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  1. Thank you for the WIP! Good name, I'll keep it in mind. I was thinking something like 'the Many Faces of Andross,' but I'm certainly still open to suggestions. 'The Flash' @Starphoenix has now submitted his SECOND compete (not finished) WIP, 'Cyber Warfare.' Great use of a four-day weekend, IMO... -------- Things are moving along! I now have 16 WIPs out of the 26 claimed tracks, 4 of which have complete (not finished) frameworks in place. There is some awfully good sound I am hearing from our Remixers so far - thanks to everyone who has given me something in the last little while! I was not expecting to make so much progress on this album so fast; however,since we are, I have decided to set some goals for the project as a whole to keep everyone (including myself) on track to meeting for our July 2018 deadline. So, here they are: 12 tracks for each disc - MISSION CLEAR 32 claims (16 tracks for each disc) - Goal: March 2017 (6 CLAIMS LEFT) I have adjusted the tracklist to reflect which claims I would like to see on the album, but character themes and boss themes are still available as well. 32 tracks is the goal, not the end: we may look at expanding our selection if we see enough demand. 16 complete (not necessarily finished) WIPs - Goal: March 2017 (NEED 12 MORE) I would like to have 16 complete WIPs by the end of March, as I will be submitting the project for OCR-approval in this quarter. I may not need all 16 WIPs for submission, but 16 by the end of March is the goal. I will also commit to making sure that everyone who has submitted WIPs will have feedback from @DS394, @DaMonz, and myself before the end of December. We're all a tad busy with life lately, but we're doing our best to keep up. You can always PM me if you have any questions or concerns. At some point in the near future (hopefully sometime in December), I will be putting together some sort of space where all the staff and Remixers on the project can hear some of the WIPs, so everyone can get a clearer idea of the sound that we have for the album so far; however, before I post anything I will ask each Remixer for permission (if you'd like to opt out, this is no problem). I will also be looking into setting us up a spot on the OC ReMix Discord Server so we have the option of a private chat for collaborations or just discussion of the album itself - those of you who are interested, let me know. I'll post the goals to the top of the thread later today. Great work so far, everyone. Once again, claims are still open - let us know if you want in!
    3 points
  2. I echo Supercoolmike's thoughts. PRC has made me a better musician. The combination of shorter time forces me to finish songs and the selection of the source forces me out of my musical comfort zone. I don't know about where the music is to be submitted to, but it at least needs to be in a central easy to listen to location. If that is or is not ThaSauce then I don't know. I think the best way to get more people involved is to somehow better market the competition. An album at the end of the year might be a good way to do that. Some people (like me) haven't been on one and that could help ease people to the next step of making music. I just want PRC to continue so that it can help other starting musicians.
    2 points
  3. back in Jan 17 2015, for prc season 11. I kind of did that but placed it all on one youtube vid instead of an album. I was attempting to do it again for season 12 but some stuff happened here and there and I basically dropped the ball pretty badly. I don't know If I'll even attempt to make a season 13 vid because I really don't like saying I'll get something done just for me to not finish it; whether the project is small or large. I mean I wouldn't mind helping out in the end, I just don't like the feeling of betraying someone that has giving me the opportunity to be apart of "said" project. - I've always felt PRC and MNP were brothers in arms since they're both being about 2 week long compos. It's probably still the best place for newcomers or beginners to show up. The monthly compos that does show up here usually last more than a month also while bringing plenty of people to its roster, but also has its fair issues of dropouts. Now the albums that gets formed here are basically the yearly compos but also with higher standards. So in short, I kind of view these time based compos as the difficulty meter: Biweekly = Easy <> Monthly = Medium <> Yearly(Albums) = Hard I'm NOT saying the people that go to these compos (and/or stay) are without or lacking experience in any way. This is just my view of the compos that are based on time and encourages everyone to enter no matter how experienced the person is. - I honestly like How the winners can't choose songs that are already in OCR, It helps bring new life to possible games and tracks that never got the love. I also liked it when it was a specific source because it was always super interesting on the many different possibilities and renditions people have made mixing in with there only style. Using some sources from the request forums is a pretty cool idea, could have the potential of bringing in more people. This is just my thoughts of the matter and hope all is well for the future of PRC.
    2 points
  4. I submitted something like usual. Hope to have some competition. I've won too many by default.
    2 points
  5. The People's Remix Competition 336 PRCv13-24 Hello everyone and Welcome to the People's Remix Competition! Last round PlanarianHugger was the only one who submitted something in time. Since he was the winner of PRC334, that was a bonus mix. To keep the contest moving, Bundeslang promised to do a short remix of that source to end the round and continue to the next round. Source: Super Mario Land 1 - Ruins Theme (GB) MIDI Source Information ThaSauce link: Click here to submit To submit a song at the compo page a ThaSauce account is required. To register and submit, do the following. Click the ThaSauce Link. Click the 'You are not logged in' button in the upper right. Click on 'register' (at the bottom). Read the terms and click 'I agree to these terms'. If you don't agree with them, upload the song somewhere else and post a download link as mentioned above (by doing that, you allow me to upload the song at ThaSauce. Continue the process by filling in your information. You will get a question to confirm that you're not a robot. Here are some possible answers: Name a compo: PRC Who organizes One Hour Compo: Starla Name a ThaSauce subdomain: compo.thasauce.net Who created Mega Mans: Capcom A confirmation mail will be send. There might be some issues with it (meaning that you don't get it), if that is the case, upload the song somewhere else as described above. Once registered, login with your username and password, go to the mentioned page and submit the song. If you want submit two or more songs you can create multiple ThaSauce accounts or upload the song somewhere else and post the download link. After uploadeding your song, please check if your song plays and can be downloaded and played without problems. Only upload MP3 files. If anyone has problems with registering or uploading the song to ThaSauce, please upload the song somewhere else and post a download link in the thread. I recommend Soundcloud, don't forget to allow downloads to enable me to upload the song at ThaSauce. PRC instructions Limitations at ThaSauce require your entry to be 20 MB or less in size. Length for length's sake and MIDI rips are not allowed (only as Bonus Mixes). Entries must be posted at the ThaSauce Link by Wednesday November 30th 2016 at 8:59 am ThaSauce time, check the ThaSauce page for the exact time left. You may enter as many mixes as you like and work with as many people as you like on each mix. You are free to create a second ThaSauce account for that, it's needed to be able to upload a second remix. You can also upload it somewhere else and put a download link in this thread Do not make qualitative comments on an entry until the results of the vote have been posted in this thread. Mixers cannot vote for themselves but if they vote they recieve a free first place vote added onto their score. The winner of this round may select the source for PRC337. PlanarianHugger may enter as well. You can find the full rules list at this page as well. GOOD LUCK! PRC ThaSauce Home Page!
    1 point
  6. Sounds great! Coincidentally I'm also working on a remix of this very same track (a vocal one), so I am intimately familiar with this track. I think RoeTaKa got more or less the same vibe that I got from this track and I am probably gonna steal some production ideas from him Really good to chill to, nice and dreamy. I dig it.
    1 point
  7. We are now just 12 days away from the due date of Dec. 11. Let that soak in folks. Less than two weeks to go before the project wraps up. Having just finished my remix's final touches, there are now three completed tracks for the album, with a good half dozen (roughly) being actively worked on by other people. As Dyne has said, for the people who REALLY want to get a song on the album but need a few extra days, the absolute cut off date is December 14 at 11:59 P.M. EST. But ideally, all songs should be done and submitted to both Dyne and myself by December 11 at 11:59 P.M. EST, that way we have enough time to put everything together without having to rush. So for those who have gotten back to me and let me know what's going on with your remixes, thanks for the updates and keep up the good work thus far. And to the few who have stayed silent, I'm getting drones ready to play a constant, blaring loop of "Friday" outside your homes as I type. Here's my email for those with finished tracks... thecoopscorner@gmail.com
    1 point
  8. The one thing that I think has plagued Undertale music since its release was the (in my opinion) bland monotype covers. Hearing the wonderful melodies of Undertale in one to one metal/electronic remixes with little or no deviation from the sheets isn't exactly something I would want to listen to. But this album, now I can't give much in the way of useful critique or commentary, is fantastic music to listen to. Looking forward to whats next from Longboxofchocolate.
    1 point
  9. Don't forget that a lot of us have Steam accounts, and the autumn sale is going on still. Also, I think if anyone didn't really fill out their interests and/or wants on the page, this thread might be a good time to do it. I recall last year where I had a person that I couldn't find anything for at all, and had to question another member to get even a little bit of info. Like, two weeks of digging around and asking to find out they liked Sentai stuff, which would have fit perfectly in the info page we all set up the month before. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!
    1 point
  10. Hmm some interesting input. I may consider implementing some of what DJ Mokram and Bundeslang posited, espoused and suggested - variations of the same thing, I know. *sips tea* - I'll see how Bundaslang fares and what other people suggest/tell me to do. Ride the tide, as they say. But for now, I'm okay with sticking to ThaSauce. Hopefully PRC will get more participation. I might have to hop in and participate myself - I really appreciate what you do for the compo scene Bundaslang and for helping to keep it alive
    1 point
  11. Mine was pretty clear and gave me a good place to start - still spent two hours in the store trying to find THE RIGHT THING though. I should have mine in the mail by Thursday at the latest.
    1 point
  12. Thanks for the replies. PlanarianHugger is telling the truth, many rounds end with only 1 song and 1 or 0 votes. Thanks again for entering, without your participation several rounds might not have ended with a winner. DJ Mokram is right, promoting the contest more might help to get more participants. The ThaSauce community is old and having to sign up for that might be an obstacle. For me, organising the contest this way doesn't take a lot of time (+- 30 minutes per round, without voting and making songs). That's the reason why I'm still doing it, if it takes more time I cannot do it. I don't always have the time to actively promote the contest via Facebook or other social media platforms. I'll make a poll about the contest in the next round. Depending on the outcome of that poll and the number of songs in the upcoming rounds I may take action. I don't want to change to many things since PRC must remain PRC and not change in a different contest. Possible options: - Stop forcing to use ThaSauce, let people upload the song where they want. I still can open the ThaSauce page as a possible place to have songs uploaded. Voting at this site (public voting). - Make the rounds longer (1 month, like DOD) - Let winners select a game instead of a specific source. - Use sources from the request forum. - Remove the limitation that sources may not have a song at Ocremix. - Don't extend when the deadline is over. EDIT: Two Days extension.
    1 point
  13. Hahahaha. If you guys ask me, I'm okay with 2-3 participants per round personally. Means less vote tallying. Still, having 4-5 participants is pretty awesome and makes me feel more relevant in the community (T_T). More than 5 gets a bit out of hand, though. These ideas seem pretty sound Looking forward to seeing you back in the compo scene Dj Mokram!
    1 point
  14. Just restructure the theme of the album so it's not a 20th-anniversary album. Make it like a "PS1 Hidden Gems" album or something that focuses more on the themes being overlooked. You don't have to kill the entire project just because it's not the 20th anniversary anymore.
    1 point
  15. The VGM community fragmentation is but a relic of the past that needs to go. Participating to TS compos is a process far too convoluted for its own good, especially in this day and age. Too many signing-up / signing-in and out of different sites to join/upload/vote, too much back and forth, which isn't user friendly. Add to that the fact PRC is a relatively small event with modest following, focused on obscure games and taking place on 2 different websites dedicated to a relatively niche and often misunderstood hobby. Think about how these barriers of entry potentially restrict the compo and might discourage aspiring participants. OCR compos are successful in no small part due to covering popular games, which help attract a bigger crowd including well-known remixers, which in turn create anticipation and emulation. Addtionally, compos are being run entirely on site, including discussions, submissions and voting. Last but not least, their existence is being relayed via social medias, which helps spread the word about them. On the other hand, TS main site has been in limbo for a while, with no new mixes posted on RTS, next to no news posted on TS and no community interaction within the website proper. The life of the party comes from Compos, which are sadly being run in the back room in relative obscurity. It's nobdy's fault of course, but without some kind of promotion, participation remains limited to whoever already knows about PRC, is familiar with the current round's game, or is ok with the convoluted submission/voting process. Kevin, man: the sheer dedication/hardwork you've put into running this compo for so many years is awe-inspiring. But these events need to be consolidated/integrated into a common hub where people interact regularly, not relegated to a dark corner of the web alongside those who make TS compos a reality. A bit of social media advertising might also do some good, cause unless you spread the word or go actively fishing for new blood, people aren't gonna magically show up in droves on your doorstep. Another idea could be to release yearly abums with the winning remixes or themed compilations of PRC songs, to promote the event. Lastly, getting in touch with VGM radios/hosts could help raise awareness for the compo and in turn improve participation. Been slowly getting back into remixing, so I will do my best to join the compo again in the near future, whenever life permits.
    1 point
  16. Make a poll about it, see if you can figure out how to improve participation
    1 point
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