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Everything posted by Mustin
Chrono Trigger: Guardia Forest (Collab w/Doomsday)
Mustin replied to CC Ricers's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
It's great! They're grreeeat! -
Chrono Trigger: Guardia Forest (Collab w/Doomsday)
Mustin replied to CC Ricers's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
Need help? -
Chrono Trigger: Guardia Forest (Collab w/Doomsday)
Mustin replied to CC Ricers's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
Any word on this? -
Chrono Trigger: Guardia Forest (Collab w/Doomsday)
Mustin replied to CC Ricers's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
No, I'm talking about the C and D sections that you had in the version that I heard before. Where the bass really got wacky, and then you put out "guardiaf.mp3" - I think it was version three. The C and D sections aren't in this new render. I played the sections here on the pinaner right quick to show you want I'm talking about: http://www.oneupstudios.com/_mustin/ctcandd.mp3 These are my favourite parts of the piece. -
Chrono Trigger: Guardia Forest (Collab w/Doomsday)
Mustin replied to CC Ricers's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
I want to hear the C and D sections with the corrected bass since they aren't in the new update. I'm really enjoying this though. I sure love this piece. -
Chrono Trigger: Guardia Forest (Collab w/Doomsday)
Mustin replied to CC Ricers's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
This is my favourite piece of video game music ever. So it's dear to me. You've done some really cool stuff to this. But the bass part is very very very bad in the C and D sections there. Starting at 2:45 the bass is just out of control. It's like you lost all focus and have random notes playing. Another thing - you might want to try out a different bass so maybe you can hear it better. There's a small chance it could be bad harmonics on these speakers, but you need to listen to this on other speakers and see if you can hear how wrong the bass part sounds. Fix the bass and it's great. Haven't heard a D'n'B mix of this yet so it was nice. Gives me some ideas for my arrangement. -
OC ReMix hosting announcement & letter to ZTNet
Mustin replied to djpretzel's topic in Announcements
Nice. -
You shouldn't charge money for music. It should be free.
Glad this is finally up! Been a long time in the making. And I'm happy to say I have an early recording of this (albeit unfinished) because there are some things I like in both performances. But you're pretty good at doing that anyway, right? I try to get as many versions of your music as possibly because there's always something something there to find me. Glad it's up. Glad it's out. Glad you're still making music.
OCR01495 - Chrono Trigger "Town Life"
Mustin replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
NOT ENOUGH VARIATION IN THE DRUM PATTERNS But seriously, this is really awesome. Recordings could be better, but that's part of the charm I reckon. Really, really cool stuff. Very forward. I don't think I've heard anything like this yet so that's exciting to me. I hope you guys can come up with smore folky stuff like this. There's a band here in town called the Early Morning Bourbon Girls that I would love to hear doing something like this. Maybe you guys will start a whole folk game music revolution. I can see it now... Or dare I say, I can smell it now... -
OCR01488 - Star Fox 64 "V to the X Power"
Mustin replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Wow, I'm impressed. This isn't something I'd listen to every day, but I really think you did a nice job with the instrumentation and the arrangement is really creative. Especially because I feel the source material is already lacking. Keep it up - looking foward to more. -
OCR01485 - Secret of Mana "Dueling Consoles"
Mustin replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Dude, fucking awesome! So fresh. So, so fresh. Not the same old mmmtssmmmtss remix. Brilliant work - programming is top drawer. You did a great job, keep those mixes coming. I love your work!! -
OCR01477 - Mega Man 2 "Wily and the Deep Forest"
Mustin replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Well, Zircon and Vigilante have made some good posts. That's really all I was going for. Reason by the reasonings. I agree with you guys 100% (especially Zircon and the "familiar" samples) but sometimes I think most people can get a little lost in the production value and kinda forget that all of this stuff came from some of the worst, harshest sounding hardware from back in the day. Rock on. -
OCR01477 - Mega Man 2 "Wily and the Deep Forest"
Mustin replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Yes, string samples really keep things from being good music. GET OVER SAMPLE QUALITY PEOPLE! KTHX! -
OCR01477 - Mega Man 2 "Wily and the Deep Forest"
Mustin replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
blah blah blah [deleted] -
OCR01477 - Mega Man 2 "Wily and the Deep Forest"
Mustin replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Diggi Dis is the bomb. I'd have to double check, but I think this is the first Two-Step mix on OCR. Maybe Joshua Morse or po! hit it earlier, but I don't think so. I've been listening to this for months because I'm a sucker for Two-Step no doubt. I think people are really placing too much emphasis on sample quality. Some of the best songs and some of today's most popular songs (even if you don't like them, they're still popular) use samples that aren't 100% realistic. Sometimes we gotta just work with what we got and sometimes we pick something because we like the sound. So cut the kid some slack because this fits perfectly with the genre. If fake strings are good enough for MJ Cole, then they're certainly good enough for Diggi Dis and for us here at OCR. What really shines here is the arrangement and thought put into this. Not your cookie-cutter mix, no sir. Lots of different parts, and as djpretzel said, lots of variety in drum patterns, etc. Like I said, though I've been listening to this for some time now - this is my favourite thing to come out of OCR for a while. Maybe I'm biased because of the Two-Step, or maybe I just like the fact that it's a clever arrangement of a piece we don't hear to often. -
OCR01473 - Super Metroid "Brinstar Bonsai Garden"
Mustin replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Pretty cool, but what's with the panning? Are you left handed? Either way, I say take the extreme panning down a bit next time. This isn't the seventies. I won't get into the "aimless" comments for now. Hope someone doesn't provoke me... -
OCR01466 - Super Mario Bros. 2 "Gypsy Jazz"
Mustin replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Fan Fan Fan Fantastic work here. Glad to hear something like this on OCR - it's been a long time. Great work, Holovaty. I hope we can hear some more great talent from you in the future. If The OneUps ever come to a city near you, we'd love for you to sit in on some tunes. Great chops, great arrangement, fun tune. One of my favourites for sure. -m -
Nobody mentioned my tracks either.
OCR00182 - Phantasy Star II "Burnt Mota"
Mustin replied to m68030's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Been going through all of my video game music and retagging it (can you imagine?). I remembered that this was intially released as a .WMA and came back here to give it a new download 'cause I remember that djp went back and changed it to a .MP3 'cause there was no reason for a .WMA. Still gotta say this is one of my favs from djp. Like the length and it just catches me from the start. Good times. -
OCR01414 - Chrono Trigger "Memories from the Wind Scene"
Mustin replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
No, this isn't his first solo piano arrangement by any means. Check SquareSound.com, VGMix.com, and OneUpStudios.com for more Christian Pacaud goodness. Lovin' the arrangement, Christian. -
OCR01404 - Secret of Mana "Dragon Song"
Mustin replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Main Entry: hy·per·bo·le Pronunciation: hI-'p&r-b&-(")lE Function: noun Etymology: Latin, from Greek hyperbolE excess, hyperbole, hyperbola, from hyperballein to exceed, from hyper- + ballein to throw -- more at DEVIL : extravagant exaggeration (as "mile-high ice-cream cones") Yes, spot on. A hyperbole for sure. It's obviously not a 97% to 3% ratio. But it can't be denied that there is at least half if not more original material in here than arrangement of source. And that's fine because that's how the site is run now. (And in all honesty, I'm quite sure I've done worse | see: "Team Gato") But more and more, the site seems to have gotten away from the man who started it. Maybe I'm reading into things, and maybe this is the way it was meant to be, but it's a far departure from times when djpretzel would post a song because he liked the song. And I'm glad to see him gushing about this one. As he said, it's part of the reason he started the site. But my problem is that everything seems to be in the hands of the judges where "covers" no matter how good they are, will be tossed aside. If we went through and cleaned everything out before the lock down (which I know they did to some degree), so many of the songs that we know and love would be gone. For me, while I enjoy the original material, I'd still like to hear a good cover once-in-a-while and I think most other people would like to hear that too. So it's not some site war or anything as many people - well, as it seems many people would wish it to be. It's just me making a quasi-crack on Harmony's piece regarding the secret formula to get on OCR. Nevermind the fact that you need to have a good song in the eyes of the judges. I'm not sure what else I can do to "put up or shut up, walk the walk and not just talk the talk, and make a little EFFORT." It seems like I've been doing that since the start. I've made a vailant effort to bring people together. Of course, I've gotten frustrated at times (see: "Bubble's Decision"), but it's natural for people to be frustrated (given that most don't have to make a song for it, but me being a musician, well, I express myself through music so sue me I don't know what else I can do when I can't even get a song past the judge's panel anyway As for Harmony's track - I like it a lot. I've been listening to it most of the day. I think Harmony needs to roll off the low end in his voice because it gets really boomy somewhere between 250 and 1000 (this is in the "Sonic" mix too), and I think the piano could be a better sample, but overall, good production and a great piece of work. Sure I could have said that from the get-go, but that wouldn't have been much fun, would it -
OCR01404 - Secret of Mana "Dragon Song"
Mustin replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Secret of Mana 3% Original 97% I think I just solved the solution to get on OCR! -
OCR01361 - Star Fox "Fortuna Favors the Funk"
Mustin replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Balls and Crap, man! I've been waiting to hear this for a long time. Glad someone got to it. My new fav. djp mix for sure.