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Everything posted by Bummer

  1. I like that one.
  2. Let there be bumps. I'm not happy with the Knuckles one, but I needed to do something in order for the trio to be complete.
  4. Happened again a while ago when I clicked the reply button but regreted it the next second since I wanted to check one thing and pressed the back button. Then the thought "aww crap" crossed my mind and shortly afterwards Firefox broke down.
  5. This won't work.
  6. What Doulifée said. The pixel dimension is 350 x 19, and the text can be made by either using a pixel font or by making the letter yourself with the pencil tool.
  7. Old, I've known about this for 3 hours. It's a very awesome clip though.
  8. ^What he said. Tell us what you want in it, and we'll do the rest. If you find an image we can use, then that's even better.
  9. Shoop da woop.
  10. I'm watching the video now. Massive respect yo.
  11. Whoops, I missed that thread as well.
  12. Wow, Mario and Sonic, how can this game possibly be a failure when it contains two of the most famous video game characters evar?! Seriously, mixing Nintendo and Sega is not a good idea imo, I can understand Mario Kart and Smash Bros since they have much in common when it comes to the design of character, but the worlds of Nintendo and Sega was never supposed to merge like this.
  13. I haven't been here from the beginning, but I just wanted to pop and say that you're doing a great job and should keep on doing it. Pokemon is one of my favorite games of all time, so when finally there's a whole project dedicated for the music from it, I'm just thrilled about it. However, my love for this game is not enough to read through all these pages, so I'm pretty much unaware of your current status, but keep it up whatever you're doing right now.
  14. Pixie is starting to become too big for this little pond. Congrats. *throws pie*
  15. I got the news yesterday at the breakfast table. At first it sounded like regular depressive news, maniac kills students in public university, pretty much the same stuff everyday, but then I heard the deathcount. Completely horrible.
  16. This happens to me all the time, but not when typing a message. If I follow a link to a thread and click the back button before it has loaded completely, Firefox will sometimes freeze and shut down completely. Needless to say, I don't like vBulletin anymore.
  17. Here's what you'll do. Back away from the computer, grab a 50 pound sledge hammer, beat the crap out of it, then call the insurance company and say that your cat pushed it down the stairs. It's for your own safety.
  18. Good music during your training session can make it easier to keep a steady rhytm, or simply just make it more enjoyable. To run a couple of laps with your mp3 with you is lots of fun.
  19. That would indeed be a badge. And thanks Chrono. :]
  20. And Fishy, do you mean a badge, or am I completely off course here?
  21. It's been so long since I've played B&K, so I had to find myself a midi of the song to understand how much you have changed the original tune. And quite frankly, I'm amazed. You've turned a goofy and playful ghost theme into a beautiful, dynamic goth symphony. The piano does an excellent job carrying out the melody, while the heavy drums and DA's voice adds more feel to it. My hat's off to both of you, Banjo and Kazooie needed some more love from the remix departement, and they've finally got what they wanted, and so did I. You get 10/10 and one extra life for this one. Keep it up ya'll.
  22. Star Wars and the world of comics, UNITE!
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