Yeah, we're not gonna be doing this. We have some episodes where we already have two guests on, but those cases its 99% because they have something to do with each other. Even then we have a long list. I like the random cohost chatter, but you see where I try to move things along.This podcast has always been, to me, taking people and things about the community and talking about them both related to the community and not. How else would we have found out Luiza's deathly afraid of coconut crabs? Or about Juan Lords' bLiNd remix and the coneydogs? Random chatter is part of what makes this OCAD!
Now, back to planning more randomness.
Also, we're confirmed for Chad this week. I'm gonna go figure out what the hell Captain S was before he comes on so I don't look too stupid.
Edit: just to clarify, we like giving guests their time to shine, unless they have something tied in together. For example, we're slated to have Fishy and The Damned on together in anticipation of The Missingno Tracks, and we have Palpable and diotrans on together because of Flickerfall. You get the idea.