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Everything posted by Strike911

  1. Cool concept. Seems fun. I'll give a it a spin. Would be funny if this was Al Qaeda's answer to America's Army. haha.
  2. In 2050 the kids on OCR will be like, "OMG! QUIT MAKING TRANCE AND ELECTRONICA... we're into brain music and taking pictures of our dreams while we sleep." And us old timers will be having PRC 47,000, AND still remixing Ice Cap Zone. Mark my words. I guess the only way I can even start to comprehend that is to envision an old man here on the boards showing up and "remixing" game tunes in the style of 1950's rock and roll... Elvis style. Wild. Man, I want some classic rock and roll now. haha. ... edit: And the "Nice work guy" pictures will develop some kind of sophisticated AI, no longer requiring our input on what work is nice, and what work is not, take over OCR, and make the coolest Gerudo Valley mix evar. You heard it here first folks.
  3. Ha, no challenges here. I was hoping it would be like chicken noodle soup in music form. It was meant endearingly.
  4. Hollywood always does that though. I'm annoyed. On one hand, I know this movie will be awful. I just know it. I'm okay with that (the source material, admittedly isn't all that great)... but my problem is that I will probably be there opening day to see it all go down regardless. Really makes me wonder how that Akira flick is going to turn out...
  5. Metal Gear Solid - Liquid Crystal Display TIGER Electronics Circa 1992 Edition Watch it happen... or get released on Tiger R-Zone.
  6. Look. On the slim, marginal chance that MGS4 gets ported, it won't be announced for another year or two, until MGS4 sales on the PS3 have fizzled out... With all the Apple product placement, and Kojima's (and I guess Konami's?) love for all things Apple, my guess is some kind of Metal Gear Acid iteration on Iphone or Ipod rather than a 360 port. My 2 cents.
  7. -Original Starfox -Good ol' Shadow of the Colossus -Metal Gear Solid Series (especially MGS4 with its IPod item... I'll go online every thursday to see if Konami has any new downloadable in-game tracks available... hell I want those more than the extra camo's, haha. There have been some phenomenal music released as DLC over the last few months, which surprises me still). -Einhander ... I can easily play through that game just to enjoy the soundtrack. -DDR and Bust-A-Groove (Kitty N baby)... do music games even count though? -Zelda: A Link to the Past (and most of the Zeldas actually)... fantastic. Kind of stopped playing them though once I found the live string quartet tracks that were released. Why does Nintendo insist on relying on midi for that game, when other less deserving Nintendo titles get the live orchestra treatment (*cough* Starfox Assualt *cough*). Oh... -Starfox Assault... the only good thing about that game was the soundtrack... okay, and the sorely missed on-rails missions. ... and honestly (and most recently): Super Smash Bros Brawl... because I can get a hefty dose of nostalgia from multiple games all in one place, and the game is still "new-ish" so my buddies will play it when we're all amassed together. Good times. I can justify a playthrough of the original Starfox (or a game of SSBB) just to hear the Corneria music.
  8. Studio Ghibli is the only group that should ever attempt a real Zelda movie. That's all I have to say.
  9. Saw this earlier. Ridiculous over-use of gore and violence.... ... but I wish more DS games combined that cutesy look for mini-games with over the top violence. It's just a winning combination. lol. I've tried to tell as many people as I could about this game because I think it's absolutely hilarious. Does it make me want to be vegetarian? No. Is it funny. Sure is, in fact, I wish there was a commercial game that could pull this off, minus nag/info screens about PETA's anti-meat agenda.
  10. Yeah, its most likely crappy input coming in, that is, whatever the media is playing on the TVs.
  11. Sorry to burst the bubble but the next Metroid will be a small collection of mini/party games. You heard it here first folks. @ Torzelan!! DUDE! I have that one from when I was a kid but in English, but it didn't come with a tape or anything! I also have a Zelda one, same style. That makes me ridiculously happy.
  12. I have had so much fun with this demo. The full version will make me a happy panda.
  13. Lives are no object when it comes to money. .... i sEE wHAt u dID tHAR!
  14. Okay, look, in terms of DRM, the way Valve does things over Steam is really ideal. Download it all you want to as many comps as you want, you just have to log in. Easy. Some companies though on Steam limit installs, just like regular retail discs. But Valve stuff (aka TF2, Portal, HalfLife, LEFT 4 DEAD) don't have those limits. Support this type of distribution system, because it's the best alternative we have... Had steam since counter-strike and I've happily purchased HalfLife2, TF2/OrangeBox, and very soon I'll buy Left 4 Dead. I've had no issues with it, except for the occasional mandatory update, but hey, it's fixing things so I'm cool. Privacy issues don't exist, and it only gathers information on your computer if you allow it to do a public test to compare your machine's stats/specs to other Steam users. It's all up to you. Still, it's not a security issue. I trust Steam, and I've been using it since it first showed up. Seriously, get on Left 4 Dead. I played the demo earlier and I fell in love. I had so much fun... it's like playing through a zombie movie with co-op plus hardcore awesome mixed in. Get Steam. yes.
  15. You can search specific levels... ... I think. That's what the search tab does right? or is it limited? Finding levels could be easier... it's a little tricky to get used to. I'm having a blast though... I need to meet up with some of you guys and play online.
  16. A group of people I'm working with are using XNA and haven't had any issues with it at all, much less with compiling. All runs without much of a hitch. Weird. Maybe we're just lucky. haha.
  17. There are plenty of songs, in fact quite a few songs have mixers, so you can pick which parts you want to play and completely customize what music the player hears... and you can have that tune evolve as the player plays through the level by altering which parts are playing at different areas. It's cool. I'm having a blast with LBP. Seriously, the final boss(es) in the end of the story mode make you say wow, in that you can actually create transforming bosses with multiple stages of attacks. When I played through that area, I did say "wow." Good stuff. The fact that people can actually build the things they see in story mode is really cool.
  18. Hey awesome! I always listen to Live 105.3 (specifically Russ Martin) but I listen up to Ben and Skin on my drive to and from class. That is awesome man. I was intrigued by their jingle contest and heard a few but I didn't know anyone from OCR was in there! haha. Good job man! That's really really funny. I love it. ha.
  19. Anyone? Takers? ... It's received glowing reviews thus far, but I don't hear too many people talking about it, especially with Left 4 Dead, Dead Space, LittleBigPlanet, and Mirrors Edge coming out soon.
  20. Yeah, I'm tired of waiting for this game too. Been looking forward to it for a long time.. And I know it's already been said, but I have to say it again... WHY ON EARTH ARE THESE KINDS OF LYRICS IN LITTLE BIG PLANET? SERIOUSLY? They're ridiculously dark and grim for a title open to all ages, regardless of whether they were from a religious text or not. Seriously. It's a little ridiculous. Admittedly, I haven't played the game, but I've seen the theme and style that Media Molecule is going for and it doesn't fit at all. The best way to compare it is to create an opposite to show distinction... ... Kill Bill Vol 1 with the soundtrack performed by Elmo.
  21. Counterpoint for all these people saying music is necessary. it might be important to talk about games that don't include a real soundtrack for the levels/game. Ico was highly successful in capturing mood and ambience but hardly had any music at all. What, you have the ending theme and the save music. That's it. Nothing in game. The soundtrack pretty much becomes just the ambient sounds in the environment. Music just can't add anything to the game because it's simply not there, but critics and fans alike hail it as one of the most immersive games to ever be produced. Clearly, music isn't a necessity. Not saying keeping music out in all cases gives you better emotive qualities in general, but some games can benefit from a lack of music, just because we are so used to hearing music, thus expecting it to fill in a void where the graphics and ambience cannot, it jars us and forces us to really listen to the world (if done correctly). It's simple and effective, and again, very few games can get away with this, but Ico, again, does it very well. Exceedingly well, which in itself can almost prove the opposite point of what most people are stating above. Simple sounds of the world around the player can be just as effective, and at times, perhaps more so. You have games like Shadow of the Colossus, Final Fantasy, Metal Gear Solid, all of which have their emotions and moods defined by by the music, and then you have Ico, that is emotionally defined by its distinct lack of music, which only further enhances the ambient qualities of the game. It's a two way street, really. It honestly just depends on the game, and I know that's a cop-out answer, but it's true.
  22. This is very cool! I still have my original Sega Genesis plugged into my TV to this day, havent' played it in ages though. This might be a good reason to turn it on.
  23. First off, if I can hum and or sing the way I want a remix to sound, then I'll go with that... ... if I don't have a tune planned though I'll usually take the main theme and recreate that... then I'll modify it a little by changing some of the note placements... then I'll start giving the background sounds and everything else its own feel. Sometimes if the song is really complex I might recreate it entirely, but really rare. It's just not productive to recreate something I'm just going to tear apart. MIDI files are my friends though...
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