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Cyril the Wolf

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Everything posted by Cyril the Wolf

  1. Luminaries be leavin's. Ah, it was a fantastic run. This is your dream job, so I doubt you'll recant and suddenly make a remix... but if you did I would totally be cool with that. But seriously. Dream job is badass. I hope to someday attain that myself. *raises Glass*
  2. at the rate I'm playing I'll be done playing in about 3 years. Yep.
  3. http://www.ikmultimedia.com/Main.html?viextra/index.php In short, this is another group buy styled deal from IK Multimedia, only, the group part is already pretty much passed, so for 229.99 you're guaranteed 5 sample libraries (details in the link) I love IK Multimedia products, and I really haven't had any issues with them at all. Added bonus, if enough people join (334 more) we get a T-racks single along with it. I use T-racks for mastering and I highly recommend it. Check it out!
  4. terrible. i slept poorly last night and an unexpected visit from a friend... blah
  5. HAVE CONFIDENCE YOUNG ONE (oh wait your older than me) Uhh... have... confidence? Aww hell, just don't suck. OR I'll END YOU.
  6. That's what the last podcast I followed said. And you know what happened? THEY DI- oh wait... no they just stopped making it. BUT STILL!!!!
  7. O_O Umm, Hell yes? Great, now I have a high quality version of Hyadain's Super Mario Western Show on my compy. Love most of Hyadain's stuff so (except that chocolate one, god my sister killed that for me) I'm happy as a peanut!
  8. eternal watch list right here. I agree with Dhsu but. Great points all around.
  9. if I had the time and money I would totally make the trip. But alas.
  10. OCAD? That big bit of garbage sacks? Whatever happened to it? *sigh* sadness
  11. This. Also, being lazy, not doing sidequests and trying to go to the grotto thinking it would be easy was stupid.
  12. No, you got a point, I was just messing around. Getting pushed forward is no fun becuase I almost got taken out by Kirby from Metroid Metal at Mag when it happened. Almost headbutted the dude.
  13. Depends on the style. I love live Rap/Hip-hop when the rapper is good and can freestyle. I love live Rock music when the bands add something new to the dynamic of their music. I love live Rush becuase they rule. I love live Jazz becuase... improvisation... DUH! I love live Orchestral music because nothing beats sitting in front of an orchestra, the acoustics of the room etc.
  14. Presuming I work my normal 11 - 7 shift at the Bagelry... I will do it anyway. This is really a test of willpower for me, becuase I've struggled with eating/straying from my exacting dietary standards while at my place of work (food is free to workers within reason) so... Count me in.
  15. O_O Art isn't half-bad, and its flippin' hilarious. Kudos to you Chazie.
  16. I have a plan for that. I also have been experimenting with doing Van Canto style vocals. They're not easy. But I'm definitely going to make it happen.
  17. if you attempt to do this on the two nights I will not be available I will be both a sad panda and sad. That being said .lolo
  18. you could probably ease up on the bass cutting just a little. Not much but a little. Other than that I think its a great improvement.
  19. WOooooooooooooooowww. This is great. I love it. DLed, on iPod. I'll play this next time I DJ a party.
  20. how'd I miss this, I gotta say, when I first saw it on the escapist I totally totally watched it. Didn't know it was from an OCR guy though. SWEEET!
  21. I appreciate bass, but reign in on it a little bit, it really drowns out stuff when it comes in the first time. The second time its beautiful. But the first time it comes in it really overpowers, I have no idea why. I feel like the snare could come up a little. (these are quibbles but quibbles are what makes things perfect) The rest, great.
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