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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. Was removed back when mix #1500 came out: http://www.ocremix.org/info/ReMix_Changelog#Pre-OCR01500_Removal_Process_.28Lockdown_2.29 OCR00023 - Metroid 'Brinstar Theme (Ben Lewis Mix)' * Reason: Mostly NSF rip + drums. You can pick it up at OC ReMoved: http://www.doulifee.com/Storage/OC_Removed/
  2. Anyone who has a first mix here is a "newcomer" or "n00b"; it doesn't mean they're new to music. In other words, shaddapz!
  3. Remixer Name: Willrock07 Real Name: William Harby Email address: will.rock@hotmail.co.uk Userid number: 24181 Remix link: http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/bzur/Tree-Surfin-Sonic-Fin There is an attachment if the link does not work for some reason. Game Arranged: Sonic The Hedgehog (game gear version Songs Arranged: Jungle Theme Name Of Submission: Tree Surfin' Sonic Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BbaRjvQOBWU Own Comments: The version of sonic the hedgehog I had when I was a kid was the game gear version, and it shames me to say that I forgot the music in the game 'cept green hill of course So I was surfing for this version of the game, and I found the jungle zone theme on youtube and remembered it. Anyway, it always seems to me that the source tune (maybe due to the limited sound capabilities) didn't seem to fit the level theme very well (all the themes in the GG version have a very kiddy feel and I know I am not the only one who thinks this). Basically, the idea behind this was not to stray from the source too much, but to try and be more true to the theme of the level (from my point of view) than the original if that makes sense I hope you enjoy this one - it was a fun tune to remix! On a final note, if this remix gets rejected, could you leave the link to my mix, as I feel it could be useful for people who wish to submit a mix themselves. ------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.smspower.org/music/vgm/Sonic_the_Hedgehog.zip - "Jungle Zone" Rather quaint piece. I thought the melodic writing needed to be more upfront, as it made the track seem a bit meandering. The groove was pretty sophisticated and varied, but didn't seem to have any major changeups to create bigger dynamic contrast, which would have benefited this, IMO. As is, it may sound strange to say it, but for all the subtle variation here, the end result came off a bit bland. This was a 2:28-long track, so I needed over 74 seconds of source usage for the win. Breakdown is as follows: :23-:39, :46-:54, :58-1:08, 1:33-1:42, 1:44-1:52, 1:54.5-1:56 - That's about 52.5 seconds or 35.5%. The original additions fit this one like a glove, and if you didn't compare with the source tune, one could easily gloss over it. But contrary to the sub letter, I thought you ended up getting away from the source too much by indulging too long with some of the comping-style writing in the middle. If there's something I've missed, I'm definitely open to hearing it, but as is this is too liberal. Refine it and send it on back. If the source usage was over 50%, I would have been down. NO (resubmit)
  4. ReMixer Names: Wiesty, audio fidelity, OA Real Names: Dylan Wiest, Jay Yaskin, Andrew Luers Email Addresses: dwiest@hotmail.com, Bass10854@hotmail.com, andrewluers@gmail.com User ID: 11643, 24748, 14963 Game Arranged: Final Fantasy IV Name of Song Arranged: Hey Cid! Comments: The concept for the remix started from the idea to change the name of the song to Goodbye Cid. I thought that the title would kind of maybe have a sad sound to it so i arranged the main part of the song with minor chords and solo guitars. From there I decided to add drums and a bass line. The whole "sad" sound to the mix was mainly diminished but what came out of it was a much tastier jam. For the second part of the song i really wanted to change things up and give it a whole new sound, kind of a "B" side idea. The fast acoustic strumming riffs inspired by various rock ballads and what not, but the melody was left open for a solo. I myself wanted a tastey guitar solo, so i called in Jay to do some work on the guitar. He wrote the guitar solo, recorded all the guitar & bass, and did some final mixdown work. He also brought up the idea to trade riffs on the solo, and we decided to make it into a guitar and organ solo. Towards the end of the mix Andrew was called in to record some acoustic guitar. Overall this was a really fun collaboration and alot of great ideas were generated to provide a really unique play on the source. *This is a track for the up and coming FFIV: Echoes of Betrayal, Light of Redemption album and, if accepted, must be kept private until album release. **The song was given a quick mastering in this version but will be fully mastered prior to project release. EDIT (4/2): Received a breakdown from Jay ---------------------------------------------------------- Easily my favorite source from FF4, and one that gave my non-musician self a ReMix idea a couple years ago. http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=ff4 - "Hey, Cid!" (ff4-24.spc) Source usage I'm picking up on: :01-:09, :17-:23, 1:13.5-1:32, 1:55-2:00, 2:48-2:57, 3:04-3:31, 3:35-3:53, 4:05-4:09 Uh, yeah. 2:01-2:25 was original writing following the basic progression of the original, with 2:25-2:47 loosely going into the chorus before the more overt chorus showed up at 2:47. I'm definitely not counting any of that. This is put together well, no doubt about that, but this is still way too liberal from my view and goes too far off the path of the source. I'll reserve final judgement for a source breakdown from the artists, but "Hey, Cid!" is a very straightforward, 32-second-long theme, and I'm not hearing it enough here at all.
  5. ReMixer Name: Oni Email Address: parii-sama@hotmail.com Forum ID: 26108 Game Arranged: MegaMan X4; Playstation(PSX) Song Arranged: Stage Theme of Magma Dragoon Remix Link: I've also attached an MP3, in case of any problems with the link. About myself: I've been a guitarist for almost 5 years, and I've been learning how to play video game music for about 3 years now, so I definitely consider myself an amateur. I've done many covers of bands and of video game music, but not a lot of composing/arranging. I've done a few tracks that I arranged based on other songs, but only recently have I felt that I have the talent to submit a track to OCReMix. The reason for choosing this track, other than it being a favorite of mine, is simply because it falls right into the genre that I love to play the most, and also based on the fact that most MegaMan music just sounds awesome when done with guitars. Anyway, I appreciate any criticism that your panel has to give me in regards to the production of the track, as I've only recently begun to make more professional-sounding tracks, and I would really like to improve in any way that I can. Thanks for your time in reviewing my submission. -Oni ------------------------------------------ Capcom Music Generation Rockman X1~6 - (311) "Magmard Dragoon Stage" Decent cover, but it's not interpretive enough at all. The melody's just 1-for-1 with the original. The guitar performance on the lead was a bit stiff and could have been loosened up more. 1:53-2:11 had some soloing over the foundation of the original, but that was about it in terms of personalizing the performance. The arrangement needs more development and uniqueness. NO
  6. Zephyrum Guillaume SAUMANDE guillaume.saumande@wanadoo.fr Final Fantasy 8 Never Shirk Your Destiny Premonition, Rivals, Never Look Back, The Looser Nobuo UEMATSU Hello, Here it is my first remix on your website. There is a long time I discoverd the site of ocremix (a real goldmine !!), and I was eager to post my own arrangement. It’s an arrangement from several musics from ff8. I chose this game because it’s the first whose music had a real impact on me. Its OST is composed of a lot of masterpiece. When we listen these different musics, we see they have been thought for an orchestra. A CD with orchestral arrangement still exist (Fithos Lusec Wecos Vinosec) : the musics are sublime but I find this CD incomplete. A lot of other musics of this game would have merited to be present on this CD, in particular boss musics. So, I wanted at the beginning to make an arrangement of Premonition. The original music was sill wonderfull with its two memorable melodies, its magnificient introduction, its complex organisation (in only 2’30), an rich an powerfull harmony. I attempt to keep at maximum the orginal organisation in adding some orchestral effects : percussions, brass, picollo... At 2’30, there is a repetition of the first medody to arrive to the summit of this music. Just after (3’12), the sound is faint, the music mysterious. It’s the arrangement of Rivals, melody near of the first theme of Premonition, the witch’s melody. This piece is use to introduce the third arrangement : Never Look Back (3’40). Logical, when the battle go wrong, we had better to run ! For this piece, I tried to keep a maximum the power of the original : stressfull rythm, discordant chord, effects of crechendo with brass. Global organisation of the original piece have been nearly keept, with a rythm more present in the repetition. This part of the arrangement end by a note dreadfully sad wich introduce the final piece : The Looser. The poor running person have been recaptured, he can see his end coming. I cut the part prelude of the original piece to keep only the nostalgy of the strings. That's all for explainning, I hope you’ll enjoy this mix ! Zephyrum ------------------------------------------------------------- http://tzone.org/~llin/psf/packs2/FF8_minipsf.rar - (214) "Premonition", (218) "Rivals", (112) "Never Look Back" & (111) "The Looser" The levels were too quiet, IMO, and the whole track sounded needlessly distant, though that wouldn't have put down an amazing arrangement. There was a missing piece here in terms of making the whole thing sound cohesive. The drumwork starting off so spartan didn't help. The sample quality was decent, but the was a huge lack of realism and finesse in the sequencing. It's a step above the PS1, but the standard isn't PS1 quality. Arrangement-wise, the structure felt too close. The opening felt like a straight up rip of "Premonition" with a minor sound upgrade, which already makes in an easy NO-go. The whole first half was a wash and wasn't unique at all in terms of the arrangement, then the take on "Never Look Back" was just as rip-ish. You need to reread the arrangement section of the Standards here and again and present a more interpretive arrangement next time.
  7. "n00b", as in, this is his first OC ReMix. He's a n00b to being posted here.
  8. *Remix Title: *UNATCO (EJ's Midnight Mix) *Link to Remix: * Contact Details_ Remixer Name/Group:* Auteur Theory *Real Names: *Kev & Joel (Kev sending this email - but both to be credited) *Email: *auteurtheoryonline@googlemail.com *Website: *www.auteurtheoryonline.com *Specific Remix Page: * *Kev's User ID: *21437 _*Submission Info *_*Name of Game: *Deus Ex *Name of Individual Song: *Unatco HQ *Game info: *PC and PS2 release (named 'Deus Ex: The Conspiracy on PS2). Soundtrack composers Alexander Brandon, Michiel Van Den Bos and Reeves Gabrels. This track composed by Alexander Brandon. *Original Track: * *Notes on the mix: *This track is taken from our (Auteur Theory) album of Deus Ex remixes - 'The Long Night'. We consider this track one of our favourites, not only from our album but from the game. The lead synths lend themselves so well to house music, which made it great fun to work with. We tried to capture some of Brandon's mystery and atmosphere from the original, while adding our own chilled mark to it. -------------------------------------------------------------- Deus Ex: Game of the Year Edition Soundtrack - (04) "UNATCO" Aw man, the voice samples are so tacky and cheesy. They just sound slapped on top. Meanwhile the synth design here was pretty vanilla. I did like the stuff going on at 1:57 though, which was at least more interesting, but everything else sounded pretty straightforward and plain. The flimsy claps at 2:39 sounded out of place with the rest of the textures; more of a nitpick than anything else. As much as I like more downbeat, low-key pieces, the textures were pretty bland and there wasn't much energy to the piece. To make up for the tempo being the same throughout, you did add and drop various elements to create some dynamic contrast; I just didn't think it ended up particularly effective. At 4:17, I was hoping you guys didn't throw in a sound clip at the end, and was pleasantly surprised it didn't happen! Hopefully some other Js can speak more to what could improve the overall package, cuz I'm stuck picking out what didn't work in this case. There's some potential here, but there's not much of a hook. NO
  9. DJ eklöf Journey to silius level1 I was bored so I made the ultimate remix of this track ---------------------------------------------------------------- Gotta give that mix a name, bro. http://www.zophar.net/download_file/9041 - Track 3 The arrangement ideas are alright, but this was mixed way too hot. The chiptune section was particularly grating. You've got to tone down the volume/compression on this a bit. Aside from that, you had some melodic/rhythmic variations going on, but they weren't particularly interesting within this genre adaptation. What's in place there is OK, and not TOO cover-ish, but you can take the creativity and personalization further, IMO. NO
  10. Hey-a. I have a band called Cubehead, and we've covered a song from Rygar. Here's a linque: http://eatmycube.com/mp3/Catacombs.mp3 And, as requested, here's the info for the song: Remixer (in this case, the band): Cubehead Real name: George Coslop email: jorge@eatmycube.com website: EatMyCube.com game: Rygar (NES) song: Cavern of Sagila Live drums by Ian Kiesel Hope it makes the cut! -- CUBEHEAD 666 to the electro punk EatMyCube.com myspace.com/eatmycube -------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.zophar.net/download_file/9235 - Track 4 Definitely very enjoyable, and I'm feeling it, but keeping the standards in mind, this wasn't interpretive enough with the melody or countermelody and was too much of a cover rather than taking the source in many new directions. Opened with an NES style take of the melody before turning to the modern stuff at :21. The new supporting line that came in at :42 was a nice touch, but was brief. This handled things mostly the expansive route with the instrumentation being beefed up and fleshed out nicely, but by 1:23 you've basically heard everything. The production/mixing was on the rough side, but not in a bad way; it fit the style well. Interesting choice not using the melody much and sticking with the countermelody and rhythms of the original. If you're gonna go that route though, I'd suggest creating more variations of those ideas within the framework of the song to make the adaptation to rock stand out more uniquely. Altering some of the rhythms or notes from verse to verse are small ideas that would help make the presentation even more unique. We'll see what the others say; I though this was a badass cover that could afford to take some more liberties and variation with the material, so if you're interested in doing that, I think it'd be a great addition to the site. Cool stuff so far, and I hope we hear more from you guys! NO (resubmit)
  11. Hello, I would like to submit a Christmas remix of a song from the MMOG Ragnarok Online. Before I elaborate, here's the necessary information: My ReMixer name: Simn My real name: Simon Krajewski My email address: simn@uni-koblenz.de My website: http://www.simn.de Name of the game arranged: Ragnarok Online Name of the individual song arranged: Theme of Yuno Link to the original song: Link to my remix: I always thought the Yuno Theme had a great melody that would make a great trailer tune. Yet it also seemed to be pretty repetitive and I couldn't stand listening to it for too long. Thus I decided to play around with it for a while, but I couldn't really get any satisfying results. Later, in November last year, it occured that we at RoCards (a fansite for Ragnarok Online, see http://www.rocards.de) decided to create an advent calendar, and I immediately knew what I had to do. Soon after, the background music for this calendar was finished and this piece of music happens to be the one I'm submitting. I primarily focused on two things: evoking the feeling of Christmas as good as possible while still retaining some level of originality that would separate it from a standard Christmas song, since I'm fairly sick of these. From my point of view, I accomplished both. My choice of instruments was a wide variety of orchestral instruments (hence the title) in combination with drums and a bass. You can find anything from flutes and trumpets over violins and oboes to clarinettes and french horns. They unite in the end to deliver the final theme part, impressively wishing the audience a Merry Christmas. Which is also what I would like to finish this email with. Have a nice Christmas time! Thank you for your attention Simon Krajewski ------------------------------------------------------------ Just noting beforehand that we have a 192kbps bitrate ceiling, so a VBR of 197kbps is too high. Ragnarok Online - (70) "Theme of Juno" This is OK, but lacked some polish. The overall execution lacked presence, and I felt there was a fair amount of empty space; I would have compressed this a little. The textures in place right now sounded empty and weren't totally cohesive, but I'd need another J to explain that more thoroughly and suggest what could be done there. Also, a lot of the timing of the instruments sounded way too perfect/quantized to sound realistic, mostly the woodwind sequencing, but some other parts as well. The arrangement was pretty solid overall, so refining those other issues would help put this over the top. Keep working on it, Simon, this has potential! NO (resubmit)
  12. http://vgmdb.net/album/11339 Definitely gotta give props for this soundtrack. It's very diverse and very pro. Lots of fun, I was pleasantly surprised. Nice work, Gene! Anyone on the fence like "what the hell is this?", you better go out of your way to grab this. Not that there was heavy hype, but it's definitely worth the DL, easily. LOL at SplinterOfChaos being a douche. If you have a stick up your ass about EA, don't be a dick about it to the composer of the game; that's completely misdirected.
  13. Torn between two lovers. Seriously, you'd need a music-making English major codemonkey to lead the site. We're now accepting applications for 2045.
  14. Well, damn. There goes my plan to throw an actual tomato at you. (Never mind, I'mma still do it.)
  15. http://www.capcom-unity.com/johndmoney/blog/2008/12/18/super_street_fighter_ii_turbo_hd_remix_achieves_record_breaking_sales Yep, it's been mentioned on the forums. But not right here. And not with a tomato.
  16. What she said. LARRY's shameless edit: Get Jill's new holiday album, Through Sand and Snow, to celebrate their engagement and keep the monies flowing to prevent divorce! http://www.jilliangoldin.com/ Click play at the bottom for the previews, it's awesome.
  17. I wish y'all the best of luck keeping things fresh and always communicating! Y'all do that, you'll never be unhappy. Congratulations, Jordan & Jade!
  18. How many tracks were you looking for total then? What about sound effects? For the benefit of people who are interested, I'm trying to get an idea of how much work you're asking for.
  19. Various shizzle: add Twitter page to Groups listing in sidebar and dropdown add Site Issues & Feedback to dropdown (already mentioned) add VG Frequency to Projects listing in sidebar change Ormgas Radio in dropdown to OCR Radio and new link What's up with the messed up data in the torrent listings?
  20. Not really. I was pretty generous with Lockdown 2, which I think we did around early '06. Though we removed about a 100 mixes, a lot of stuff was left along, as it wasn't about reevaluating mixes according to current standards. "Cossack Hot Steppin'" was from '01 when direct sampling was more lenient. Hearing the addition of the original piano part, I was willing to let it go because there was some effort to at least add something countermelodic and substantive. Had it been more recent than 2001, removing it would have been put to a vote. The F-Zero GX got removed in '04 when mix #1250 got posted, and was a very recent mix judged against tighter rules. Cyborg Jeff stated that he built the mix from the ground up. But even taken that at face value, the instrumentation and structure were way too close to the original. That was also the mix where Prot tried to institute a new "YES Override" rule ("for obvious YESs") and got shot down by the rest of the panel. Nice try.
  21. Hahaha, nice baby! Congrats, Andrew!
  22. Hey, he's keeping his name in the limelight, and it's working. He can also afford to dick around on Xbox Live all day.
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