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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/02/2020 in all areas

  1. Here's my remake of the Hateno Village theme from BotW, the version played during the night. The original is just a little bit slower...I sped it up a tad to keep it under 4 minutes. I still think it captures a slower/softer feeling than the original. Just like my Hateno Day version, I added in the Kakariko Village theme and Zelda Theme the second time around, both which fit in pretty well with the original. I used some of the game ambience. Hope you enjoy! Constructive criticism welcome.
    2 points
  2. Results NickC got 1st with 16 points HoboKa got 2nd with 14 points TheVideoGamer got 3rd with 10 points Silverpool64 got 4th with 9 points NickC please PM me the source pick for round 117. Comments Real awesome turnout, which convinced me to slacken the new rule in place, ever so slightly. Gonna be interesting to see how MnP evolves. Or de-evolves. Thanks for the awesome turnout guys and for everyone voting too!
    1 point
  3. I got me's a vote in...
    1 point
  4. Thank you Rexy for taking this project forward. I can't wait to see the end result. Hope for the best and hope for 2021!
    1 point
  5. In the early weeks of pandemic isolation, at a time when I felt stressed, I thought to myself, "I'll listen to this town theme album I've never actually listened to before. It seems chill." I was right! It's a great bunch of tracks. It also unexpectedly made me Feel Things. The South Figaro theme turned into a lullaby absolutely destroyed me. The day I listened to it, I had found out that my grandmother passed away early that day, and even though the song is a mother singing to her baby, I heard the lyric "Our day was short / somehow time flew by / I know it's hard to say good-bye" and I thought about my grandma, because no matter how long someone lives it always feels like the day was short when they're gone, and that hit me with the waterworks. On the other end of life, I have a little niece and nephew who I was spending time with every week and now I have seen them once in six months, so I heard "Tomorrow will come / and we'll start a new day / and see what adventures await" and I thought about all the growing up they're doing and adventures they're having without me and that shredded me pretty well too. It's a beautiful piece of music. Salute especially for that one and to everyone else involved in this album too.
    1 point
  6. I hate to double-post myself, but there is some big news regarding album development. This album trilogy has had a history of collaborating with the Dwelling of Duels, and so, September 2020 is the OC ReMix Crossover FF3 Month! If you main a live instrument, go check it out - if you take part and you decide to send it to OCR's submissions queue, the evaluation will get fast-tracked. Any track from the game can be chosen, though there are still some uncovered spots on the OST (including some not even listed in the OP) that would be nice to have some representation. Talking of which - during this past month, @bluelighterhas made claims on not one, but two tracks! He has finished his take on "Crystal Tower" (with added usage for Tower of Owen), and is wrapping up an arrangement of "Ancient's Village" at this current moment. I am delighted to have a talented classical-inspired arranger jump in! If you're a potentially interested arranger, you're more than welcome to send a PM to me here on the forums or in the OCR Discord if you'd like to make a claim yourself outside of the DoD event. I wish all participants there the best of luck, and hype for some great tunes! x)
    1 point
  7. And I'll be working with that ! I don't have anything ready but I'll submit a demo as soon as I have time for
    1 point
  8. Damn, this is quality work man (very authentic to the GameCube!)! One teensy feedback, that I think Soup-Bauss already covered: The vocals on 2:15 seem less quality as the stuff before. It took me out of that magical mood that you had set up before that point. Maybe slap on more effects to sort of mask it, or do another take? Sorry if this is harsh feedback. BTW man, can you provide a MIDI for Rundas' Theme? This is way beyond my level to go by ear. Chose to edit out the rest of the rant. Caffiene high + Aspergers = regret. Lmao.
    1 point
  9. MnP Instructions/Guidelines [Updated]...Watcha guys think?? Source-Picks are limited to the era of gaming 1984-2006. In other words, Nes/Sega Master to PS2/GC/XBox 1. Going to relax this rule with certain Indie Titles like Shovel Knight, Undertale and possibly Crypt of the Necrodancer. Update me upon further titles that have that 'Retro Fidelity'. Thanks! Modifying the Source is fine, so long as it doesn't sound completely separate from its original intent. Small tempo changes are OK. But not 140 to 80 etc. Submissions must be at a maximum of 20mb (keeping in step with ThaSauce's file size max). Only 1 entry per participant. Previous winner cannot participate but can submit a BONUS entry.
    1 point
  10. Hm, that's very true. They do make a good contrast. It's harder to remix a texture than a melody. But...I'm comfortable where it is with MnP for now. I relaxed the "age restriction" on retro-sounding Indie Sources. So
    1 point
  11. I think I'll throw in my hat this year with some 16-bit era chip music.
    1 point
  12. With Golden Sun out of the way, it's Badass 4, Lufia 2, & FF3.... hoping we can get the last mile on this one, will be talking w/ @Gario
    1 point
  13. No songs yet, so two extra days.
    0 points
  14. This trainwreck, Jojo's-Bizarre-Adventure-meets-a-Cannibal-Corpse-album-cover-pandemic-existence I'm in has not slowed down even a little bit. It's been a new, high level gut punch every day. Highlights from the last five weeks include: * I discovered my best friend of 18 years, and one of the very few I have left at all, as well as someone who got me into Ocremix to start with, had waged a full-scale smear campaign against me to my ex-wife behind my back while he knew we had plans to get remarried. He sold me out as someone who's on the verge of going on a shooting rampage, telling straight up lies, misconstruing things I told him in confidence that he used as ammo against me. And for what? Just so he could exchange lewd videos with her. I can't even compare the sheer scale of that betrayal to anything. I'm just as jaw-on-the-floor shocked now as when I discovered it 5 weeks ago. It's explicit. I have screencaps of it. There is no ambiguity whatsoever. And he still had the gall to talk to me as always with his other face like he was justified for it. When I confronted him, he wasn't even sorry. "Why would I defend you?" he said. I called him a hedonist at one point, he took that title in cheerfully. It's the kind of thing that you go pay a local voodoo witch to curse so there is some kind of cosmic karmic reprisal, but there's no point, whatever karmic reprisal would be in store for him has already been going on his entire life. There's nothing to take back as punishment. It's the most senseless thing I've ever seen with my own eyes, and I've seen actual paranormal shit. * Oh yeah, and his efforts to derail my remarriage were pretty ***damn successful. My progress there went so far back that my depression relapsed into overdrive and I had panic attacks every night for two weeks. * My dad's cancer recovery has not been working out. He still can't talk and is eating out of a ***damn medical bag. * Two weeks ago, my dad also announced he was getting divorced from his wife who is not my mom. This is while he can't talk and can't eat anything. He lives 2,000 miles from me and I can't get to him to help him directly. * One week ago, I learned my dad's wife did NOTHING to help him during his cancer recovery. That's 8 months of leaving him to fend for himself. Also, he's the one that had to move out. My brothers just hauled off and drove across the country to help him out (though no one told me about it until they were already out of the state). * Got sick one day, non-COVID related, took a nap for a brief bit, woke up and somehow one of my cats got out again. Waited for him to come back for 6 hours, then spent 9:00PM to 7:30AM chasing him all around the mountainous woods trying to get his ass back inside because he refused to come back in on his own for some reason. You ever hike a mountain? Not just the trails, but all the ledges you're walking by that slope obtusely and are covered with bushes and trees? Yeah, do that chasing a fucking cat for 10 hours in the dark until the sun comes up. Literally walking through bushes. I got him back in but my body was cut the fuck up. * And my worst fear came to life - the cat contracted fleas with him. I lose even less time in the day keeping things COVID kosher and now fighting flea infestation (although I've almost won it). * Last week I woke up to several responses on Facebook and a few privates messages from a Trump supporter who was threatening serious, call-the-police violent interaction on me for a meme I posted in response to someone's pro-Trump bullshit. This wasn't the typical Trump-thumper chest-thumping, this dude was claiming to me privately he knew where I lived, making a countdown to when he was going to show up, and that he was going to murder me and my cats. So what did I do? I just responded by posting to him in PM the same meme that set him off to begin with. Dude blocked me on Facebook from there. Ironically, I'm pretty sure he really was Trump-thumping chest-thumping after all, he just wanted to go a few steps further than most. I've had dozens of folks tell me they're going to find me and fuck me up and not a single one has shown up yet. * Then came a gut-punch I really was worried about - I got a letter from the IRS saying I still owed them several thousand dollars even though I know I'm paid up for the year. A long and frustrating accounting journey to get into my IRS account while my tax guy is out of the state for several weeks and while the IRS hotline has "extremely limited capacity" to serve me showed that they received my money and still said I owed them that amount. They put my payment in the wrong fucking year. Eventually I got it straightened out, but after all the rest of the shit going on, something like that coming in just feels predictable and typical, right? * Currently operating at 15% reserves, functioning and power from already challenging atmosphere with depression and depression-medication complications and additional lifestyle complications from COVID-19 while living entropy continues to overclock at 178%. * Newest gut punch? Another of the last few actual friends I had suddenly died. Suddenly to me, at least, it turns out they'd actually been in a medically induced coma for 25 days. They relapsed into drugs and this batch was cut was something unknown, so it went straight to their brain and began literally eroding it. Then one by one all the organs shut down. Even if they had survived the MI coma, they'd just be a living corpse. So essentially they'd been murdered (and now the third of my classmates that has been murdered out of like 8 at most that had died), they leave behind an 11-year-old child, and what's left of the family does not have the $10,000 it takes to cremate them. I think I've reached the point where I can call this some "Marquis De Sade shit" without it being exaggerated melodrama. I darkly wonder how much more of this awaits before I have my heart attack or stroke or both.
    0 points
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