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The Mutericator

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Everything posted by The Mutericator

  1. List of performances: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daisuke_Gouri Basically, he did many of the manly or deep voices in anime, games, and dubs - Gilgamesh from FF12, Goda from Fumoffu, Mister Satan in the DBZ Budokai games, General Pepper, Andross, and Pigma from SF64, Vigo the Carpathian from Ghostbusters 2, and a host of others.
  2. ... Can I have a reserve slot? I think the main reason I don't play on OCR's servers much anymore is because I keep getting kicked for reserve slots. ;_; EDIT: Also Brushfire I need your Paypal account name.
  3. Pretty much. It's funny, but convoluted as shit because they tried to fit too much into eight episodes. I do recommend Isekai, though. It's pretty awesome and only has passing (glaringly obvious) references to the original OVA series. There's Tenchi Muyo, and Tenchi Universe. Muyo has the villain (Kagato) with the hilariously small glasses. He's pretty awesome, and you're a loser for not watching more. Interestingly enough, Namco put some effort into explaining Link's existence in Soul Calibur II.
  4. The sooner they announce a release date for it, the sooner it can get pushed back! (No offense intended, the process of distilling audio awesome (henceforth "awediosome") takes some time.)
  5. Wow, and I thought the album being delayed from September made me lose interest, but... wow. Ouch, dude.
  6. Tenchi Muyo! actually ends with him marrying all of the girls, if you read the extra releases from the creator. The most recent spinoff, Isekai, will probably show it at some point.
  7. Best end gets you Tenchi Solution.
  8. Seconding this. Scout's broken enough as is, thanks. I'm still confused as to why they added that Sandman nerf a while back but left the FaN as-is.
  9. For a huge number of games, yeah, definitely. But there are a few where motion controls help out a lot, like Metroid Prime. But with the gyrometer I'd expect to see in the DS2, that wouldn't be an option.
  10. You played Sin and Punishment for the story?! No bloody wonder. What criminally short gameplay? Did you play on Easy Mode or something? This is a TREASURE game. You don't "beat" it until you can make it through Hard Mode. And unless you're a gamer guru, there's no way that won't be worth your money.
  11. - SIN AND PUNISHMENT, Virtual Console Game of the Year, All Years. - Contra, Castlevania, and Gradius Rebirth, Excitebike, Crystal Chronicles MLaK and MLaDL, Tales of Monkey Island for WiiWare.
  12. Best opening post ever, BTW. - No More Heroes 2 - Sin and Punishment 2 - Tales of Graces - Final Fantasy XIV - Metroid: Other M - Golden Sun DS - Tales of Phantasia PSX (with Phantasian Productions' English Patch)
  13. THIS THIS THIS THIS THIS. Seto no Hanayome is awesome and deserves every tribute it can get.
  14. I see. And is it difficult to switch between them if you've learned on one?
  15. Pianist is my goal, yes. By "weighted action," do you mean the weight of the keys, the strength required to push them down? Oh damn, that solves the problem pretty quickly. I'm gonna wait on snatching that one until I know what weight action is and get a few more opinions, but if I don't hear any good arguments against it, I'm definitely gonna nab that one. Thanks a bunch to both of you!
  16. Hey all, thanks for clicking and reading. Here's the deal: it's been a goal of mine to learn piano for a long time now, and now that I've got graduation money to spend (but mostly save) and a job theoretically on the way, I'm looking to invest in a keyboard so I can practice at home in between the lessons I'll be taking. Problem is, there doesn't seem to be a market (that I can find) for what I'm looking for. I want, optimally, something sub-$500 that has 88 keys and none of the addon stuff (all the different instruments, et cetera). I realize this is a pretty odd request, but basically, I don't want to have to buy a new keyboard again if I can avoid it, and I plan on taking this pretty seriously. So my questions are: a) is getting an 88-key out the door as important as I'm making it? if so, where might I procure one for as little monies as possible? or if not, c) what size should I go for, and how might I obtain one that's a good price? Remember, features aren't important, just number of keys.
  17. Merry Christmas, OCRemix.
  18. Broke and bought Trine for $8. Gonna get Overlord for my brother at $3, I think he'd like that.
  19. Who? I've never heard of her before.
  20. Normally when one makes such a potentially polarizing statement, one backs up one's opinion with supporting facts.
  21. See, I STILL have no problem with 2fort. I'm not sure if it's because I don't mind repetition or like CTF-turned-stalemate-turned-deathmatch or because I haven't logged as many hours as many people have, but I really don't mind 2fort in the slightest. So it bugs me a bit to see everyone suddenly try to RTV the minute we get in there - the map isn't bad, and I realize it's overplayed on a lot of servers, but considering how small of a time slice it gets compared to all of the maps as a whole, I really would prefer to see it stay.
  22. You realize the question is relevant every time November/December rolls around, right?
  23. Sorry to cut out, guys, but this storm in STL is so bad it feels like a bombing run.
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