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Cyril the Wolf

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Everything posted by Cyril the Wolf

  1. Wow, and I thought I was on the ball with that. That WAS fast haha
  2. Wow that was fast! Haha! I can't wait to see what you dudes come up with.
  3. Starfox on the SNES is <3 I hope interest is created etc.
  4. I would like to include Cold Tornado, since I believe it was the best thing that I made for this contest. Refrigerator magnet's alright but heh.
  5. Never speak to me again, don't even bother trying to pay me back. Remember? You owed me money too, and you're going to buy Star Trek instead of paying off debts? I'm an easy going guy, but you just took advantage of the goodness of my heart. It doesn't matter how much it was, it matters that you wouldn't pay me back over Star Trek Voyager. You sir, are a grade A douchebag. Nice knowing you.
  6. I can understand having a speech impediment that doesn't go away while singing. I have an issue where it sounds like I'm slurring my words, so I often overcompensate. I also always sound stuffed up even when I'm not. I'm still working that out, I was just wondering if the lisp was induced by singing with over emphasis or something. Good news is that i can't hear it when you do death vox so... maybe think of it as if you were doing those? regardless, I'll post some technical stuff later with examples, just so you can hear what I'm talking about. I dunno if my technique is correct, but my voice is still here and I've been doing it for years. Often the trick is to not over force it I've found. If you just pretend like its not actually that big a deal it comes out a lot cooler and easier on your cords of vocals I think. Anyway, keep up with the diaphragm stuff, that is REALLY the key. As far as the speech stuff... I dunno. "She sell seashells by the seashore?" I'm sure its at least a little fixable, at least in the studio, no one could really fault you live I suppose. I mean, on recordings I can barely tell that Tarja from nightwish has a huge finnish accent, but live it shows through really harshly. Just food for thought, keep it up brando.
  7. Any particular reason you have a lisp while singing? I just noticed that. Most of the time speech impediments go away when singing but...
  8. God dammit computer. I had a post here but it decided to get eaten. Anyway, good luck getting a mic'd bass cab sound without actually doing that because the software world still discriminates against us bass folks. > Regardless, I use Amplitube Metal for my guitar sound, and I think its great. I use Korg Ampworks Bass for my bass tone, its a little box I can take to live shows and things as well. I'm not entirely sure if they sell it anymore, so trying to go for that could be difficult. That's all I got for now, I may chime in later when my lappy decides to NOT completely own my entire post. This was probably not helpful. EDIT: sixto, sampled bass sucks, don't do it.
  9. Never really cried but songs that touch me are: Tears by Rush: and Prancing Dad: http://dwellingofduels.net/dodarchive/10-06-Free_Month/01-Prince%20of%20Darkness-Final%20Fantasy%206,%207-Prancing%20Dad-DoD.mp3 Props to you PuD
  10. Something.... sounds off. His sound way more chesty than yours do I guess. Thought not bad on the whole for the death vox. Cleans: Not bad tone buuuuuutttt... I can tell your problem just by listening. MORE DIAPHRAGM SON. Seriously, if I can sing this on a bad vocal day (which I can now) then you should be more than able too. But your definitely singing from your throat, and trying to stay quiet. lol on the falsetto. haha If you put that through a guitar amp, sim, it'd be sweet. The lower parts sound much more natural, I bet you totally could pull if off if you put more power behind it with your gut. Also, it helps your pitch
  11. For real. Pokemon with a different story. Its cool, keep everything else. I NEED DIFFERENT PLOTLINES PLEASE.
  12. I'm such a fan boy. Dammit. I want Other: M to not suck so badly. (read: be as great as Super Metroid or Metroid Prime)
  13. The USB power only thing can sometimes cause computer issues. I'd use the outlet if I had the ability to at this time. I recommend the Fast-Track.
  14. Its probably supposed to be a sitar or other Indian instrument. It doesn't quite get there but I think that's what its supposed to be.
  15. The verse is definitely mostly original, so I don't really think that this is too conservative at all... Also, hilariously awesome. Props.
  16. [quote name='Mirby;708265 Cyril the Wolf - Snowing __This track almost made me cry' date=' it's so beautiful. I'm dead serious. Sub this, Cyril; I think it has potential for postage.[/quote'] Thanks Mirb. I appreciate the sentiment and confidence. As good as the overall arrangment and tone is I think I'd have to re-record a couple of those parts to get them to OCR snuffage. Maybe I'll try to show it to a J and see what they think before rushing into submitting.
  17. hey you know why no one responded? Because I had no idea what this was for, you are not a familiar face to me, and I had no idea what I was getting into. If you linked to your track in the WIP forum I may have been more interested. Just so you know. Do you still want an acoustic guitarist?
  18. There's a lot of ways you can do it. Most of the require you to use your false chords. (Like Tuvan throat singers) If you need to take advice from someone, Vendera is definitely a great source.
  19. wow I need to adjust my levels on my Lappy skype HARD.
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