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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/11/2016 in all areas

  1. I think there is some wild variation in the quality of the work and some strange inconsistencies that seem to have been from what seems like the usage of varying existing work in a collage esque manner. However there is a lot of potential. So my feedback is to work on consistency and balance. If you must reuse and transform existing material. Try to avoid lossy images. (JPGs with lots of compression) and save the final work in at least a 100% quality JPG to reduce compression marring your work.
    2 points
  2. Ok, so... There's a bit more than a week left until the next deadline, so I think I need to leave a reminder here: here's the list of those who have some stuff in progress now: @evktalo @zykO @Audiocolor @WillRock ! @DusK @wildfire ! @Lucasonic @Tuberz McGee @~Faseeh~ ! @Bowlerhat @KingTiger @Chernabogue @jnWake ! @Jorito Please, don't forget to turn in your WIPs! If you have some reason not to send anything, just tell me about it - I'll delay your deadline, I'm fine with that Just be honest Those people, whose names are marked by exclamation mark, haven't sent anything at all (or for one of their claims). If you don't send your WIPs until September 18th, I'll cut your claim down.
    1 point
  3. TSori

    Arcadia Legends - History

    Late to the party, but I'd like to offer my performance services on trumpet. I can do tin whistle too as long as the key is in C, D, F, or G (silly diatonic instruments). Also just FYI, despite the low post count I've been hanging around OCR since 2002 under a couple different user names. Never had a good setup for recording until a couple months ago. Anywho good luck to all, let me know if I can help!
    1 point
  4. this seems the sequel Esther's Dreams (so good) the essence of jazz makes me feel like I could fly away (i love jazz music) the truth is they did an excellent job sorry for my english EDIT: all songs are my favorite
    1 point
  5. I like the silhouette DK in the first post and how he's identified with the one article of clothing he wears. I like the F-Zero one because I'm a fan of that series. It looks like it's paying homage to the first F-Zero and F-Zero X with the SSS in the corner and the course they're on. I like the F-Zero X quote in the blimp teleprompter, too. I wish they'd make another F-Zero already.
    1 point
  6. Alright guys, sorry for the lack of updates. Bahamut just got a LOT busier with real life, so I will be taking the lead and he will take on a more assisting role. That means: let's get this show on the road! I'll be asking the mods if I can take over the first post, otherwise I'll be making a new thread. In the meanwhile: we have new project forums and we have WIP deadlines! I think the OCR sub-forums aren't really convenient, so everyone involved in the project should register here: http://SoMOCR.proboards.com The forum is also where we will be posting WIPs for feedback. We wil be having a deadline every two months, with a final cut-off date in one year. That means this will NOT be an album where the entire soundtrack is mixed, but rather an album that will be released within two years. If you miss your second deadline, your claim is gone and anyone can take the tracks. Starting from May 1st we will only accept substantial WIPs (where the arrangement is at least 80% done). So the deadlines are: November 1st January 1st March 1st May 1st - ONLY SUBSTANTIAL WIPS ACCEPTED July 1st September 1st - FINAL CUT-OFF DATE Good luck guys!
    1 point
  7. I just signed up for an account entirely to say how fantastic this is. so, yeah. THIS IS FANTASTIC.
    1 point
  8. Even if it's not technically a thing, that deadline should still hold. It'll probably be the thing to finally push me to get something going, at any rate, lol. But yeah, this really is a huge bummer, but at the same time it's not hard to argue that it's for the betterment of the site at this point, too. You can't let people do what he was doing without repercussion.
    1 point
  9. Re: Who wants a policy that's out of date every time a new & relevant technology comes out? I don't know, actually, because you see policies from games in particular constantly updating and having to get you to agree to them again. I don't think regular policy revisions are actually that wild an idea, and like you said, not in substance/meaning, but in clarified language, with new up-to-date examples. As for 501c3, I'm genuinely interested right now. Is it on the table? Is a specific amount of funds being waited for, or is there a hangup in terms of someone having to complete some necessary tasks? Curious as to the progress on this.
    1 point
  10. Youtube ads aren't nearly as intrusive as shitty forum signatures.
    1 point
  11. "I disagree with you, therefore you are emotional and have no logic" is the only baffling recurrent thing being said in this thread. Disagreeing with someone's logic does not make your logic correct and the opposing logic null.
    1 point
  12. Forgive me if this has already been said, but how and where you get your money absolutely matters in terms of ethics. A licensed pharmacist cannot sell drugs from their home, a food truck, etc. They need to sell them through the proper channels. While youtube ads might be functionally the same thing as website ads, they are distinct. You are changing the channels through which you are getting money and you really should evaluate whether it is ethical to be using someone else's work as a monetized commodity on a different platform. Youtube is divorced from the operating costs of this actual website, and I think that is something you need to examine closely. You are not paying for hosting costs on youtube.
    1 point
  13. This looks like a good idea to me
    1 point
  14. I think perhaps some people draw a strong line between web ads & YouTube ads, but I'm waiting to hear why that is - it definitely deserves to be talked about, and I'm going to apologize in advance to any artists who feel we should have informed them first BEFORE even testing the waters. We see these ads as equivalent to the existing web ads, as being preferable to them, and as not representing a change in our existing policy, and we wanted a "dry run" & to measure their impact as scientifically as possible. I'm interested in where this thread goes, and eager to answer any questions. Depending on the outcome, an official announcement will be made & sent out to artists in case folks don't monitor the forums. Some quick points: @Brandon Strader's right in that we started testing this on June 13th of this year Since that date, $130.99 in ad revenue was generated from ALL YouTube ads combined, a portion of which goes to our channel network This is considerably less than what web ads USED to make, but ever since we tweaked them to get rid of obnoxious & irrelevant content, web ads have tanked... so this is more than they ARE making at present. It's worth noting that it took two months for anyone to really notice... in my mind this is a successful experiment JUST in terms of gauging the impact to the average viewer/listener. Ads have NOT yet been enabled for the 3000+ video back catalog - we are waiting to do that based on the outcome of this conversation and after an official announcement. At that point the ad $$$ would obviously be more, but it won't be one video, or even one artist's videos, making a huge contribution to that - it's the aggregate. We were also hoping to time that announcement with a parallel announcement of filing for 501c3 status and debuting new artist pages which do a better job of promoting the artist than our current layout. So, why would we do this at all when the Patreon is completely covering the site's operating costs, with SURPLUS? An extremely fair question. To be honest, I hate managing the money side of OCR, I didn't sign up for this, and it's not something I derive joy in even contemplating. For the 501c3 I'm hoping someone on staff can take on the role of treasurer so I can free myself of it. Nevertheless, answers to the above question: I'm an IT guy. I have backups for my backups. I don't like having a single point of failure, and without a meaningful form of ad revenue, the site's existence would rest solely with Patreon. Membership in a YT network has other benefits... increased reach, an extra level of protection from content matches, etc. Mainly, at least for me, I saw that our web ads completely tanked after we tweaked them to exclude annoying/irrelevant content. I don't think Google's ad model for websites is as good as their model for videos. I'd love to remove most if not all Google ads from this site, and only feature completely relevant stuff like Super Audio Cart, OverClocked Records, and also use that space to promote our existing/upcoming albums. It absolutely is; our content policy still applies, and always will. For the 501c3 filing, there would be additional clarity required surrounding what specifically counts as an operational or promotional cost, tying our hands a bit further, in addition to more specific IRS documentation requirements.
    1 point
  15. Maybe we could wait on @djpretzel/any staff member's answer before taking this too far?
    1 point
  16. Correct me if I'm wrong, but if OCR were to monetize the channel, wouldn't all of the videos have ads?
    1 point
  17. I'm not an artist, so I can't give meaningful feedback necessarily, but I dig this stuff!
    1 point
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