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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. BTW, what's up with the tracker data being all funked up. How do we get that fixed so it looks good like it used to?
  2. You'd then have to redo the track #s, which is pointless busywork. If anyone one else could verify that just to be doubly sure, that'd be great. OCR IDs are 5 digits, so I'd be happy if there wasn't an issue with that.
  3. Bah, kick u iTunes. Can't anyone else verify that issue? It'll be OverClocked ReMix. We ain't no generic "various artists". Using the Album artist/Band field should fix that.
  4. Appreciated, but I've already gone through all those issues. I don't need any help with current ReMixer names and the program I'm using caught other issues like spaces. But I do appreciate the lookout. If I miss something like that, feel free to gloat.
  5. http://www.ocremix.org/composer/id/47/tamayo-kawamoto/ I'm sure it depends on what you'd be using it for. Can't speak for 'em, but if it's just for some YouTube video, they wouldn't care. If it were for profit, you'd get in touch with their licensing department (in this case, you'd end up calling and seeing how far you get).
  6. The reason it's not for me is because if we did that for some games, in order to properly and uniformly do that, we'd have add 1s for all the games with sequels. It's a beyotch. If djp were down with that change, sure, but otherwise, I'd rather not.
  7. I dunno where the issue came from, but I believe it's all set. I already knew about it though, but thanks anyway for pointing it out. That's already the new standard, and I've carried that over to the older stuff. Nah, it's fine. There'll never be a 100% accurate system re: filename/tag sorting. We're OK with what's in place now. Way, way ahead of you. Isn't it just as simple as sorting by filename or track title? If not, we may need to reconsider the idea. Someone run a test. Yep. And there's definitely not even the tiniest bit of reconsideration about the filename or track title styles. Those styles help popularize the mixes the same way the URL as the album popularizes the site. We'd be stupid to change them; they're the way they are for a good reason. Yeah, I figure it's Dave's call.
  8. http://www.ocremix.org/info/ReMix_Changelog (from Lockdown 2) OCR00223 - Super Mario 64 'Haunted Hell (IncuCujoKondoD.Bros. Mix)' * Reason: WAV rips + The Dust Brothers' "What is Fight Club?" + Amon Tobin's (Cujo's) "Cruzer" + Vince Guaraldi Trio's "Christmas Time is Here" + assorted sampled movie clips, author admits to it being so. We've had 2 Doom series removals: (from Lockdown 1) OCR00027 - Doom 'E1M1' * Reason: MIDI rip with instruments changed. (from Lockdown 2) OCR00333 - Doom 2 'Monster Condo' * Reason: MIDI rip + atmospheric sounds. Look for those at OC ReMoved and see if you hit paydirt: http://www.doulifee.com/Storage/OC_Removed/
  9. And how would you fit the information in that size image?
  10. Already got that stuff, but thanks. Just for the record, I don't need any help on file renaming or proper game names, just ID3 tag fields we're not using that we should be.
  11. Don't hate me because I'm beautiful!
  12. Definitely some excellent funky stuff. The opening groove really grabs one's attention. Pretty chill stuff that's aged very nicely. More people should roll with this one.
  13. yeah, restraining me from spraying her with Raid
  14. why don't we have them add your mom while we're at it
  15. Dunno why I never posted here, but this was a favorite of mine from the first time I gave it a listen. Really creative stuff for back in the day that holds up pretty well. Given some of the synths being kind of vanilla, the production techniques here really gave the piece a unique feel and character. Surprising this doesn't get more attention, especially since it's from FF6.
  16. That could be very cool, just not something that could be done quickly. Maybe around OCR02000 if they idea takes off. Nowadays, I've seen OSes & programs smart enough to understand that filenames with Final_Fantasy_9 come before Final_Fantasy_10, so I think it's OK, but I'll keep an eye on that. As far as the actual tags, don't worry Mattias, Roman numerals where appropriate.
  17. What about doing the full ID #, like "OCR00952"? Easier to tie to OCR if someone Googled the ID string
  18. Definitely NOT changing the album tag. That's how people find the site. If you want to sort by game, the filenames and titles allow that already. Already done. This is me we're talking about. Dave uses Helium to tag the mixes and I know he adds the OCR mix # in every mix somewhere. That said, I dunno where that is in ID3v2 tags or how to easily see that stuff. We could do that in the Track # tags instead.
  19. Awesome. This is definitely helpful! Is there anything else mission critical that you guys feel OCR tags lack?
  20. Custom art per game could be cool, but too much worky! I lazy. So when you extract the art from pro iTunes releases, is it also 300x300, or is it larger and just scaled down for the flipbook view?
  21. True. I'll bother DCT. (EDIT: Done!) I could use another sweep of stuff if anyone's willing to look.
  22. Thanks, man. Good catch on lyrics! Just double check on the art sizes you're seeing. I'm sure the display size in programs is smaller than 300x300, but if there's any program that shows off something larger, I'd rather we didn't have art that was too small and might look pixelated.
  23. I believe the Album artist/band field I mentioned takes care of that.
  24. We're in the home stretch of this project and a re-release of the single mix torrents. ---------------------------------------------------- IN PROGRESS: Lyrics unavailable for some ReMixes (HELP US OUT HERE) Higher bitrate encodings (but NO CHANGES OR REVISIONS) New bitrate/encoding requirement at either 192kbps or VBR1 (ReMixers, post your high quality WAV, FLAC or 192kbps or VBR1 MP3 encodings here OR host them and send links to larryoji@ocremix.org) THINGS WE ARE NOT CHANGING: ReMixer name(s) as Artist "http://ocremix.org" as Album Title "Game" as Genre Official album art design DONE: MP3 validation (e.g. MPEG frame consistency, length of stored VBR header) for player compatibility Added missing VBR headers Removed all non-standard ID3v2.3 tags and all non-ID3v2.3 tags (e.g. ID3v1, APE) Standardized filenames and ID3v2.3 tags (e.g. proper game titles, correct capitalization/spacing of mix titles, single quotes around mix title) Quality control & corrections of all existing fields (e.g. ReMixer name changes, missing/corrected composers/platforms/years) Added Track # (ReMix ID #), Publisher (OverClocked ReMix), Album Artist (OverClocked ReMix) and Album Artist URL ("http://ocremix.org") fields Added Compilation flag for grouping of single mixes as one album Added game to Grouping/Content Group field for sorting by game title Added ReMix titles (w/o game name prefix & 'OC ReMix' suffix) to Subtitle field Standardized URL field (OCR Artist profile URL) Added artist submission and website comments to Comments field (when available) Embedded confirmed lyrics in Comments and Unsynced Lyrics fields Removed extra silence from tracks
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