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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. Stream of consciousness: Basically the same issues, sorry homies. I like the instrumentation and the production was solid overall, so it's not a matter of being able to put together a polished sounding piece of music. There's some dynamics, but I still think it sounded unfocused like the changes are there for the sake of being there. There's just no real flow or evolution to the arrangement. Yeah, perhaps consider incorporating another SMB theme or, again, develop more dynamic contrast with rhythmic or tempo variations of the six-note source. NO (resubmit)
  2. I think it's just been a low priority, but seconded.
  3. That was quasi-confirmed at MAGFest 7. Not that we don't trust Howard Drossin (Howard kept it real), but since then MJ's passed away, allowing Brad Buxer (a member of MJ's music team and a person on the inside with Jackson himself) to corroborate those rumors and explicitly state that they collaborated on that credits theme. EDIT: This too - http://www.sonicwrecks.com/index.php?subaction=showfull&id=1259861977&archive=
  4. Shaun, why was there a Last of the Mohicans theme cameo in "The Last Fatima"? Sure sounds like it; just found it interesting, as I haven't seen that movie in maybe 12 or 13 years.
  5. http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=ff4 - "The Final Battle" (ff4-43.spc) Structurally, folks will be surprised to learn that this is basically laid out exactly like the source tune, which is about 2 1/2 minutes. The track was 7:46-long, so I needed more then 233 seconds of source usage for a YES on that level: :00-:24, 1:30-2:30, 2:40-2:50, 3:04-3:10, 3:16-4:02 (loosely based on the bass pattern of 1:19-1:28 of the source), 4:02-4:08, 4:20.5-5:17, 5:32-5:37.5, 5:42.5-6:32, 6:42-6:52, 7:06-7:24, 7:26-7:34 253.5 seconds, not counting the loose bass connection or any other connections I might have missed. I didn't check vs. anyone else's figures, so I might have missed other areas, but this was a pretty straightforward call for me as far as the source being used enough. The percussion was probably the major weak point of this for me, and there was so much going on that the soundscape was often too cluttered. I gotta give zircon some props for cleaning this up a lot. The original version was a mess. I understand crits on the female lead, and I agreed to some extent, but nowhere near where BGC was coming from, which I think was over the top. There were a couple of nasally-sounding moments, but I liked lisabela's lead. We're a hobbyist community, and the delivery was more than strong enough, IMO. I don't have an inherent problem with the growling Zeromus vocals, but I thought they were too indistinct and should have been more understandable. You can go with "artistic expression" that since Zeromus is evil, he's a bundle of unchained energy, hence his part sounded so unrestrained. Not how I would go with it personally, but the vocals were otherwise well-produced and I can let my personal take go. I wish the choir stuff had been more prominent, me being in it notwithstanding. But the way those vocals were put together was really impressive; it's a shame they weren't a bit louder, but I can't imagine how tricky it must have been to mix those into the rest of the track. 5:17-onwards really should have been condensed. The Meatloaf-esque rock pera stuff at 7:07 seemed to come out of nowhere. Not an inherently bad idea, but it could have been more seamlessly incorporated into the piece. And this is coming from someone understanding the A-to-B connections to the structure of the original. I hate to seem out of touch, but this doesn't seem like an easy NO. And I heard this WIP and it's many, many problems from the get-go, and bitched about it, so I'm not being easy on it. There was an ambitious, expansive and creative arrangement, the dense soundscape was reasonably handled about as good as you're gonna get it courtesy Andy, and the voice work was strong even if I disagreed with the tone of the Zeromus vocals. It gets some signficant stuff wrong in the execution; the percussion was weak, there was clutter, and the track was too long. So I think if Jay improves, he'll look back on this in a few years and have more perspective on it. But those are basically the major crits from me, and not enough in light of what did work (which was a lot) to drag it down to NO. Flaws and all... YES
  6. Whoa. Yeah, when the drums came in at :56, they were a completely different fidelity than the rest of the instrumentation, way too loud over the key parts, and thus not integrated at all with the rest of the arrangement. Trying to mentally remove the drums to focus on the arrangement, the arrangement of the source should have been more fleshing out. The mood was a bit different than the original on that level, but I couldn't really hear much part-writing beyond the drums & leads. Not really any substantive supporting writing to speak of, and, when exposed, the sample quality of the leads was only decent as far as the tone and sequencing. Once you got to 3:00, there wasn't really anything new going on with the writing, so there was a lot of fat that could have been trimmed, or the arrangement could have evolved more with some new ideas/development. This track is likely a done deal, but I'm interested in hearing what you could do going forward with these general criticisms in mind. NO
  7. Yeah, the arrangement was fairly straightforward and could have used more interesting left-hand writing, even in light of the genre. As is, the full package never sounded as sophisticated as was intended in the composition. I loved some of the faster runs, but the articulations sounded very stiff and unrealistic overall, which was a big negative and undermined the compositional strength of the right-hand parts. As far as everything, Jesse said, I'mma quote it again, since he covered the production aspects as well. Yep, all of that too. Not to harp on the YESs, but this shouldn't be near a pass, IMO. This is a decent base and has good energy in the writing, but the execution is way too bland (in the supporting parts) and unrealistically sequenced. I don't think you can get the execution up to par, only because this would need significant fine tuning, but I'd give it an honest shot, Kento, and see how far you can take it. NO (resubmit)
  8. Super Mario Galaxy Original Sound Track - (110) "Stardust Road" I'll tack on something, since I've been out of judging for the last 3 months. I had the opportunity to listen to this in the Austin airport on the way back from a business trip, and this was a nice transporting arrangement. I definitely understand Jeff's hesitation on the arrangement being conservative, but I think the overall mood was different enough and the new backing parts added another original level to this. I thought the high-pitched alien-style synth brought in at 2:31 should have been pulled back around 2:46. It became too loud and distracting, especially when the lead doubled the sound at 3:00. Too bad we can't get that tweaked, but otherwise, this was a fairly sophisticated take. I saw Jeff get excited on Twitter when he saw this passed the panel, and a lot of times, that's what it's all about, seeing artists strive to reach a difficult goal and being able to know they've come a long way. Keep it up, bro. YES
  9. Can't say I ever have. I just play fighting games and side-scrolling beat-'em-ups. Too manly.
  10. From the ashes...you live again! [/faux-dramatic thread bump]
  11. Like people have said, it's strict and non-negotiable. Use something like LameVBR to encode the file, and feel free to plug a higher bitrate version if it does make the site in a lower bitrate.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTgaa6OUneY Little help?
  13. I just interviewed with Will, and he's still looking for podcast intros at about 30 seconds in length. He will pimp you. You will be pimped if you provide these intros. He will be forever grateful. And love you. Definitely holler at him if you'd like to earn immortality as a podcast intro! GO!
  14. They say it's yo birfday! Happy birfday to ya!
  15. No. http://ocremix.org/forums/tags.php We're not gonna tag the files with different genres. "Game".
  16. Agreed on bringin' it back. Never liked it disappearing in the first place.
  17. OverClocked ReMix Releases Free Fan Tribute Album, Castlevania: Sonata of the Damned October 31, 2009 Contact: press@ocremix.org FAIRFAX, VA--OverClocked ReMix today released its 16th project album, Castlevania: Sonata of the Damned. The album consists of 7 arrangements of original themes from Konami's legendary Castlevania franchise. The album reinterprets the music in arranger Joshua Morse's signature fusions of funk, Latin and jazz, spanning the series' first game, Castlevania for the NES, up to the recent Nintendo DS release, Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia. The album is available for free download at http://sotd.ocremix.org. Castlevania: Sonata of the Damned is not affiliated with or endorsed by Konami. Nashville, TN-based composer Joshua Morse, creator and producer of the project, with OverClocked ReMix's first solo album release. Morse's admiration for the scores of Castlevania are apparent in his message to Sonata of the Damned's listeners, stating, "From Kinuyo Yamashita to Michiru Yamane, the composers of this series have done a spectacular job in conveying the demonic atmosphere that Dracula and his minions convey, and I can only hope that I've done their work justice with my own." About OverClocked ReMix Founded in 1999, OverClocked ReMix is an organization dedicated to the appreciation, preservation, and interpretation of video game music. Its primary focus is www.ocremix.org, a website featuring hundreds of free fan arrangements, information on game music and composers, resources for aspiring artists, and a thriving community of video game music fans. ### Digg it: http://digg.com/music/Happy_Halloween_OverClocked_ReMix_Does_Castlevania Download it: http://sotd.ocremix.org Torrent: http://bt.ocremix.org/torrents/Castlevania_-_Sonata_of_the_Damned.torrent Joshua Morse: http://jmflava.com
  18. What do you think? Post your comments/feedback on this site project here. http://sotd.ocremix.org http://bt.ocremix.org/torrents/Castlevania_-_Sonata_of_the_Damned.torrent
  19. Right, but then we don't get 20 bucks, so...
  20. Now you know how I feel everytime I see "Overclocked Remix", "OCR Remix", "OCRemix", and "OverClocked Remix". GET IT RIGHT!
  21. http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=2360
  22. Remixer: Vurez Game: Rygar Tracks arranged: Sueru Mountain & Gran Mountain Remix Title: Rygar's Anthem This is part of a NES remix album that I'm releasing. It's a series of tracks that I had worked on from 2005-2008 that I never finished. I request that if this gets accepted, can you guys hold it until the release of the album? This particular song is done in the style I'm probably most known for. The small vocal section and whistling were recorded by me. The rest is samples. link: --------------------------------------------------------------- A bit too dry for my tastes, and I would have loved to have heard the background fleshed out more. The drumwork was well written, but sounded lonely. Though it lacks polish and sounds like it's not finished as implied in the sub letter, the arrangement is fun, creative and interpretive. Squeaking by, but the overall execution coupled with the strong arrangement is good enough to git-r-done. Go forward. [/Cenk Uygur] YES
  23. Special note: The song is called "In Joy & Sorrow" but the ampersand made the link not work. * Oinkness * Brandon Strader * http://brandon.rainwound.com/ * 3123 * Xenogears * The Sky, The Clouds, and You * Yasunori Mitsuda, Squaresoft, 1998 * http://www.ocremix.org/game/70/xenogears-ps1 About the song: When I returned to the ocremix community, I checked out which album projects were currently running. I found the Xenogears project which was apparently coming to a close, but tried to sign on for one of the remaining songs anyway. The song I chose was "The Sky, The Clouds, and You". The first time I heard the song, I knew it would be perfect as a polka rock remix. I started building a little recording space in the living room, and tried out some new equipment. In about a week and a half, "In Joy & Sorrow" was born. I had a lot of fun making this song and I tried to do something that I had never done before. I've never written a polka song before. Also, I don't usually write songs that have such a fast tempo. I was very happy to learn that the track had been accepted onto the Xenogears "Humans and Gears" album project, and I am hoping to produce many more songs for ocremix in the coming months.
  24. Bah. I got the letter about that but didn't have much time to read it. I mentally glossed through (if we cannot change the title, replace "lacan divided" with "of God and Man") to replace "lacan divided" with "of God and Man". And THAT's how you learned to love your original mix title.
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