got WAV backups of your old mixes?


Know someone on this list? Can you ask them for me and report here? THANK YOU!

DON'T have WAVs? PLEASE do let me know, so I don't bug you. 192kbps MP3s are also OK if you had to reduce the bitrate to fit the old 6MB and 8MB size limits, and you have no other backup.

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Dude, I have more than 5, but why am I not there? >_>

1. Don't be slighted! Human error!

2. Don't collab with people with earlier names than yours in the alphabet, OK! It throws off the scent! :-P

Either way, I still have wav forms for a handful of stuff. If you're in the IRC for NGI's 200th episode, I'll bundle everything I have together and send them off then. :)

Excellent. Looking forward to 'em.


Unfortunately, I don't keep wav file copies of my mixes, however I do still have the flp files for a few of them (Day and Night, Welcome Home DK, Chasing Waterfalls) and I should be able to convert them to wav.

The only problem is, I'm positive they will not sound the same as the versions that I submitted, since I usually go back and correct EQing problems as I learn better techniques. I don't believe that I made any major alterations, to them besides the EQing.

If you would like them, I can get them ready for you this weekend, but if they wont work, I understand.

Unfortunately, I don't keep wav file copies of my mixes, however I do still have the flp files for a few of them (Day and Night, Welcome Home DK, Chasing Waterfalls) and I should be able to convert them to wav.

The only problem is, I'm positive they will not sound the same as the versions that I submitted, since I usually go back and correct EQing problems as I learn better techniques. I don't believe that I made any major alterations, to them besides the EQing.

If you would like them, I can get them ready for you this weekend, but if they wont work, I understand.

Definitely feel free to look, but the end result has to be the same. Even EQ changes are a no-go, unfortunately. "Chasing Waterfalls" is on the DKC3 project, so if you gave a lossless copy to Emunator, he should have it, though it doesn't hurt for me to have it too.

I'll dig around this weekend if I remember. Its very well possible I have the original WAVs for my stuff chilling on a CD or disc drive somewhere.

Rock. I definitely appreciate you taking a look, K. Pras.

well, the only remixes of mine that are available as lossless are all of my album tracks and Spoiled R0tt3n

you made it sound like you've already got all of those, so I guess that's it. my older songs' project files are LOOOONG gone

Yeah, I think I've got everything available from your material, but I'll double check and let you know. I know the older stuff's long gone. :'-(


I have a WAV for Juese Belmont, but that's all. Andy might have WAVs for Scenes From a Memory (he did the engineering) and I have no idea about Black Wing Metamorphosis. The rest are all long gone, unfortunately.

I still have the actual project files for a couple of them but they're pretty old; I'm sure they're missing plugins and samples. Trying to piece them back together would be time consuming and even then they wouldn't sound quite the same (something I get the feeling you're trying to avoid).

I'll PM you Juese Belmont.

I have a WAV for Juese Belmont, but that's all. Andy might have WAVs for Scenes From a Memory (he did the engineering) and I have no idea about Black Wing Metamorphosis. The rest are all long gone, unfortunately.

I still have the actual project files for a couple of them but they're pretty old; I'm sure they're missing plugins and samples. Trying to piece them back together would be time consuming and even then they wouldn't sound quite the same (something I get the feeling you're trying to avoid).

I'll PM you Juese Belmont.

The FF7 album had a FLAC release, so no worries about those 2. Thanks so much for Jueeeeeeese. :-)


A lot of my early work was mixed with Audition, which means I'd probably have to reinstall it to mix down to wave. And Audition is crap. Can I just set Winamp to record-to-wav mode and send you those?

[space for facepalm here]

Actually some of my very early work was in Screamtracker. If I could get that to work on Win7 I could render wav files for you...

EDIT: looks like I switched to Impulse Tracker some time before I submitted my first remix. Here are the original files, which you can render to wav with Winamp (no, seriously this time), or look at with a tracker if you're interested in how I constructed them:

Final Fantasy: http://neutronstar.org/music/FFREMIX.IT

Koudelka (bonus ReMoved mix!): http://neutronstar.org/music/KOUDELKA.IT

Moon Patrol: http://neutronstar.org/music/MOONPTRL.IT

FF9 Qu's Marsh: http://neutronstar.org/music/QU.IT

  • 2 weeks later...

If I can ever figure out what is causing EWQL silver (old orchestral set) to not work on my new workstation, I'd be happy to re-render. Unfortunately, East West and NI split up years ago and no one at East West seems to know how to fix my Kompakt problem...

Only other option is to plug my new samples in but that would change the sound of the mixes. :)

  • 3 years later...

Hi, any chance you'll offer the djpretzel and Mazedude (or any remixer) wav files for download?  Or FLAC versions of those wav files?  I know the torrents keep getting updated with better mp3 files from these originals...so how about just releasing the originals?  I'd love to have lossless copies of these remixes.  Thanks!

  • 3 months later...
On 5/28/2016 at 10:22 PM, bobsmith19 said:

Hi, any chance you'll offer the djpretzel and Mazedude (or any remixer) wav files for download?  Or FLAC versions of those wav files?  I know the torrents keep getting updated with better mp3 files from these originals...so how about just releasing the originals?  I'd love to have lossless copies of these remixes.  Thanks!

Definitely interested in a torrent of all songs as close to the original as possible while still easily playable on a PC with say foobar2000 or similar music player capable of plugins.

FLAC of all songs, and also versions where the original was say impulse tracker format that is easily playable without rendering it to flac first.


  • 3 years later...
Posted (edited)

Sorry for the re-post from the Newbies forum, but I figure it'd get more attention here (not that it demands it... except imo :p slightly). Been brought up multiple times, but hopefully the following is concise.


I haven't consistently visited or downloaded 99.5% of OCRs ever since around 2008. But I just decided to start listening from 3000-current. (And 1500-3000 after that, and hell might as well go through 1-1000 for nostalgia.) And, after liking what I've heard so far, and occasionally being unable to find lossless versions online, I've been thinking of some ideas to incorporate FLAC into published OCRs.


Idea #1:

a) Always ask for lossless from submissions by asking them to be sent through a reliable data service.

(How's a mix utmost 'properly' judged without doing so, actually? I don't know how things work around here/now, so maybe asking for lossless already happens. ... If not: well "a)" would make it so!)

b) Delete them if the submission is voted No [thus not published] — unless a separate organizational entity wishes to keep them, for [?] reason.

c) Convert the FLAC to MP3 for publication on OCR's main page. (I don't know the ideal MP3 conversion: if it should be consistent or depend on some standard—likely file-size-related.)

d) Safe-keep the FLAC until it's time to release another major torrent. (Yes, that long.)

e) Include all possible* FLACs in the official OCR torrents. ... So, alongside the MP3s: make the FLACs only downloadable via torrent—for obvious economical reasons.

F) Soak up the inner anguish of ~4000 OCRs having gone by without this idea having been incorporated & learn to enjoy the vastly sized future!

* — I would imagine not every mix could be made available in FLAC if the submitter declares he/she doesn't want it available for any reason. They can declare so in the future, too.

Delaying the release of the FLAC until it's time for the torrent also gives the submitter time to decide what direction they want to go for the availability of their mix.


Idea #2:

There is no Idea #2, because relying on unincorporated third parties for the OCR lossless feature would ultimately be a segregated impractical mess of invisible egos pitted against each other. :) ... ... (I've even had the idea myself to take up the task, in the distant past. But ultimately I don't think it would be the way to go.)

The only other party would be the submitter putting the mix up on other websites. (I'm not exactly sure what the policy currently is on that, but seems like free reign sans filename/metadata.)



So in combination with asking ReMixers for past lossless mixes (at whatever time the admins feel like it), the above system in place could be a good way to streamline the whole process.

Having this streamlined would organically influence and attract non-FLAC savvy ReMixers via increased social desire to submit official quality improvements of their older and future works, grow the count of the site's listener base by offering "CD Quality" versions of what otherwise prevents their full attention, and enhance present listeners' experiences.

Edited by Audity
New final sentence. Clarified submitter's right to object.

How's that possible?

Even as an advanced freshman in things like composing or remixing I'd never even get rid of any of my music projects files (and even there I have several music project files for one track - some sort of backups for different development stages of the track I'm working on) - which I also save on an external hard disk drive a second time, nearly every year.

So, with these music project file sources you are always able to create quite any kind of audio files from.

Posted (edited)
On 9/9/2019 at 3:56 PM, Master Mi said:

How's that possible?

Even as an advanced freshman in things like composing or remixing I'd never even get rid of any of my music projects files (and even there I have several music project files for one track - some sort of backups for different development stages of the track I'm working on) - which I also save on an external hard disk drive a second time, nearly every year.

So, with these music project file sources you are always able to create quite any kind of audio files from.

i started in fl studio 4.1, went to reason 3 for a while, then stayed with FL6 through current. during that time, i went through five OS installations over fifteen years. most of my VSTs and samplesets required installation to have the proper registry keys. if i don't have that particular version, or installer (elastik comes to mind, you can't get elastik 1.x anymore and the later versions don't load consistently on my pc), i can't access my old tracks anymore. so even though i have the project files for everything going back to my last external hard drive mishap (so, ~2008), i can't access most of it without significant work rebuilding the original file with new versions of old synths.

Edited by prophetik music

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