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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/20/2017 in all areas

  1. 4 points
  2. Wouldn't disagree with that at all. I'll drop him a line.
    2 points
  3. akalink

    Robots vs. Knights

    I don't mean to sound impatient, but when will round 1 voting go up? Maybe it already is up and I missed it.
    1 point
  4. I had to listen again just to make sure I wasn't overlooking what the other Js were, but, nope, sounded fine enough again. Another pass at the mixing would be great, but to hold this version back? Can't co-sign. WE FIGHT TO THE DEATH!
    1 point
  5. Enjoying the slower pace of your rendition. Agree with Kris and NutS regarding over compression issues with the track. Some parts are affected more than others, with the lead guitar poking through ok, but the clean guitars in the background and the drums are too squashed. The percussion begins to waver under the short ceiling, and there is a unpleasant crunch to the drums during busier sections. Background reverbs and swells add to a sea of sound that while pleasant in some aspects, are too crushed to enjoy. This is the ultimate problem with this track. Pulling back on the limiter and opening any master bus comp you have on will make this much cleaner. There are also some higher frequencies in your clean guitars that could so with some minor taming as so notes verge on piercing, though that may be due to the compression. Play it by ear. NO
    1 point
  6. DarkeSword

    Robots vs. Knights

    Round 2 match-ups are up.
    1 point
  7. Really like this track. Love the FM bass growls and the synth lead. Out of the works of yours floating around on the forum, this is probably my favorite. As much as I like the lead, I feel like it wears a little thin by the time the halfway point of the song arrives. Maybe trying to layer or switch to another lead might keep things interesting. Kick also feels a tad weak, so maybe boost that a smidgen. Can't wait for the next update.
    1 point
  8. Listening to the track, I think DJ H0us3c0rP3 (had to look at the username a couple times to make sure I got it right) pretty much hit the nail on the head with my takeaways. If the arps are intended to be swung, then it isn't really apparent because it's just coming across as off-rhythm. Also think after :28 the song just kind of meanders. Don't know if the saw is a placeholder or not, but I'd work on softening it a bit more or looking at another instrument because it isn't really lending itself to the atmosphere you're trying to convey. Not a bad start. Can't wait to see where you take this on the next update.
    1 point
  9. Six weeks already? Ahhhhhhh!!!!! Cleaned up the "synthbeat" version of Clipped Wings. Cleaned up meaning changed the hits a bit, added a proper ending, remade the gutiar rhythm from the original with FL Slayer and "synchronized" it. None of the notes sound off now. Have lots of homework to do, but will get the new version to you this weekend. Also looking for someone to master/mix the track so it sounds "clean". Like I said, here it is. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1cNg5GTkCUIbHB6TTA2c2FJdVU
    1 point
  10. Why not try the fine libraries at Impact Soundworks?! Our gorgeous Tin Whistle: https://impactsoundworks.com/product/ventus-ethnic-winds-tin-whistle/ Frame Drums: https://impactsoundworks.com/product/forest-frame-drums/ Highland Harps (Celtic Harp, Lap Harp, Lyre): https://impactsoundworks.com/product/plectra-series-2-highland-harps/
    1 point
  11. Some good ideas here, but i think the execution isn't quite where it needs to be. The general production seems a little subdued and could stand to be brighter. A good example of this type of sound really clicking would be here: Notice how the percussion and synths has a nice sheen to the high end? I think emulating that a little would have the song sounding cleaner. I also think that a lot more modulation on the lead would improve things, as compared to the chords and rhythms that it feels slapped on. The lead needs to come alive more and have some personality. There are some articulations Larry mentioned that should be addressed as well No
    1 point
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