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The Author

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Everything posted by The Author

  1. Ah yes, we could finally see the terrifying Zanzibar Land radioactive mutant hampster...
  2. I moved to XP only last year, prior to that I used 2000pro. I believe Windows OS can only improve over time, and right now XP is more than satisfactory for my use. When I will get a new computer, I will migrate to Vista, I mean, it does look nice and promising.
  3. Think about it, a 2-D Sonic game on the Wii. Jump and Spin. Control with the pad. Use that console to bring out the scenery at you, full speed ahead and what not.
  4. Shadowmoon valley reminded me a lot of Diablo, I can't explain why exactly. Maybe the high number of demons.
  5. Kazzak is only accessible through flying mount in hellfire peninsula. If you like rezzing from the spirit healer, go and fly over him.
  6. Maybe is thrall Junior... like Nesingwary.
  7. Level 70 is fun. I was in Strath with a 63 pally doing epic mount quest. The two of us against all odds. We won
  8. vBulletin Message Sorry, no matter how much you try, you can not ignore yourself.
  9. The one I have allows you to adjust the broadcast channel, and have 4 preset channels. So basically it suits my needs. Once adjusted, it works like a charm.
  10. I got the Belkins one for my ipod. Works like a charm, and it even charges the battery. Some FM thingies won't do that.
  11. Actually, spambots was the reason for the switch to vbulletin. I think unmodders know the reason for unmod's disappearance, but pointing it out may actually stir more problems, so I'll just say that I can think of about 3 people who were happy to see unmod gone. They were the reason.
  12. Another dihydrogen monoxide related death, when will people learn?
  13. WoW is for when I have downtimes in my social life. Or, as it was recently, when I have budget restraints. Over time I have realised that WoW is cheaper than me getting bored and becoming an impulse buyer. I don't spend all my time playing WoW. I spend my time where I have nothing to do playing however.
  14. This thread is for any questions you have relevant to health, relationships, and life in general. This is a thread straight from unmod, and back when it was there, people were mature enough to deal with it. I hope there will be a similar level of respect and maturity there was in the old thread. Help those you can, so that when you need help you will get it.
  15. Sometimes, even if I have read all the threads in a forum, in the forum page, it will show as if an unread message was there.
  16. As I mentionned, my friend's sister died in a car crash. And well, again, I have a hard time dealing with death. The fact is that I nearly died so many times (4 and counting) that death does not scare me personally, but I hate it when it affects someone I know. The thing is that I somehow feel guilty for myself having survived so many times against pretty steep odds. I don't know why I feel guilty that I am alive and others are dead. And also, my way to deal with death, and well, with many thing, is humour. However, whenever someone dies, I feel like I am disrespecting the memory of the person who died by trying to smile and laugh. And also, I wish to go to her funerals (even though I never met her, I want to be there for my friend, and his girlfriend who also is my cousin), but I am broke. I mean really, this week I don't have a penny to spare. My logic tells me I should not got. My heart however, does not share that idea. The fact that I am concidering not going makes me feel like a horrible person. EDIT: Wow, I was sure I was in unmod, and you can't delete a thread... Well, if a mod could move this to unmod. I want people to see my thread.
  17. Relatively meaning too much, right?
  18. I agree. That boss made me yearn for a boss attack mode.
  19. Sex him up for me, will ya. And do a good job, make me proud.
  20. I display threads at 20 posts per page. However, when I get in some threads, the "next page" appears, but it would be there if I used the default 10 posts, I guess... Not a really annoying issue, just something I wanted to point out.
  21. Once you switch to the dark skin, you never go back... or something like that...
  22. Nah, I just used it to be able to play with my hands in any position I like. Comfortable! Yeah, even if motion sensing would not pick up, that new 2 part controller is a genius piece of design.
  23. So you have the mother company: Nintendo. It produces a game. Lets say Super Mario Brother 2. According to how Super Mario Brother (their previous installement) sold, they produce 6 million copies (about 1 million more copies than the initial launch number and what not. Its adjusted, trust me.) Then, they look at where their games sold. Out of their 5 million, their Japan division moved 2 million. Their American division moved 2 milion. Their European division moved 1 million. So at their initial shipment, they send NoJ 2.4 million copies. They send NoA 2.4 million copies and they send NoE 1.2 million copies. However, they will only release in Europe a month later because a big title was juste released in Europe. During that time, 50 000 copies are imported from NoA to Europe. Which means that by the time the initial shipment is sold, NoA will have sold out faster and NoE will not have sold their whole quantity.
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