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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/08/2015 in all areas

  1. Well I do have the main arrangement idea tied up at least haha so there's hope!
    3 points
  2. Here's a jazz remix of the the Wily Stages 3/4 from Mega Man 3. I originally made this for the DoD Contest last month and it actually received some good feedback, so i thought why not submit it to OCR Source: https://youtu.be/iNM7ydpIysE ReMix: https://app.box.com/s/juozaj9qdbvqqqmckzce98z5ookxibyl
    1 point
  3. Were there any plans, official or otherwise, for a listening party tomorrow? If it's towards the evening I should be able to make it.
    1 point
  4. Of course this'll make it.
    1 point
  5. *Thumbs up* Sounds perfectly postable/awesome. Do it
    1 point
  6. Why don't you just use the next day completing a more reasonable remix to the compo? The due date isn't for another 22 hours.
    1 point
  7. It's been a cluster of a week but my track is nearly finished. Just going to do some mastering to it when i get home and send it in before something else happens. Willrock, hope you're going this week.
    1 point
  8. As a lurker/outsider, I would say that the vast majority of people who even know this forum exists know by now that projects come out on their own schedule. The rest are likely younger kids who aren't going to be silenced anyways. Honestly, I'm surprised at what (I agree with Brandon Strader) came across as being angry. It's an open forum. Asking about the release date is part of open discussion. If you don't want conversation regarding hype/release/joviality/etc., then it might be best to make Projects a closed forum, open to the artists, project managers, and judges only. I will say that my knowledge of such things are that the more "businesslike" a forum is, the less fun it is, which is completely against my impression of the OCR community. The main reason I've been lurking the past decade or so is that while I appreciate the work going on here, I have not the musical ability to feel comfortable with carving out a place here for myself. Lastly, I will say that for this project in particular, my impression is that folks are less concerned about "when is it coming out," than "IS it coming out." I'm sure everyone would have to agree that 5 years is a fairly long development period, given that most of it was done years ago. That's no a critique, I'm sure there are good reasons, but there will also be a natural amount of curiosity. Curiosity isn't a bad thing, neither is hype for a release. Since there has been significant movement in the last few months and the release is imminent, I would wager the posts here are more excitement than frustration. And frustration of "when do I get my free stuff" should just be ignored. That's all I have to say. As I crawl back in my hole I just want to say good luck with the release, and I'm sure it'll be suitably epic.
    1 point
  9. Yeah, there's a reason this thing's done in teams.
    1 point
  10. It didn't happen last week, but I've been sick a few times trying to do a track for a compo too. Whatever free time you had to spend on your track gets diverted into extra sleep and whatever else you need to do to get well. It really sucks. Hope you get better soon!
    1 point
  11. Yo man, if you need assistance just PM me
    1 point
  12. Composers, like CG artists, face the uncanny valley when attempting to simulate realism. Things that are heavily stylized and/or clearly fake are often less off-putting than things that strive for realism but only partially achieve it. How far it's worth pursuing simulated realism -- assuming your work isn't dictated by a client's needs -- is a question of the extent to which you view the pursuit of realism as an artistic goal in itself. Personally, I'm fascinated by the pursuit of a technically unachievable goal, I'm interested in the technology driving that pursuit, I enjoy the challenge, and I think that grappling with the musical and philosophical issues raised by simulated realism has made me a better musician, or at very least a better listener and audio-editor. (Helps, of course, that I also have enough disposable income to overcome a lot of the cost barriers.) Your mileage may vary, of course.
    1 point
  13. So my birthday came and went, with no FFIX album to make it perfect. Thanks, Obama.
    1 point
  14. Yeah fair point, should've done really. I'm really surprised no one else had a go remixing your selection. I thought my choice was going to get completely overlooked when I heard it, lol. Perfect VGM, really. Happy and full of nostalgia. Well, I felt nostalgic listening to it and I haven't even bought the game yet.
    1 point
  15. Hey dudes, things are going swell, even have some WIPS coming in. Maybe hold off on sharing with the general public, but at some point I'll establish some private forums for us to share stuff with other peeps on the project. That'll mean we can offer feedback without spoiling elements of the album for listeners. But yeah guys, it's brilliant to have so many of you interested in this! <3
    1 point
  16. How about some Imperanon? Sadly, they never really took off. While I'm not a huge metal fan, Stained was a pretty cool album. This song was always my favorite And then there's Amberian Dawn, another older favorite of mine.
    1 point
  17. I'll be honest, I never did like this band but that new track up there is pretty good. Sounds like the oldschool thrash metal bands and that is totally Hangar 18 at one part.
    1 point
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