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  1. Congrats Souperion! Great remix. TVQ, yes, the guitars in my remix were live. Thanks for asking. I am not very good yet, but I am starting to feel myself getting better with practice.
    3 points
  2. Hello everyone! I worked on that track a few month back, I like it very much, and I thought maybe you would like it too! Introducing "Ninja Kitten vs the Killer Bots", a track alternating between high speed synth metal shred galore, and anime like / Touhou inspired melodic chorus (seriously, I don't now how else describe the mood). It all started as a sound design project. I was looking to reproduce the "floppy disk" sound from Master Boot Record ( you can here it right at the beginning of this album ), and I built around it. No guitars, including VSTs, were used in the making of this track. In my head cannon, this is the opening cut-scene track of an action packed 2D platformer in a dystopian future where a ninja cat fight against an omnipotent high tech corporation (I know, it's the most original idea in the whole history of video games ^^). Hence the title. The story would go like this: The shreddy part would be the evil corporation robots wrecking havoc, the chorus is our hero appearing to kick some metallic butts, then robot counter-attack on the shred part 2, theme on the piano is the hero, wounded, having like a flash back (of his familly being captured by the said evil corporation, of it's mentor, or anything else cliché enough to fit your bill), then second wind of the hero, fight, fight, and the bots lay broken while the intro riff play back and is tape stopped. I think it's a really fun track with a lot of energy, but what do YOU guys think? I hope you'll like it, that's for sure!
    1 point
  3. I got mine today, on my birthday! I'll post a pic of it later, but great timing
    1 point
  4. https://youtu.be/Ix4H4tJ-BEQ
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. Hmm, never played Secret of Mana too much but I wanna get my fox in the fray for the first time! Maybe I'll see what I can do >_<
    1 point
  7. H36T

    The Successor(Remake)

    I'm just gonna stick to the successor. I'm also gonna stick to not really commenting too much on the quality of the VSTs or anything as much as I can. I think you could better use some of the more atmospheric aspects in the very beginning I'm not sure if this was intentional or not but there is some pulsating in the strings and it kinda throws me off but I think if it moved more or had a better presence in the soundstage I would have been okay with it. Some panning would be interesting as well. Like that synth at the bottom when it first comes in around 35. Really very nice touch. It definitely screams FFVIII low synth. The next sequence though, personally I don't like the chord progresssion around 50s. The root note/bass sounds out of place. I'm not great at doing analysis off the top of my head but I think it might be some type of inversion thats clashing in an unpleasant way. At 1:13 I especially didn't like the clash. Sure, it is more interesting than a simple, consonant bass line, but I think it doesn't do it for me here personally. I do think the idea is good. Again, that bass screams FFVIII and is used often in the OST. I wonder what sample you used? The next part after though actually works really well for me in the bass line! I enjoy it! I just don't like that first part with the sort of Edea/Witches motif section. I thiink however in that last section from 2:48, the bass no longer does it for me having it there always. It just seems like it shouldn't be there? I think though from 3:01 it could make a come back though. Give us some room to breath and enjoy that beautiful chord progression starting from 2:48 and those high notes. Ugh, so gorgeous. The piano you got really did it or me with those high notes! Loved it :). But yeah, I think just...maybe let that bass go except for the part I put earlier. Maybe even just at that 3:07 part when it plays in octaves with the main line. Anywho, these are just my opinions and my approach. We all come from our different musical backgrounds with our own preferences. I don't think any of the things I mentioned were egregious at all. Just things where I would differ. I think you also have more to offer with this song too. Especially if you want as a remix or an arrangement to take it somewhere unique to you. I like this idea of what you call Uematsu bass and bringing that to this piece somehow. Would love to see the idea expanded upon. Anywho, cheers buddy! Thanks for the listen
    1 point
  8. I didn't get a custom-Proph-built computerr, due to being in another country... but he did help me with understanding how to shop for parts, gave good recommendations, and was just super helpful and kind! I was able to figure out what I wanted, and building it myself was not too big a problem. Even though some of the assembly manuals could have been more helpful, like the motherboard should have a "DID YOU PUT THE STANDOFFS IN FIRST???" section on page 1. I'm quite happy with it! Gotta make some music so I can get a new GPU though. One part I couldn't find/afford...
    1 point
  9. Man, I really need to learn how to slow down...
    1 point
  10. Hmm, I think there are some cool concepts worth keeping here and building on. I like brassy take on the theme at 4ish. I think that's something that really shines. But I think—and this is coming from someone who is rather conservative in their remixes to this point—I think there could have been a lot more done to build the suspense. It just kinda felt like a long long version with some interest toward the end. I think you also use silence well too, which some people (including myself) can forget to use to add suspense. But I guess this just wasn't adventurous enough for me. Besides that, on the technical side there are some syncing issues with the Fithos Lusec chorus at times. The strings really leave a lot to be desired. Again, I really recommend BBC Discover or even Spitfire Labs as a base quality for strings these days. I'm sure you are mostly using free patches but I do believe there is room to upgrade there still. Anyway, seems like you have a decent amount of content on your channel to explore so maybe I'll go do that? Thank you for the upload and share!
    1 point
  11. APZX

    MnP 119: All Metroid's

    @The Vodoú QueenI approached it from a slightly different point of view than the others (at least I kind of think I did). Anyway, I did not have a problem with the length at all. What really irked me had nothing to do with the composition itself, but more in the way the track was presented. My compositional skills are at best, meh. However, I can gauge where you were trying to go from a perspective in terms of sound. Take that saxophone for instance. It is just BEGGING for a long reverb tail on it, with a gentle reduction in the highs of the instrument. But what you have instead is a sound that is completely separated from the rest of the track at that point. The drums fit fantastically with the general vibe, they're prominent enough to be heard, but do not themselves take center stage. It is like the rest of the instrumentation sitting below that saxophone. This is just touching the surface of what I mean when I say space. If you go listen to pretty much any kind of commercially released music and pay close attention you should start to notice that there is a certain feeling or sense cohesion or depth to the tracks. This is the rather abstract concept of space in terms of music. At least to me. Your track just juxtaposes instruments in an attempt to try and capture or relate the uneasy feeling of Metroid's soundtracks when in reality the vast majority of Metroid's off putting sound really comes from the fact that it is not music in a traditional sense, but more atmospheric. More about the suspension of what is the game's sound effects and environment sounds and what is the soundtrack itself. In of itself it is not about the individual notes nor the instruments, but the way that everything is blended together to create the atmosphere that we recognize as the sound of Metroid. It is one of the reasons why I do not like remixing Metroid tracks in general, and why I did a pretty conservative re-interpretation of a track rather than try a proper remix. Really, after doing some re-listening to the tracks that were in this round, I noticed that a lot of work was spent on actually making the originals more musical sounding rather than trying to really emulate the nuances that make Metroid's soundtrack sound so much like Metroid.
    1 point
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