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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/03/2015 in all areas

  1. Round 1 music is available in the first post. Alright, please pardon my language for this post. HOLY FUCKING SHIT YOU GUYS THIS MUSIC IS AMAZING Okay now that that's out of the way: voting for round 1 is open. For everyone participating as a voter, PLEASE read the entire first post of the voting thread before posting your vote! Some things have changed, especially with regards to how you should format your votes. Following the updated instructions and format will help me to put out tallies and results in a much more timely manner! Thank you!
    6 points
  2. With Round 1 Underway it's time to introduce the: Over the course of the WCRG 2015, QUESTIONS WILL BE ANSWERED! Will The Nightmare Tank Police be able to make every deadline? Or will stress, and terrible photoshopping of MAGfest photos threaten to tear the team apart?! ...and just what is REALLY going on behind the scenes of the NTP? Stay up on the WCRG each week to find out!
    3 points
  3. Eino and his awesome team (Jorito, Tuberz McGee, and XPRTNovice) are done! Brandon is finishing up his own remix in the coming days. If I could upload the album before mid-August, that'd be ultra rad.
    2 points
  4. Now that the first round is complete and voting is underway, I'd like to remind everyone to review and adhere to the Competitions Code of Conduct. Keep the CCC in mind when you're discussing, reviewing, and voting on this week's remixes. To answer a question that was posted earlier, yes, Google Drive is fine for providing me with your mix. I apologize for not posting what to put for the gauntlet theme this week. I'll do that earlier this week. I also want to thank everyone for adhering to submission and voting standards thusfar. There have been no bad file names, no 48kHz 24 bit WAV files, everyone is using the right format in the voting threads, etc. So far so good; let's keep things rolling smoothly for the rest of the competition!
    2 points
  5. What has been seen cannot be unseen
    2 points
  6. My favorite part of the Music Composition/Production forum is watching Timaeus and Neblix fight.
    2 points
  7. It's too late for the first round maybe, but how about a listening party for the second round?
    1 point
  8. Whohoo! Hoping these last 2 remixes (from Strader and Slimy, right?) will be finished soon. Can't wait too much longer for the trailer to be released to start teh hype, no? We need our names in internet lights
    1 point
  9. submitted a bonus for this PRC, getting hella anxious for SFRG that I just wanted to mix something really bad.lol
    1 point
  10. shouts to Impact Soundworks for mein piano patch. also you guys, wtf, stop being such creative and awesome people dagnabbit--these songs are, in fact, the bomb. If I end up bored (and have internets) during my 40+ hour travel sesh on Tuesday, I'll see if I can crank out some reviews.
    1 point
  11. I use that for my 3DS and WiiU accounts... timaeus222 and k-wix have posted their first WIPs, and they're coming along nicely. No hard cut-offs or anything like that for tomorrow, just make sure you're working on your remixes!
    1 point
  12. Worshipping goat is so old Testament. I was never too into Thrash metal. So many jokes. Sorry to disappoint everyone though, but the conclusion to the Cage trilogy didn't end up being black metal like the first 2. It's the most commercial of the 3 mixes. And right now the idea for which Cage quotes to use from which movie is kind of a mess. The song is perfect 3rd sequel material where a series gets stretched too thin to the point where the 3rd one completely loses what made them great to begin with.
    1 point
  13. Just sent ours in! What a week. Completely blown away by these two other guys in the team. Ooooompgh. That's the word.
    1 point
  14. Pretty sure all Castlevania metalheads around here worship goat.
    1 point
  15. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I thought the Wickerman remake resolved his financial issues?
    1 point
  16. Yep, I've actually been thinking about that. It was originally like that because of the lack of any brass presence outside the lead trumpet, and it felt odd having a strong brass intro followed by a complete lack of brass. In hindsight I should have thought "Why not add more brass?" instead of "There's not enough brass for that to work". It'll probably be the next change. I think I'll go for a more bombastic intro. Haha, yeah. I've been having a terrible idea with creativity and that's exactly what I did. Major over minor. While it clashes somewhat, I (at the time) enjoyed how it sounded and wanted to get a little feedback. I personally think it works to an extent and doesn't clash enough to harm the melody, but I'm open to feedback and realize It could still use some adjustments. And yes, that is indeed a chanting choir. Still trying to blend it in and out, though. It was there before, just not prominent enough to be noticeable. I'm not sure how much I like it at this point. I feel it does add a certain amount of epic to that segment, but I get this feeling that it's still missing something. Quite a few. Crescendos, flutes, mordents, graces, staccatos, valve flutters. You name it and it's probably there. I'm still getting down all the keyswitches though. That's always given me trouble. I should certainly put it all to more use, though. The most common articulation used in this mix is simply called "sustained warm". So far I've only used a few key switches in the song - Most notably the flute trills during the intro, and the more obvious staccatos throughout the song. I should be able to spice it up a bit more. Indeed! I do love me some harp arps! Advanced Orchestra's harp sample is pretty awesome as well. And the Friedlander Violin is probably the best purchase I've made. The amount of detail and quality(when I use it right!) is insane for the price(and the Kontakt Player compatibility).
    1 point
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