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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/08/2016 in all areas

  1. Topic has been locked and links removed; @SnappleMan wrote the rationale/reasoning perfectly, so I don't have to. The seriousness of the content in question and the acts that it depicts trump decorum and tact, in my mind, but I actually think many responses were quite calm & reasonable, including the one I quoted above. I appreciate your appeal to principle, art, and policy. On the third point, I disagree with you that our standing policy surrounding pornography does not apply. On principle & art... I'm a passionate defender of free speech and I'm opposed to censorship, but my choosing for OCR to be a place devoid of content that in any way exploits sexual abuse & rape is a form of speech too. This is me speaking: I'm not okay with this site and this community providing a resource that aids in the creation of content of this nature.
    7 points
  2. There's nothing wrong with hentai games. There is something wrong with a game that sexualizes explicit and very violent rape. A person who gets sexual gratification from watching soldiers beat a woman and have sex with her at gunpoint is not someone I want to associate with, and I assume that goes for most of the users on OCR. It doesn't matter that you're depicting it via silly looking sprites, it's still a very grotesque thing for you to consider pornographic. I'm sure there's a place for that kind of material somewhere on the internet, but I don't think that fits in here.
    3 points
  3. I still just appreciate the opportunity to have called it out! Thank you. Oh, but, actually, since the link names/comments were added by LT (thanks for that since I had just pasted the messy links!) I had to point out - Katrina's Retreat that I had picked from QFGV actually DOES play during the game only in one location if you make a very particular choice during one section of the game and then also follow up on the result. Er, I don't know if there are spoiler tags here because I'm such an infrequent poster. T_T So I don't want to say. But, obviously, it has to do with Katrina. I just wanted to be sure to pick one of the little songs from QFGV that didn't make it into the official soundtrack. I like a bunch of them.
    2 points
  4. Did you configure your MIDI Outs to play in channel 1 or 2, and then assign a port number to Kontakt? Your MIDI Ports should be set to an actual number and your MIDI Outs should match that port number. Otherwise, try changing the color of your MIDI Notes. But it may be a different way of doing it.
    1 point
  5. The problem is that the Shakuhachi is set to channel A1 while the piano is set to A2, and the midi data in the piano roll only plays to A1 by default. You have to change that on your own. In the upper left corner of the piano roll there's a colored box, just below the dropdown menu. Click on it and this will happen: Those numbers correspond to the midi channel number. It's pretty straightforward. Notes written in color 1 will be played by instruments set to [A/B/C/Etc] 1. The color isn't really important. It's just there to differentiate the notes in the piano roll. Write out your notes in the appropriate "color"(or select existing notes, open the above menu and pick the appropriate channel to change them) and they'll be played by instruments on that track with the correct midi channel(or Omni). You can also configure your midi keyboard/devices (if you have any) to play to certain channels to make this easier to do. By default they'll generally send input to channel A1.
    1 point
  6. Hey, I'll join in. After all, it should be fun. Hero Bracket (Preferred): 1. ["Ib" - "Ib" and "Memory" - "Hero"] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pebi2O4uL7E 2. ["Final Fantasy VI" - "Terra" and "Terra's Theme" - "Hero"] (Bit unimaginative, I know...) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6t_uyg_pF8&index=26&list=PL834FCA340E5D20DB 3. ["Paper Mario" - "Mario" and "Mario's Theme" - "Hero"] (Does this count? It is technically an RPG.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9c133Yr2Q8&list=PLD767FE328147BD8D&index=8 Villains Bracket: 1. ["Ib" - "Mary" and "Puppet" - "Villain"] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxYtrDFqVrI 2. ["Ys I" - "Dark Fact" and "The Last Moment of the Dark" - "Villain"] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IO_PKb-4qFM&index=12&list=PL044D7ABC2B744027 3. ["Bastion" - "Zulf" and "Mother, I'm Here" - "Villain] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-y9FQUzCZPg&list=PLC26D4FE16FA60595&index=17
    1 point
  7. I can't even tell you how many times I've changed a melody because I thought it sounded exactly like something else and in the end it turned out even better than what I had originally. This might even be a good idea if it doesn't sound similar to another song. Forces you to think outside of the box and create something entirely new.
    1 point
  8. "Art" right...what other crazy shit do you consider "art", Strader?
    1 point
  9. Seems like it has been ages since i last entered a compo and this one seems interesting. I'm in. Hero Bracket: (would be preferred) 1 [“Final Fantasy Tactics” -Ramza “Theme of Ramza” - “Hero”]. 2 [“Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core” - Zack “The Price of Freedom” - “Hero”]. 3 [“Wild Arms” - Rudy "Theme of Rudy” - “Hero”]. Will update with youtube links.
    1 point
  10. The mixing is really getting to me but this is still well-executed. I'd say it's a battle theme worthy of a good RPG.
    1 point
  11. Thanks man, Im honoured to be sharing the Crash love with you! Im really grateful for what the judges have said, and everyone else for that matter since the response has been overwhelmingly positive. Regarding the humanisation issues, I agree in every way because i used to be a little lazy when when it came to programming midi without a midi keyboard. Its also funny because this track is one, if not more than a year old and since that time I feel i have progressed immensely as a composer, particularly in terms of arrangement and mixing, so listening back to this tune really is a bitter-sweet mix of nostalgia and the feeling you get when you scratch your nails on a chalk board.
    1 point
  12. I'm so happy I'm not alone in regards to Crash coverage now! And not only did you go for a difficult source but I can see how it served as an outlet for your childhood frustration. Though the Crash 2 bosses didn't really give me much trouble in comparison to the first game, Tiny was definitely one of the bigger challenges there (no pun intended). For me, it's a great recognizable arrangement; sensed the source AND the Williams inspiration with the writing, not to mention some great additional melodies to add to the otherwise chaotic approach. I don't know why but the word-builder intro made me laugh - it's the same kind of effect as the final boss music of Jamestown, which also started out with amusing use of word-built choir, and in both cases it makes it feel less serious and more fun. It's also very difficult to be able to build up an orchestral palette when you have experience in multiple arrange-writing fields according to your Soundcloud, yet you've built up a great selection and also took advantage of different patches / keyswitches when appropriate (staccato strings at points, brass swells, etc). I didn't even expect the drum set given what I read prior to listening, though it's a nice surprise as using that gives me serious Video Games Live vibes about it. Seeing all this come together, I'm so happy to see you managed to put all this together to get it onto OCR! I am however with the judges when it comes to humanization, as there's some instruments like the piano and some of the staccato writing that felt more like the velocities for the entire riff were stagnant. It's a good idea to think about what the instrumentalists would do in a live setting and envision how the sound would come out for that purpose. Extended legato based sections, especially with some of the lead / chorded brass, can also benefit quite well from the MIDI volume control from what I've learnt; I don't know what patches you primarily used, but I'm aware of some that completely change expression depending on the value of the MIDI volume event at the time, which would be really useful to bring in a sudden dynamic change or regulate the kind of air-flow you may see from (again) players in a live setting. But yes, this is kind of weird for me to offer a pointer or two in an otherwise absolute moment of elevation for me. xD Kudos for giving some love to the Crash series here. welcome to the OCR clan, and I really hope you keep pushing yourself and sending stuff over in the future!
    1 point
  13. Agreed. Thinking about starting up something this week for it. BUT! after closely reading your statement. I also agree that there should be a Sega Swirl callout as may have been subliminally imposed. well played sir.
    1 point
  14. Phew, that was a close finish! It's nice that Dracula wins for a change Wonder what the final round would have been like with easier to use source tracks, considering both me and OA had issues getting started. Still, pretty happy with the tracks I created myself, enjoyed quite a few of the other entries and overall had a lot of fun again (and quite a bit of stress ). Sad to see the album idea go, but understandable. I'll be polishing up the tracks I made and submit them regardless (currently waiting for some recordings). Thanks for organising, MindWanderer and until next compo!
    1 point
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