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Everything posted by SoloGamer

  1. The 8-bit Sonics have some pretty good tracks from what I remember, some of which were reused in latter releases. Unfortunately, they're often overlooked in favor of their 16-bit brethren.
  2. Was gonna post this. Ogre Battle 64 (which recycles most of the original's music) is probably my favorite soundtrack on the N64, and I'm a man who loves his N64-era music
  3. Every game he's replayed is not as good as he remembers them being, except for Mischief Makers, which is still as good as he remembers it being. So no, he still likes it. I can't really think of any for myself, except for those old LJN wrestling games on the SNES. I remember renting WWF Royal Rumble fairly often as a kid, so figured I'd check it out again. Apparently, the only thing that made me like it so much was listening to the wrestler's theme songs and laughing my ass off at the constant stream of groans and grunts. Ah, to be a kid again
  4. Most of the songs in M1 were also in M2, so some M1 tracks are in Bound Together, such as Youngtown, Snowman, and the elementary school, to name a few.
  5. Pretty sure the M is for Mission and is just a clever way of calling it Metroid Gaiden.
  6. EazyP / ILLiterate would be proud http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3t41pSoNM4
  7. NES is not the original one. It differs from the MSX original. Kojima even went as far as calling the NES port garbage on one of the MGS3 bonus DVDs.
  8. What about Mew? Or Ho-oh? He wasn't in the first game, but he did appear in the first episode or so of the TV show.
  9. I just played a Zangief mirror match in the second match of a Championship And by mirror, I don't just mean we both picked Gief and went at it. I mean, he literally mirrored every moved I made. The whole thing was just us spinning, jumping, and taunting until time ran out. I feel bad having won though. I hit him a couple times before I realized what was going on in the first round, but he never attacked me when I walked into him, so I guess it's all cool
  10. I posted some helpful links back in this thread
  11. That's awesome. Didn't realize that was possible. I usually trigger Akuma's ultra by jumping over their fireballs, which I respond to by mashing HP. I'll keep that in mind, after some practice in training mode. It's the only mode I play. Currently sitting on about 5k GP. I usually lose in the first or second match, so I'll probably be there for a while.
  12. Bison eh? In that case, you'd have to deal with my jumping headbutt spam.
  13. There are no strings. The guy just sticks his hand under the cat's shirt and manipulates it from there.
  14. I still play this semi-regularly on X360 Let me know if anyone wants to play a non-lariat mashing Zangief for a change.
  15. Go to your control panel (labeled "User CP"), and click on Edit Options. Then scroll down until you hit Thread Display Options. One of the settings Thread Display Mode. Click on the drop-down menu and select "Linear - Oldest First". Now just save your settings and you'll be all set.
  16. They already have a free service for people like you. It doesn't provide online play, but a Silver account gives access to DLC, demos (albeit a week later), and XBLA titles. As far as I know, the only difference between Gold and Silver is online play, Deal of the Week, and earlier game demos.
  17. http://www.capcom-unity.com/snow_infernus/blog/2009/05/18/bionic_commando_demo_contest_winner
  18. Irrelevant when it comes to the overheating issue. It's not about turning it on, but about leaving it in standby mode. When the Wii goes to standby mode, it continues to power some components, but completely shuts off the fan. Not turning it on in a while will actually make it worse (assuming you've left WiiConnect24 on), since it'll run hot longer without a chance to cool off.
  19. I'm pretty sure extreme heat can't be good for the Wii. I seem to remember several reports of busted GPUs due to the overheating. Won't affect everyone, but better to play it safe and disable WiiConnect24. Unless you're really fond of blue lights, you won't miss out on much.
  20. If you're in the New York area, you can buy Punch-Out two days before the official street date. http://www.digitalbattle.com/2009/05/14/nintendo-store-featuring-punch-out-event/ Saturday, from 1-4 PM, Nintendo will be throwing a special event at the Rockefeller Center Nintendo World store. There will be kiosks to try out the game, as well as a 32-man Punch-Out tournament. Winner gets Little Mac's pink shirt. And the final roster's been revealed, now that review copies are out. I'll spoiler the unrevealed characters just in case. Minor Circuit: - Glass Joe - Von Kaiser - Disco Kid - King Hippo Major Circuit: - Piston Hondo - Bear Hugger - Great Tiger - Don Flamenco World Circuit: - Aran Ryan - Soda Popinski - Bald Bull - Super Macho Man Championship Bout: - Mr. Sandman
  21. Take-Two Sues Apogee Over ‘Duke Nukem’ Game Sequel
  22. Might as well also post the Duke Nukem Forever List Most of the stuff in that IGN article are mentioned, as well as a plethora of other facts
  23. finally found one I actually laughed at, not necessarily at the cat, but still, it's a start I guess http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fay35RfPHI
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