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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/04/2015 in all areas

  1. Just noting, I don't have a problem with an artist mentioning they won't revise a track, and neither should anyone else; that's their prerogative. Artists should keep in mine though that, it doesn't change the outcome of whether we'd pass something or not. Whether an artist is just "done" in their mind with a track or the source file became corrupted and edits aren't possible, all we can do as judges is see what's in front of us and go from there. Opening bubbly synths were cool, though the saw synth first used at :12 was bland/vanilla. Small thing, but I heard lots of soft clicks/pops through :23-:37 as well. Make sure to listen back to your renders just to sanity-check this stuff. The energy of the piece isn't bad, but the groove was pretty thin when things picked up and the simplistic clap groove didn't fill out the background enough. Some tasteful, more consistent ambient padding could go a long way into not letting this piece feel so barren, and making the overall groove more varied and sophisticated would help also. Cool stuff so far, T.K., and I definitely hope we hear more from you. NO (resubmit)
    1 point
  2. I just picked up some DT880's. $180 on Amazon atm, not far off from ATH M50x at reg price. It's less bassy, but I notice in a good way. It's semi-open, so the bass is no longer contained. I get the same (honestly, better) clarity without the fatigue.
    1 point
  3. Undertale really caught my mind on fire with it's gameplay, music and story much like Shovel Knight did last year, so I'm thrilled to hear OA and Stevo take on some of the soundtrack's best themes (even though most of the OST is pretty "the best themes", ). The originals were both either epic or touching, but putting them together in a pop rock track that both ReMixer's really excel at was fun to listen to. The production was top notch and I really enjoyed the arrangement that allowed these themes to form a sweet song. For those who have played the game, this is an awesome picture of part of the game that really hammers in the feels, and for those who haven't played it yet, you'd really benefit from checking it out right after downloading this mix.
    1 point
  4. Nice signature, Eino! Can I use it?
    1 point
  5. Welp... only a few more days or so until release. I hope everyone is happy with this small album. Not as cool as that giant Castlevania one, I suppose, but still a fun little album. A nice mix of styles and some really good coverage of older, obscure games, which I'm always in favor of. Thanks again to everyone! Hope you guys like it!
    1 point
  6. No use beating a dead horse I guess. I liked working on VVIII a lot, so if you have new album ideas, feel free to reach out to me.
    1 point
  7. Tables

    OCR Secret Santa 2015

    Yay! Glad that those lil guys made it to you safely. They look awesome in that already awesome collection - glad I could add to it
    1 point
  8. wildfire

    OCR Secret Santa 2015

    I got my Secret Santa gift today, that was super quick! Thanks Tables, I love these plushies so much! They're a great addition to my plushie collection at work!
    1 point
  9. The Damned

    Jessica Jones

    Man, there's this great show on but everyone's not watching it because it's exactly like a shitty movie based upon a shitty book based upon a shitty fanfic of a shitty series of novels about vampires fucking werewolves. THOSE SEX SCENES RUINED EVERYTHING FOR US. Even if you don't like the few pg-13 sex scenes, you still have: 1. a good premise (superhero that never got to be one, turned against herself and innocents, trying to find the man that made her a killer) 2. a really good villain (Killgrave is just sooo hate-able. You want him to get punched, but you love hearing him be an asshole) 3. decent drama (the scenes where Killgrave takes Jessica back to her old house, for once) 4. some funny as hell dialog between characters ("Killgrave? Why not just... Murderhole?") So even if you are somehow magically turned off by sex scenes that are out-paced by friday-night rerun movies from the 80s, the rest of the show is still perfectly good.
    1 point
  10. I'm still not sure what the preferred layout is. Here's the CD label and full res pattern for a printable sleeve (both with 3mm bleeds) but I don't know whether scales for a jewel case are required as well. I've PM'd Liontamer to see whether he has any specs but no reply as yet. I guess he's off taming lions . Also I still need an upload link. If anyone can help me out with that I'll buy you a pack of gummy bears (I won't buy you a pack of gummy bears) Cheers!
    1 point
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