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Everything posted by Malaki-LEGEND.sys

  1. I could never bring myself to get that far in either of the first two games, however now that I have the third one for the DS(which I love, btw), I'll be able to say that I've at least beaten one classic Final Fantasy... As soon as I finish up FFXII. Just have to finish up the last dungeon and that'll be that. Also, I'm friggin' ecstatic about the FFIV remake coming to the DS. Easily my favorite game above ever other game I've ever played.
  2. Now that the series is over, I'll go ahead and give my thoughts of it as a whole. Possible spoilers ahead! I thought this series was actually a breath of fresh air as far as anime goes. Sure, I'll watch a lot of the stuff even if the ideas and concepts have been overused all the way to hell and back(like vampire anime which I love and cannot help). In this respect, I already found myself enjoying Death Note immensely(unless there's a whole vein of this sort of anime that I've missed). I absolutely loved the portrayal of people in general, the characters, and the concept of the Death God world. Once the whole element of L as the amazing, world-famous super sleuth and the mind chess games played between the leads were introduced, my friend(who gave me the idea to download the series) and I were instahooked. Not only that, but the sheer brilliance of Light's character when totally playing several characters(most noticeably Penbar's soon-to-be wife) was beyond epic. Animation was definitely top notch without question, and the music was very fitting to the feel of the anime, the heavy strings/choir piece that plays during the tense moments for example, and was quite excellent. I need that soundtrack. For the most part, I was hooked from Ep.1 all the way to 25, but it started to slow down too much for my tastes after that for a few episodes, although it came right back shortly after. Everything that led up to the finale and the finale itself was all done amazingly well and I would probably watch it all again. In short, I thought Death Note was quite awesome and I would definitely recommend it to other anime-goers to check it out.
  3. I've gotta wonder what kind of hours the people that have failing 360s put into them at once. If you're doing more than 6 hour runs, well I can definitely see how it might go boom, of course that's hardly an excuse for something that shouldn't be so faulty, but it just makes me wonder... I have a first-gen PS2 that's still going strong, and I don't play for more than 2-3 hours at a time if that much at all. What about cooling solutions? Are there any that are reliable? I've been hearing some nasty things about a few of them, specifically the Nyko ones that mount on the back of the system and "melt" on to it, thus ruining it possibly. What about word of the Premium system eventually getting the 120 gig HD and HDMI port like the Elite in the near future? Reason I ask is because I'm hoping to buy a 360 within the month, but I still have a few lingering doubts.
  4. Press K while targeting an opponent to request a duel. They'll see a message pop up about being invited to one, and will press K to confirm and begin the duel. Man I remember playing this game all the time online. Force powers were a pain for me to get around, being that I could never define a set of keys that would allow for the most comfort. Another annoyance was all the cheap bastards using the same two kill tactics over and over. although I dunno if it was my net connection, but all I ever ended up doing was flailing my saber around wildly... That usually did the trick, however lame it may be. I might give it another go with you guys, however.
  5. The only real things that came out of left field were Calypso and The nine pirate lords thing, and it kind of sucked that the Kraken was offed early on. Other than that, I thought the movie was pretty awesome. I loved the locales, the CG work, the scenes of Jack with his alter egos, etc. I don't know why people were bitching about this one. It wasn't anywhere near as piss poor as Spiderman 3 was.
  6. Need to know. Why doesn't my ghastly/haunter/gengar know hypnosis!? This is very vexing indeed.
  7. Anyone know of a good resource for updated pokemon stats, movelists, and the like? I've been looking around the interwebs for awhile, but haven't had much luck.
  8. Final Fantasy III for the DS. 'Nuff said.
  9. Yes sure, let's make another five thousand Final Fantasy VII games. Square has to go back to making original stuff once again. Kingdom hearts(regardless of the fact that it falls into another one of Tetsuya Nomura's "games") was actually a breath of fresh air, and I still remember all the awesome that Square was pushing out around 2000 with Chrono Cross, Threads of Fate, etc... Not to mention Saga Frontier, Xenogears(and yes I already know the team jumped ship a long time ago. Shut up), and Brave Fencer Musashi. Those games were all gold, but of course, it's not in a company's best interest to take risks so much as it is to ensure profit, so sure, let's leave Tetsuya Nomura to handle killing us ever so slowly with more FF than you can shake a Sage's Rod at. With all the rabid fanboys running about, they'll be sure to win big, while gamers like myself will be left in the dark hoping for better. Also, they haven't remade anything apart from FFIII. Everything else has been port after port after port. Now they're actually going to remake FFIV, and maybe FFV and VI, but being that they've just been ported yet again to the GBA not even two years shy, I just don't see the point in giving them more money.
  10. The way I see things, Tetsuya Nomura has been gaining way too much creative control in SE. It seems like if anything, he's just saturating things.
  11. Pokemon Diamond code: 0688 1916 5978
  12. I don't have anything on the actual screens(save for a stuck pixel which I think I might just have Nintendo look at). It's just the exterior that's loaded with the light scratches. I'm thinking I might use the CD doctor liquid and buffing pad and see if that does anything. Gotta wait 'til next week, though. If anyone has any tried and true methods, I'd love to hear 'em.
  13. OK, so I just went out on a spending spree(hey, I had books to sell and a really hard final, so I felt like treating myself), and bought Pokemon Diamond, Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow, and Final Fantasy III. So far I love each and every one of them, but here's the thing: I've been seeing plenty of light scratches all over my DS, and it's kind of pissing me off. Just wondering if any of you might know of a way to remove these scratches.
  14. How is this relevant to anything I said? I simply said that Manhunt was over the top, or did you feel that you needed to take the tried and true RD stance yet again? I think Manhunt is over the top, and that's all. I didn't go out and buy it. A friend of mine who was with me at the Blockbuster rented it. I just saw him play it, and while it was interesting for awhile, the shock factor gave out soon later and I never touched it since. What out of this entire statement did you interpret as "OMG! I want this game to be teh banned?"
  15. If the sequel will be anything like the original, than I think I'll be passing. Manhunt WAS a little over the top. I think we can all agree on that.
  16. Lucy Liu as Chun-Li, Chow Yun Fat as Ryu, Steven Segal as Ken, John Travolta as M. Bison, Chuck Norris as Guile, Vin Diesel as Sagat, Cuba Gooding Jr. as Deejay, Antonio Banderas as T. Hawk, Uma Thurman as Cammy, and Kelsey Grammer as Blanca. Best. Movie. Ever.
  17. Zidane as a secret character.
  18. I never really liked any of the Spiderman movies that much, and this one just seals the deal for me. A. Topher Grace as Venom and the guy who played Lowell on Wings as Sandman!? Seriously, you were asking for me to laugh at you, Raimi. B. Aside from the obvious screw up of having ERIC FOREMAN playing Venom, they totally ruined him, and Venom's ALWAYS been my favorite Marvel character. C. Toby brings out his inner emo. We knew it was gonna happen sometime, although i will say that he should have nixed that bouncer's arms for being a douche. D. A fucking tag team? Even a dude way in front screamed out hell no to that. E. Lowell from Wings as Sandman!? F. The American flag just popping out of nowhere for no reason whatsoever... That almost killed me. That being said, I love Topher on That 70's show, but I couldn't help but wanting to hear Red calling him a dumbass every five minutes.
  19. I love it. It's definitely going up there in my favorites list. The guitar work is definitely stellar and the vocals, while starting off kind of cheezy at the beginning, pick up and are great.
  20. The intro for Gundam 08th MS Team always gets me pumped for some reason.
  21. Anything FFVII Advent Children. Quoted for truth.
  22. Yeah, I have s stuck pixel on my Onyx, and while it isn't a pain in particular when I'm playing games, it's still there, and my subconscious is killing me about it. That's not a bad idea cycling through the brightness settings. It's too bad there's no other way to fix the damned thing. Also, any way to get rid of scratches on the exterior?
  23. I'd say it'd have to be Dreams come true or Ascension to Cosmo Canyon.
  24. Man, I hope Itagaki and the folks over at Team Ninja add a left-handed orientation option for Ninja Gaiden DS...
  25. Same problem here. I just went to youtube and saw a no doubt lamer quality version. I'm sure it's probably just a codec thing, but I didn't really feel like goin' huntin' at the time I first saw it.
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