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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/26/2015 in all areas

  1. I'm honored to have my remix lead in the album this year. Great job, everyone.
    4 points
  2. FL Slayer doesn't have the capacity to sound as good as a realistic guitar. It lacks many of the intricate details that you'd find in a realistic guitar emulation, like multiple mute layers, specific string selection, virtual hand reach, the occasional fret noise, chromatic sampling, etc. You'd be better off looking for a guitarist to collaborate with or looking at a sampler like Kontakt 5 and a sample library like Shreddage 2 IBZ to get a realistic electric guitar. Probably the best demo I can find for it is this: In the case of Shreddage 2 IBZ though, Kontakt Player 5 works with it just fine. So really, if you wanted it, while Impact Soundworks is still doing its holiday sale, you can get Shreddage and use it for like, $99. You'd still have to learn how to use it, but it's way more capable right off the bat in emulating a realistic performance and can be much more realistic.
    2 points
  3. A Merry Christmas to everyone! This was a very fun project to work on and I'd like to thank everyone involved for their very helpful advices and feedbacks! Can't wait to get involved in another OCR project
    2 points
  4. First mix is up @ http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR03280 Congrats to @DusK & @The Coop & everyone involved!
    2 points
  5. Garpocalypse

    A Christmas Epic

    Hey everyone, In a never ending obsession with trying to achieve the largest wall of sound possible I did this track for the holidays this year. After noticing a rather severe lack of Upper mids and highs on the album version I decided to try to push this version's strings and brass a bit higher. However with it being EWQLSO Gold (and only having stage mics available) I was only able to get the samples brightened so far before becoming abrasive. Definitely going to be saving up for EWQLSO Platinum. It consists of 3 variations on Sonic 3's Icecap Zone Act 1 Sonic Advance's Ice Mountain a secret source, We 3 Kings and I saw 3 Ships. Here's a hint. The secret source occurs in the middle. Enjoy!
    1 point
  6. Esperado went on the charm offensive and got me to sign up, though I should point out that I have ZERO history with the Castlevania series so I'll be picking my sources at random Bloody Tears (Castlevania Bloodlines) <--- Genesis version, not sure if that makes a difference! Silent Madness (Castlevania 64) Floating Garden (Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow) Stage 7 (Super Castlevania IV)
    1 point
  7. Yeah, like T said there is no way Slayer will sound like the real deal. Guitar players are everywhere though, so it shouldn't be hard at all to collaborate with one. Shreddage IBZ as a good last resort.
    1 point
  8. Hooray for Christmas musak!
    1 point
  9. MERRY X-MAS OCR PPL AND JDFGTS :D:D:D:D:D Not that they aren't people too. Don't ban meeee T_T
    1 point
  10. Merry Christmas, folks. Hope you enjoy the music and such we merry band of misfit musicians put together for you all.
    1 point
  11. Maybe you missed some of his dialogue. He made the decision to get out after his first battle, which was the first one shown in the movie. He saw a friend / colleague killed in front of his eyes, and was then asked to kill innocent women and children. He hadn't done any fighting at all before - he was in sanitation. So as soon as he saw all that, he wanted to leave. Sounds perfectly human and natural to me.
    1 point
  12. I think in general, people are expecting a lot more fastidious excellence from this movie than can reasonably be expected of Star Wars. Star Wars is about suspension of disbelief. It's about your imagination and "what if". It's not an exercise in creating stories that are so realistic that it's basically just real life again with some absurd details like aliens and laser guns.
    1 point
  13. Yes that's fair. I knew he was a human; my assumption just made it feel random to me. I guess the logical question for me is "what makes him so special?" and I hope they answer that in the sequel, or at least they show others like him in some capacity. I think Neblix is joking, no? Is it possible to quote a response to another quote and still keep the original response quote intact? Quotception. TM
    1 point
  14. Finally saw it yesterday evening. I really liked it, but there were too many references to the original trilogy, just as if they were trying too hard. Other than that, it was very enjoyable. A strong 8/10.
    1 point
  15. A true friend would. But seriously, it's just a movie. Sit back and just enjoy whatever ride it turns out to be.
    1 point
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