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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/19/2015 in all areas

  1. Here's the link to the Remix: http://www.homegrownhymns.com/PickinColors.mp3 Hi all... this is my first attempt at posting anything to OCR. Though I love all genres of music, my experience thus far has been mostly with Bluegrass. So, I found a song that I thought would work well with this genre and created a remix of the Mario Paint Theme Song. I still have ideas for enhancements I'd like to make to this remix, but am most interested in hearing what the OCR community thinks. Please listen and let me know your thoughts on how I can improve this arrangement! Thanks
    1 point
  2. Oh no! I missed out on a Kamelot discussion! Okay it's like two months too late, but check out Tommy Karevik's other band, Seventh Wonder: He's actually a very versatile singer. The reason he sounds so much like Kahn in Kamelot is because Kamelot writes the vocal parts the same way they always have with no regard for what he's actually capable of. And speaking of more proggy stuff involving that Tommy Karevik has been involved in: Any Ayreon fans in here? I've discovered a lot of music just from exploring the bands of singers Arjen gets on his albums.
    1 point
  3. I'm waiting on the new Lamb of God and new Fear Factory to hit. Both have had really solid samples posted on youtube.
    1 point
  4. Hello everyone! Well, I love music and video games (duh). Gaming and drumming, being my two main hobbies, have both had major influences on my lifestyle. Almost as long as I can remember, I've been listening to OCRemix, thanks to my big brother. This site has done a lot to inspire my love for music, as well as my ambition to remix songs. While I'm still learning how to write music as I go, I've made it a goal to work towards to begin submitting songs to this community. My brother and I are currently working together on writing our first remix, so I decided to go ahead and make a forum profile. I don't know how long it will be until we have something presentable, but I think it should turn out really well!
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. I'm truly satisfied that you have 0 control over the selection process.
    1 point
  7. That nurse's voice is so silly. This whole ReMix is silly. *KOFF KOFF KOFF KOFF WEEZ(ING)*
    1 point
  8. MOD REVIEW Sound effect! Woot! I likes me some sound effects - not even kidding, I can't make a Sonic mix without em'. The whole mix sounds pretty quite, though. There just doesn't seem to be anything filling the track past the melody and the bass. The whole arrangement sounds hollow, because of this. That square is quite piercing, which almost hurts in contrast to everything else. The bass actually is really awesome (lots of play with it throughout), but it seems to be fading in and out, which is just distracting. The fading in and out seems to be occurring throughout the track in almost all of its parts (not just the bass), so the effect is much more pronounced and distracting. Unless you're going for a particular effect, I would leave the larger volume envelopes alone. The arrangement doesn't seem to have any organization. The source is there, and it's creatively interpreted, but it's just... hard to follow. The lack of structure is distracting. I enjoyed the bass and a lot of the effects you used, but I don't think this would pass if you were to submit it.
    1 point
  9. Hey man. This is a huuuuuge project you're looking at. 3 discs is a lot, even for big name series like Final Fantasy or Sonic the Hedgehog. While the Pikmin series is bomb af, it doesn't really hold the star power to get 3 discs of quality remixed music. I think maybe cutting it down to either just one game, or one disc with a bit of everything on it might make things more manageable. Speaking of manageable, let's talk about your project organization. If you're serious about getting a quality product in a reasonable amount of time, I'd advise revamping your OP a bit. Check out this guide on remix projects to get a good idea on what OCR is looking at for Remix Albums, and try checking out different project history threads to see what worked and what didn't. While I have absolutely zero experience directing a project, I've seen enough project threads to know that some crash and burn and some (definitely a smaller amount) grow into a quality OCR album. Here are some quick tips: If you're serious about this, grab a co-director with some experience or star power on OCR. Not saying that new folk don't have the ability to run a good project, but you need remixers first and foremost, and remixers aren't going to flock to a project headed by a guy with only one post on the forums. Speaking of remixers, go ask for some. This thread is great for starters, but sending a message to some remixers you respect/want on your project is more direct, and probably would yield better results. I'm not a good musician by any means, so take this with a grain of salt, but I'm always more likely to respond positively with a message from a director than by a R&C thread. That being said, expect remixers to say no, and be okay with that. It seems like everyone is hella busy nowadays (or maybe just me lol), and oftentimes good remixers are working on multiple projects. Organize your OP. As I said earlier, check out that project guide. Throw some links to your sources so it's easy for people to listen to different source tunes. Set up a general timeline so people know what your expectations are in terms of chugging this thing out. The more clear you are as a director, the easier it will be for everyone. I don't mean to scare you off from this project, but I just want you understand that running a project is a bit more than it looks. Ask some other project directors for tips if you're really interested. I'm by no means AT ALL an expert on projects (not even a posted remixer lmfao), so their insight is probably more valuable than mine. Anyway, didn't mean to derail the thread too much. Good luck dude!
    1 point
  10. How's it going my name is Matt. I'm brand new to the forums but have been doing remixes for a little while. I've known about ocremix for a while, though never thought of joining the forums till recently. I've been studying guitar for about three years now and am really looking forward to meeting fellow vg music fanatics! I do have a sound cloud if anyone is interested in hearing my stuff. I only have about one remix posted though, the rest is original stuff. If anyone is looking to collaborate or just talk about whatever feel free to message me! Thanks!
    1 point
  11. Hi there! I always found vgm to be somewhat special, and as I've been making music from a few years now, I ended making what I think cool covers/remixes of my favorite tunes. Now I think it is time for me to share some stuff, and I'll be very pleased to get some feedback on my work, as I've never realy exposed it to any other than a few friends and familly members. I'm a keyboardist/producer (as in "I do stuff on FL Studio"), speed/shred/melodic/powerful/stupid oriented, be it in metal, happyhardcore, hardstyle or anything else, with possibly a touch of ukulele and melodica sometimes. Whatever, I'm really happy to join the rank of OCR, and maybe one day (soon?) become a ReMixer! Nice to meet you!
    1 point
  12. Hi, I'm a huge lurker and have been active in other parts of the video game music community. I'm looking to improve my remixing and production skills with all of your great feedback. I've been listening to music from here since 1999, and think I'm finally brave / mature enough to try to get a song on here, haha. You might know me as the keyboardist from Arc Impulse. Nice to meet you all!
    1 point
  13. Hello all. Long time, first time. Been lurking for years but I guess I felt this was the right time to actually post (I've been registered since Jan 2014). I'm a musician but don't make remixes. I'm also a radio host. Looking to enjoy the community first hand!
    1 point
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