I know how ya feel, hell the shmup scene's always something of an underdog in the gaming arena against juggernauts like action/rpgs/jrpg/sports games.
In terms of continuing gaming inbetween responsibilities that at one point I didn't have, I find myself often diving into niche titles to little gems inbetween like
, the
as well as the recent
. The "hardcore gamer" title is something of a word becoming vague over time imo as any one can be excessively good at any game after some time over a number of games; in which some may regard as a hardcore gamer, in particularly in competitive gaming. From the bhopping fraggers on quake/tf games to shotokan whoring kens/ryus/akumas along with Sagat on Sf4, every game genre has their "hardcore gamer"...
gaming for a living, may as well be a new career rather than hardcore gaming; especially if one actually depends on being successful in them earning cash wins.