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Everything posted by Argle

  1. It's good to make every effort to finish your songs. Otherwise you cultivate a mindset of failure. Every time you sit down at the DAW you should be moving forward in a track, even a tiny bit.
  2. There are a number of "last touched" actions that are quite nice. Show/hide track envelope for last touched FX parameter is for my money the easiest way to create envelopes for FX parameters. Wiggle a parameter, run this action and bam, there it is. Show/hide parameter modulation for last touched FX parameter is the same thing for parameter modulation. Again, saves pointless clicks and menu navigation. Show/hide track control for last touched FX parameter is again the same concept, but for adding track control knobs if that is your thing. These are 3 of the most obviously useful ones, but there are many more "last touched" actions. Type it in the search box and see which ones pique your interest.
  3. Comparing the two of them in an insult to Koji Kondo tbh.
  4. Decadence! Sheer decadence. No, I probably use, like, 10 virtual instruments regularly. Something I've found over the years, it doesn't pay to buy every synth plugin that goes on sale. That's how you end up with a lot of NFR plugs that you never use. *cough* Now, in your search for the instruments that work for you you'll prolly buy things you shouldn't have. I guess my point is, best to find a cheaper hobby.
  5. Not bad, just generic. As I said, I find the soundtrack competent but forgettable.
  6. The DS2 soundtrack is a perfect example to me of something that was well done but forgettable. I turned off the music after the first 5 hours and started catching up on podcasts. The only track that was awesome to me is The Crowfather, and even that is aping the big filmscore style. It profoundly irritates me when a modern soundtrack starts flirting with interesting melodies like in DS2, but settles back into ambient underscore. That seems to be Jesper Kyd's style.
  7. Please, no six more weeks of winter The snow piles are already like 5 feet, I don't have any more place to throw it.
  8. Thanks guys I appreciate you noticing the fact I am one year closer to death. Happy birthday to my fellow player of the violins.
  9. By mids I mean like 300-700 hz range, that's where the stuffy sound of a piano resides. A couple dB may be sufficient.
  10. It has definitely become less interesting. There are exceptions, but it's objectively harder to become enthused about cinematic underscore than olde timey melody driven songs. I don't think it has to be this way. Soundtracks like Kings Bounty the Legend are lush orchestral tracks, but have memorable melodies. I would say the trend has become more like forgettable TV scores even more than film.
  11. Oh hells yes, the FF Legend series had some swell music.
  12. Ugh, I so want to do this. Warlocked needs representation, yo.
  13. Everytime I see this thread title, I think, like, YOU'VE UNLEASHED THE FOOKING ALCHEMY!!
  14. I agree with MindWanderer, I found the early piano a bit stuffy and dry. Taking a little out of the mids and and upping the reverb would be cool.
  15. Vienna has a completely different sound then EWQL, they go well together because of that. Vienna might last you longer because you're not locked into "that" hall reverb. Getting an epic sound is easier with EWQL. Also, VSL SE pretty much never goes on sale, so that's a thing to consider.
  16. I've never had any problems running big samples off a regular hard drive. It's a separate hard drive from the OS.
  17. Esperado's track should definitely be considered for subbing.
  18. So there's ReaSamplomatic5000, which has always been a bit of a micky mouse sampler that comes with Reaper. But actually, it has been improved in a recent version! Two things are the ability to import multiple files, and a graphical ASDR. You can drag and drop files for easy loading. You can import a selected item for the arrange window, as well. It won't replace Kontakt by any means, but for quick and dirty sample playback you might get some use outta this. The GUI looks a bit wonky but if you're a Reaper user you should be well used to that. Some tips for the waveform display, clicking on the upper half will zoom in, clicking on the lower half will zoom out. Mousewheel will zoom as well. You can drag left and right to scroll the waveform. Dragging up and down will resize the waveform.
  19. You can always use the Microsoft GM.dls, doesn't get crappier than that. Those are Roland sounds, btw. Hyper Canvas comes with Sonar. Not really a good reason to buy Sonar. There's Purity, those are "rompler" sounds. If all else fails you could take your orchestral sounds, make them mono and like 12 bit.
  20. oh, damn, got this track to do. So lacking inspiration lately.
  21. Oh dear, looks like you're going through the 5 stages of grief. Hang in there, acceptance is just around the corner.
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