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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/31/2015 in all areas

  1. This is worth a thread. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=A2jpeFlfX60 I hope this isn't a one time thing, I missed them terribly.
    2 points
  2. How will I ever top this masterpiece though? https://soundcloud.com/ethanrexmusic/killer-beets-ground-man-and
    2 points
  3. Hey there! Lots of firsts for me with this thread: first post on OCR, first game remix, first track that I take the time to actually polish. Anyway, here's my take on the main theme of Panzer Dragoon Zwei, one of my cherished games back in the Saturn days. I took the main melody (about 30-40 seconds) and for good or bad turned it into some 5min+ prog metal/rock number. I'm afraid it's quite liberal, but hopefully it doesn't cross the line. Source: ReMix: current version 31/07/2015 version (ending a bit on the loud side) older version from october 2011 (different mix and libraries) Source breakdown: 0:00 - 0:45 | Theme on bagpipes 0:45 - 1:22 | Theme variations played by the two lead guitars 1:22 - 1:40 | Original part (melody is actually borrowed from a folk song) 1:40 - 2:17 | Further variations on lead guitar and bagpipes (more loosely connected) 2:17 - 2:35 | Original part 2:35 - 3:49 | Variations on clean guitar 3:49 - 4:07 | Theme played by bass 4:07 - 4:27 | Loose variation on lead clean guitar 4:27 - 4:45 | Guitar solo loosely based on theme 4:45 - 5:04 | Theme on bagpipes, harmonized theme on lead guitar 5:04 - 5:13 | More variations on lead guitar and bagpipes 5:13 - 5:45 | Theme ending repeated Some interesting and not-so-interesting trivia about the track: - The Sky Boat in the title stands for the airship Shelcoof, which Lundi and his dragon Lagi chase throughout the whole game. But it also refers to a Scottish folk song called The Skye Boat Song, which is not an uncommon tune to play on bagpipe. I actually used the melody from this song at 1:22. - I'm pretty sure Grandia's Farewell To Sue was an inspiration for the part beginning at 3:49. This song had quite an impact on me when I was young. On an unrelated note: the soundtrack had some bagpipes in it. - The trailing melody starting on the left guitar at 5:22 is a small nod to the Witcher menu theme (see 0:55 and 1:35). Unrelated note: bagpipes in there too! - Apart from the source, I listened to the on the Alternative Elements album quite a lot. It's a bit of a stretch, but I think the strings starting at 0:35 in that song have somehow resulted in what's happening near 1:59 in my remix. - I was trying to go for a "journey" feel, so there are few parts repeated, the whole track is more like a linear progression instead of something with verses / choruses. Exceptions are 0:46 - 1:40 and 1:40 - 2:35, which are constructed identically (and alternate between 3/4 and 4/4). Many thanks in advance for your feedback!
    1 point
  4. kitty

    Heroes of the Storm

    I don't think I'll ever get tired of slapping people with a fish.
    1 point
  5. I have loved this tune for a long time now, and an electronica-remix would do nicely. I also have a lot of love at the moment for Jojo The Monkey Theme from Monkey Island 2, so if someone could do that too, that would be awesome. Regards!
    1 point
  6. The M50x came in the mail today; I am quite impressed with how they sound. After a lot of internal deliberation, I decided to go with the M50x for the great price I got on Amazon Prime. One thing I forgot to mention earlier: I have a massive head (relatively ofc) and pretty big ears, so the fact that the M50x fits over my head and completely over my ears is a big plus. The strong bass is really nice for casual listening too; I haven't tried any mixing/mastering with them yet, but I'm sure they're fine with that too. Thank you so much to everyone who replied! I appreciate it a quite a bit.
    1 point
  7. Wow... Thanks evktalo and MrKyle for the feedback! evktalo added: I completely understand and agree. I did get my recording equipment and am experimenting with it now. My plans are to replace the midized version of my banjo playing with the real thing (we'll see how that goes). Also, I have a bass, but it's an electric bass. That one would be easy to record. I'll experiment with that too! evktalo also added: I agree again. I've got some ideas here. I'll incorporate and re-post. MrKyle adds: I'm somewhat of a newbie to these ideas, but I can see in the DAW I used (Audacity) that they have an equalizer option. My guess is that I can work with this and add the noted enhancements. I don't know what "Side-chaining" is though. I'll look it up on the internet. In summary, I'm kind of amazed that there's an on-line forum/community that offers good constructive criticism. Thanks OCR Community!
    1 point
  8. MOD REVIEW Alrighty, mod review time! Yes, dropping out that arpeggio helped a lot. The pads used really sounded like a breath in the song that was very much needed. Very nice update on this one Giving it a full listen again, the drums and clap don't seem to fit all that well against this chill atmosphere. I understand you were going for a hip-hop feel, but I don't quite think this ended up being hip hop. It seemed to transform into something more new age-y instead, so the drums, rather than bring you back to the hip hop style, seems instead to clash with the rest of the song. Also, in the same vein as the arpeggio before the update, I notice the drums literally have only one pattern. Believe it or not, if drums just fill the space they just get in the way of the music. Your drums will need some more spice, more variety and less stylistic clashing (unless, of course, you can really make it work - do enough cool things with the drums in a hip hop style and it might actually swing the whole track in your favor). I'm not sure about the ending on this, still. It sounds like it could really use one more chord, or something to close it off. It's not abrupt, it just sounds a little incomplete. Production is pretty good in this one. There is a lot of bass in this one, though. Don't be afraid to fill the high end by utilizing either different instrument, or (less disruptively) incorporate some higher end EQ in the reverb setup that you have. Overall, this is very good, almost there, I feel. The drums are not really up to par with the rest of the track, though, and that ending is a bit on the rough side. Barring that, though, I could see this being a possible post on the site, but not before these things are addressed.Great track otherwise, though; the chill nature of the instruments and the subdued pace of the track really give it some charm that I get a kick out of.
    1 point
  9. 2:30-2:31. You sneaky bros.
    1 point
  10. Between a Nicolas Cage black metal track, an orchestra dubstep arrangement, and Eino's crazy rock remix, this album will be the weirdest OCR will ever release.
    1 point
  11. I'll give the same answer every time... before you start throwing money at the screen for brand names or specs.. consider that the most important thing is using a set of headphones that you're familiar with. The most important thing is to be intimately familiar with the sound you are hearing, know where the weaknesses are in your headphones, and be able to compensate for that.. like for example I know 2500KHz has a fall-off in the right speaker of my wireless sennheiser monitoring headphones. Whether you pay $5 or $500 makes little difference, most of the work will be training yourself to listen with whatever headphones you get. Becoming familiar with how those headphones color the sound and how to compensate for that. Buying a super expensive pair is less important than many people will have you believe.
    1 point
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