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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/11/2015 in all areas

  1. I've found the setting and increased it to 25. http://community.invisionpower.com/topic/342760-like-system-reputation-in-32/
    2 points
  2. I started doing what I needed and got better at it with time, never really practiced as much as just recording stuff and thinking it was great then having it actually be somewhat good eventually. It's nice to think something is great when you're starting out even if it sucks donkey udders
    2 points
  3. I'm a freelance Sound Engineer, Composer and Sound Designer. I’ve got 9 years experience working on a range of projects including; recording, mixing, film audio, audio / visual art and game audio. I'm always on the look out for new and exciting projects to engage. As a Composer I cover a range of genres including; 8bit / Cinematic / Orchestral / Electronic / Hip Hop / Pop / Rock. I also have a large sample library available for projects in need of sound or sound design. AUDIO EXAMPLES Game Music Library Retro / Arcade / 8 Bit Cinematic Live Instruments PREVIOUS CLIENTS & PROJECTS Title:2112TD Developer: Refinery Productions Future sci-fi themed tower defence / real-time strategy -- Title: Meanwhile in a Parallel Universe Developer:Zombie Indie House Side on side Castle Defence / Strategy -- Title: Infinite Pixels Developer: Somniare Aventure / Retro / Sandbox -- Title: Fighter Attitude Developer: Kaveluza Arcade / Fighting -- Title:Regalia Alpha Developer:Zombie Indie House 2D Platform / Arcade / Adventure -- Title: Tiny Tomb Robbers Developer: Tiny Touches Adventure / Puzzle / Retro -- Visit the Refinery Audio Production Services Website for the full list of past projects. AWARDS AND ACHIEVEMENTS 2# Place in the Game Yo Yo Big Win Competition with Zombie Indie House 1# Place in the Glitchjam competition for music and sound design 3# Tizen Game Drive Competition with Zombie Indie House Honourable mention in the Tizen App Challenge with Zombie Indie House For references and testimonials visit: Linkedin Profile If you are in need of sound or music for a project your working on then please don’t hesitate to get in touch. I always do my best to be flexible with rates for indie projects. My contact email is: james@refineryproductions.com Like Refinery on Facebook
    1 point
  4. I'd like to urge the inclusion of compositional aspects, such as meandering chord movement, bad counterpoint (where counter melodies are present), bad voicing of parts, lack of agreement between parts, improper understanding of source material's harmonic structure (so when people hear poorly/gratingly harmonized source melody notes they can check this box).
    1 point
  5. Jill and I are huge fans of Game of Thrones - her maybe even more than me! - and so we decided to do our own take of the main theme. Jill did a lot of the arrangement, writing and performing the lyrics in actual Dothraki, plus playing recorder & hand drum. I did most of the production and then Jeff Ball recorded violin & viola to make it even more awesome. Really proud of the end result.. but the music video is even cooler imo Check it out below!
    1 point
  6. Quota of positive votes per day... is that really necessary?? I just got on today and it says I'm at my quota, I couldn't even like ONE post... I must have done some liking after midnight is the only explanation I can think of.
    1 point
  7. Not sure if they have already been mentioned, but I have a couple of things. When I'm browsing through the forums on my phone, the site randomly switches between the mobile and full version. Also, I don't see a way to skip to different pages in the mobile version (I may have overlooked it, idk...). I have to go through every page. In the full version the page numbers are on the bottom, but in mobile you just have "next" and "previous."
    1 point
  8. It's finally here! Words cannot express
    1 point
  9. Received some cool guitar recordings from Tuberz today! Good progress, I'll get cracking with finishing the mix
    1 point
  10. What just happened to me?!? Oh my heavens. Even those who can't handle total crazy - and trust me, my eyebrows almost raised off my head at the first 30 seconds - need to listen to 1:00 through 2:30 AT MINIMUM, particularly the breakdowns starting around 2:00 - these are some really talented interpretations of the source. Of course, the piece, as a whole, is completely dunked in a frying vat of insanity, but even that can't totally hide the talent underneath. I'm not sure I can recommend this - but man, you should at least give it a try.
    1 point
  11. I tend to travel quite a lot, which restricts practising multiple instruments. It's possible to pack my flute in my bag, but if I have to take my singing books, piccolo and trumpet with me as well than it gets harder. And then I'm not even mentioning the impossibility to pack a grand piano... So I mostly break up my practice sessions on conveniability. Which results in some pretty desastrous situations. Since I've been in Oslo for almost two weeks now I haven't touched a single instrument except a crappy recorder I tried out at some marketplace! And because before I went to Oslo I was in Malmö (Sweden), and also had exams in Leiden (The Netherlands) I haven't touched my trumpet for over 2 months. My advice for other people with similar problems as me is to practise music that doesn't require any physical instrument efficiently. I train my transcribingskills while listening to music in the train or plane. By combining absolute pitch, intervals, recognising chordprogressions and an iPod you can get pretty far. And if you don't have absolute pitch you can at least practise your intervals and such. With knowledge like that I just do the arranging in my head and work it out on actual instruments when its possible. And of course, you can sing scales and such wherever you are. And then, when I'm back at home I can do some hardcore trumpet playing, spent at least an hour a day on the piano and still have time left for some actual recording because I already did all of the arranging in my head. It's perhaps not the best way from a schedular perspective, but it works for me and it's better than trying to pack your piano.
    1 point
  12. Feedback is most welcome, please- I'm new to the OC ReMix crowd so I'd love to start off strong with my first submission. Thanks! I initially imagined going more orchestral since it's such a melodic, fluid piece. Alas, there have been other remixes of that nature, and my strongest suit is bass/groove/vibe. That seems to be untouched territory on this song, as far as I can find, so I embraced a new direction. It's got an R&B/Electronic vibe that slowly build while scattering in the notable motifs from the original. I reharmonized the chord structure, and took my own liberties on the bass line, made my own samples, etc. This is one of my all time favorite games that I've played through countless times since I was a kid. Track is made with respect and affection. Cheers! ReMix: Source:
    1 point
  13. [MODREVIEW] Secret of Mana is such a great soundtrack filled with so many intricacies to play with. - Really digging that opening bass riffing you have going on up to :55 - I think the melody after that could stand to come out a smidge, but not too much more since it's very high Hz. You could roll off the highs a bit and bring it out more but it might lose the sparkle; it's up to you. - the 1:55 section is so RJD2. It's cool. I could stand to hear a little more of the sax and flute/looping or whatever that is back there. It's a supporting role, yeah, but I think it could use some more breathing room and you have the room in the mix to do it. - Same crit on the melody at 3:32. I would have liked more of it. It kicks in nice and full at about 3:45 though so I wouldn't ding you for keeping it suggestive there to increase the payoff. In fact, go ahead and keep it. - My least favorite part was the ending. It just sort of...dies, almost in the middle of an idea. Given the rest of the track's greatness, I think you can come up with something much better than that for the ending. - I think the track could use a mastering run to boost the volume a bit and fill it out. In general, a really unique take on the source and I really like your style. Great job! [/MR]
    1 point
  14. You'd have to take it up with old-school forumite JesusTheDarkLord.
    1 point
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