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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. By removing your track link and doing all this needless dramarama, you're doing exactly what you claim you don't want to do, i.e. being butthurt and blowing shit out of proportion. Also, please do not invoke "All it takes is one little thing like this to reflect poorly on me and corrupt my standing with the judges". That's just you encountering the unknown and filling in the blanks with negative expectations. We do not care about your history when we vote. We don't care. We've voted on subs by people with confidence issues, we've voted on subs by people who've bashed the site and the staff, we've voted on subs by professional musicians, all with no problem making a fair call based on the music in front of us, not the person. If and when you resubmit this piece, I'm not gonna go "Well, this is normally a NO, but he was butthurt, so I pity him! YES (borderline)!" We're just listening to video game ReMixes and offering some criticism and advice on the Interweb, so let's have some perspective, please. I don't recall you wasting your energy on overthinking things when it came to resubmitting your Valkyrie Profile debut mix. AFAIK, the resub showed up in the inbox, you made some nice improvements, and it passed without a big deal. Stop making your head hurt by overhyping things and go make music. Relax and have fun.
  2. And also because he doesn't just do FIFO, like I often bring up. But an enthusiastic djp posting mixes rather than a one feeling the writeups are a chore means the site continues adding mixes. Let's keep the pretzel happy.
  3. Very awesome! I have pimped thee! http://twitter.com/ocremix/status/3841409035
  4. Original Name: 恋の実験室 Game: Rhythm Heaven, Nintendo DS, 2009 Composer: Tsunku This remix is my version of 恋の実験室 or “Laboratory of Love,” from the Rhythm Tengoku Gold soundtrack, better known as Rhythm Heaven in the US. The original song, by Japanese producer Tsunku, has no lyrics, so I thought it would be fun to create some of my own. I imagined the song being about a boy in love with his lab partner in science class, taking a cue from the game’s visuals. Aside from singing the melody (poorly), I’m also performing all six harmony parts. Music video here! http://www.viddler.com/explore/DaleNorth/videos/1/ ---------------------------------------------------------------- Short and sweet, I definitely love the track, and the vocals were solid per Dale's usual. Basically the main issue is that it's still too cover-ish; structure & tempo are basically 1-for-1, the instrumentation and overall feel are still pretty much like the original. So, I'm loving it, it's just outside the scope of the site. Cool stuff, and looking forward to your next sub, Dale. NO
  5. Eminence Symphony Orchestra / A Night in Fantasia 2009 September 26, 2009 | 06:00 PM Sydney Entertainment Centre 35 Harbour Street Darling Harbour Sydney, NSW2000, AU http://anif09.com Direct Tickets Link: http://www.ticketmaster.com.au/A-Night-In-Fantasia-tickets/artist/1106112 Featuring selections from: AFRIKA, Shadow of the Colossus, God of War II, DarkSiders, Dragon Age: Origins, Prince of Persia, Gears of War 2, Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3, The Idolm@ster, SoulCalibur, Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War, Astro Boy, Chrono Cross, Death Note, Laputa: Castle in the Sky, The Melancholy of Haurhi Suzumiya, Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, My Neighbour Totoro, Princess Mononoke, Steamboy and Tsubasa Chronicle! Special Guests: • Inon Zur (Composer, Prince of Persia, Fallout 3) • Cris Velasco (Composer, God of War series, DarkSiders) • Wataru Hokoyama (Composer, AFRIKA) • Steve Jablonsky (Composer, Gears of War 2, Transformers) • Yasunori Mitsuda (Composer, Chrono Cross, Xenosaga) • Go Shiina (Composer, The Idolm@ster, Tales of Legendia) • Kow Otani (Composer, Shadow of the Colossus) • Aika (Vocalist) • Aubrey Ashburn (Vocalist) • Chiaki Takahashi (Vocalist) -------------------------------------------------------------- Wanted to plug the trailer for this show, which looks REALLY stacked. Our own José put together a sick video here, so give him some props! Plus an interview with THE IDOLM@STER's Chiaki Takahashi is currently the new hotness on YouTube. If you like cute Japanese women, there you go: A live CD is supposed to come out, so while I'm jealous of anyone that lives around Sydney, I'll still be able to hear the performance. There's a huge focus on newer games that I'm really interested in.
  6. djp & Palpable are already there, and I'm heading up tonight on a 5-hour flight. My assumption is this'll be crazy, so I'm excited! Wish you all could be there!
  7. Hahaha! You need to NOT blow shit out of proportion, that's what you need to do. I've been doing this for 5 years. The suggestion that I can't give a fair vote because I dropped some comments in a WIP thread is ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOFL. Look, if you don't wanna resub it because you'd rather work on something else, it's a free world. But if "this" above is your reason, it's a stupid one. We won't have a problem judging a resubmission fairly. As if we've never had anything like this happen before ever.
  8. Hahaha! All that's just silly. There's no "no clap" rule, that's just absurd. And I've heard Metroid Prime; the vox sequencing there sounds better than what was in the past sub. Plus, the timing of several other parts sounded unrealistic and slightly awkward, so it was a broader issue. As I mentioned, it didn't sound awful, but the rigid timing was noticeable. As far as the clap, that was cited first not because it was the biggest problem, but because that was the first issue I heard in the track chronologically (hence the timestamp). As far as the clap being a non-starter, it's about the tone & position of the instrument as well as the part-writing, which both needed work. That's not just me saying it, that's all the NOs saying it. This isn't some case where this sub happened to get the 3 evil judges who went NO instead of YES like others would have, no matter how passionately you feel about the track. For whatever reason, you lack the objectivity to cite these issues. To me, it's one thing to go "I hear the issues, but don't mind", because I hear NOs with issues that I enjoy anyway because they're cool regardless. But you're telling me we're basically overblowing the issues here to where we rejected a YESable track, and that's just nonsense. Honestly, it annoys me more to have to say that, because we also Meteo here who's being (needlessly) negative toward his abilities as a result of the rejection. Anyway, if this guy's bitching that my vote wasn't constructive, then "take 2". So to sum up AGAIN for Meteo (and I don't understand why he's feeling butthurt; don't, just shake it off and see what you can do further with the track): 1. The clap groove was too simplistically written and also didn't mesh with the rest of the soundscape. "B.A.M.F. (Radio Edit)", for example, was a recent instance where a prominent clap was used nicely, and the percussion patterns were more varied and interesting, thereby lending more energy & direction to the piece. If you want a much more downbeat example, OverCoat's "Path-ology" shows a straightforward pattern, but one with off-beats that's not as plain as the one in this sub. 2. The sequencing wasn't terrible, but could use some fine tuning. I'd see what you could come up with. 3. We have a lot of songs with less pronounced yet discernible curves, so there's no hate on the general mood you're trying to establish. However, the dynamic curve here was too flat, and the arrangement ideas dragged a bit through the melodic repetition without significant development. You need to add some more dynamic contrast.
  9. You oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooold!
  10. I've already suggested icing the roulette on the front page and instead doing them on the ReMixe pages in some form. Dave felt doing that might clutter the ReMix pages, but I'm sure something's feasible. Not a priority at the moment, but it's being thought about.
  11. We have a winner! This is a video game music tribute site after all. As far as the Lost Odyssey track, the melody's present for most of the mix, and the arrangement's overtly built around that. It doesn't matter if the genre sounds nothing like the original for a mix to pass.
  12. Greg and weed are both awesome zebras! Happy birthday!
  13. Nothing against Rayza, who I also scored very high, but this one was my personal favorite of the Reset Generation contest. Absolutely loved this arrangement; very smart stuff, Phil!
  14. Project track incoming! Remixer name - The Scuba Divers, featuring Liontamer game: Final Fantasy 4 song: Chocobo Comments: This is a pretty obscure track that I don't think has ever been remixed before, and honestly, I don't think many people have even heard the original. ::DarkeSword:: The concept is a tribute to the classic 'Team Gato', but instead of multiple style, we picked one style and ran with it- there are 4 rappers; in order, they are Chocobo, Shiva, Tonberry, and Cactuar. Yeah Tonberry and Cactaur weren't specifically in FF4, but they are pretty iconic to the series. The changes to the source are modulated it to minor, so it sounded more tough, and we added a lot of extra counterpoint and stuff. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=ff4 - "Chocobo Chocobo" (ff4-11.spc) For due diligence, since there were a lot of wholly original sections: The music portion was from :27.5-4:36, so I needed 124.25 seconds of Chocobo'z music in the track for the pass. :27.5-1:41, 2:19-3:08, 3:40-4:04 = 146.5 seconds, so that takes care of that. Y'all are some white ass rappers. YES
  15. http://hcs64.com/usf/sets/banjokusf.zip - (73) "Tooty's Theme" The sequencing was a bit too stiff IMO, but the overall execution was still very solid. The guitar work was pretty meaty, fleshed out the track nicely and de-emphasized any issues with the sequenced stuff. I really love how all of the elements came together, especially because the other instrumentation was a small ensemble rather than grandiose symphonic rock. Cool approach. The ending was anticlimactic at 2:49; I would have let the last notes resonate more; as is, it just stops. Tweak it if you can, but it's not a huge deal though; this was really fun stuff. YES
  16. Agreed. Let's make sure "they're not going to work on it further" bears 0 impact on the call.
  17. I have to stress that, while I've yet to listen to the linked music, the very notion of this request is awesome.
  18. Remixer: POCKETMAN Real Name: Clay Moffatt Game Remixed: Donkey Kong Country 2 Song Remixed: Web Woods Remix name: Gloomy Thicket Comments: Hey guys, how is it going? Just thought I should send this your way. I just finished it as part of my own personal DKC2 remix project. Good game, good songs, thought I might as well mix them all Anyways, enjoiy my remix of Web Woods entitled: Gloomy Thicket. ----------------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=dkq - "Forest Interlude" (dkq-17.spc) As far as theme bias goes, you've got me. Loved the source ever since Protricity did "Forest Birdcussion". That said, there wasn't too much going on here. The dropoff at 1:12 was really anti-climactic, and the quasi-electric guitar synth at :40 & 1:31 was pretty low quality. 2:02 was a chance to do something different with the melody, but nothing else happened. Texturally, this was too simplistic. The textures were also muddy, with the pad (though its tone sounded decent) cluttering up the soundfield. You've set a somewhat different mood, but the overall structure and approach wasn't too interpretive. Add more ideas to the arrangement, especially in the second half so you're not just retreading the same ideas, and do what you can to make the instrumentation more sophisticated. NO
  19. Contact Information: Remixer name: AriesT Real Name: Timo Hellmund Website: http://www.youtube.com/user/AriesT1 Submission Information: Game arranged: Terranigma (SNES) Song arranged: Resurrection Theme Arrangement's name: Rising Worlds Original: Comment: I wanted to create a dark and moody atmosphere at the beginning which merges into an epic temper in the final climax. The remix is quite close to the original because I wanted to enlarge it, not completly re-write it. This track was made in 2008 and the production time was 2 weeks - not including previous brain storming time. I only used Cubase and Kontakt 2 because I cannot afford more. I'm sorry for this. ----------------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=ts - "Open the Door" (ts-09.spc) The sequencing, particularly the strings (e.g. 1:22-1:44), needed refinement to sound more realistic. The drum usage starting at 2:10 didn't fit within the track's texture; should have sounded a lot more spacious and less centered, IMO. Texturally, it felt like the 1:22-1:44 section was missing something to glue things together and drive the piece forward; maybe another J can elaborate on that. Once the source melody kicked in at 2:08, the track basically felt like it was over. Some of the supporting instrumentation changed up, but the melodic arrangement was repetitive and the dynamics weren't particularly varied or interesting. I'm not ignoring the dynamic contrast that was there (e.g. changeup at 1:22, dropoff/instrument change at 1:45), it just wasn't particularly pronounced as implied in the writing. Work on making the changes in the energy level and pacing more interesting. I know the source theme is short, but we've had ReMixers successfully do more with less because they can get creative & interpretive with the variations. See what you can do with the tempo, with the rhythms, with the instrumentation, etc., to not make the track feel so repetitive in your handling of the source. Keep at it, bro. NO (resubmit)
  20. ReMixer name: Chinballz Real name: Marcus Lundmark e-mail: Hellmeppo_92@hotmail.com Game: Mirror's Edge Song name: Still Alive - Main theme Remix name: Still Alive / Leap of Faith remix Composer: Lisa Miskovsky Additional: This song is just beautiful, and I couldn't resist remixing it. Simple as that. ------------------------------------------------------------ Still Alive - The Remixes - (01) I know it's a club piece, but the intro/buildup was too long, IMO. Then again, there's enough source usage overall, so that's just a personal preference with no bearing on the vote. The source tune could be involved earlier even with this lengthy a buildup. Once things picked up at 2:43 after the Faith voice sampling, both the genre adaptation and synth design were extremely by the numbers and vanilla. It's not bad, it's just as not as fleshed out and sophisticated an interpretation as it should be. The other Js will be able to elaborate more on what wasn't quite clicking. This was a decent base, and I'm not saying the sounds are terrible, but you need more sophisticated sonic textures, and the treatment of the theme could be way more interesting. NO (resubmit)
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