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Cyril the Wolf

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Everything posted by Cyril the Wolf

  1. The Super Metroid Movie Soundtrack Right here. Sorry but some of these are really really cinematic.
  2. I have to pick up prophetik from BWI on thursday and I'm pretty sure I'm bringing him back. though I need to PM him again about the details on that becuase I forgot to save it when I purged my inbox. (my car just got FULL son)
  3. My personal opinion is to have just a chorus to lead us out. As far as my stuff goes I may have time this weekend. I need to plan out my entire week tho Also, Tensei, he'll be getting a better mic and they won't sound gimmicky once I get in there to sing becuase the lyrics are about a tribe hatin' on a dude. It'll be fun.
  4. Ah I see, well what would be better is to cut out the bass frequencies of individual instruments and THEN if its still muddy. (unless you did this already but that kick sounds 8000 times more beefy than before) Mmm... I think the Trombones (left speaker brass) could either be made more wet or could come down a little bit. Those choirs blend a heckuva lot better, good work there. If you want to adjust it, you could put a really intense high-pass EQ on the more active synth bass so that it doesn't muddy things, and you may want to consider taking just like the SMALLEST smidge away from the kick, but that is really really splitting hairs, and truth be told I like the sound it has now. Still loving the arrangment, and I think it benefits greatly from the increased tempo. :)
  5. I really like this arrangement. I think the drum kit isn't mixing in very well in the beginning, maybe you could take just a little bit of reverb of the snare? The kick is okay, but the snare just seems to be floating out in space. I really like everything else about this, I suppose it could be mastered a bit louder. Those choir samples are very obviously fake too, but I dunno how much of a burden that is. This mix needs a little less reverb and more bass frequencies becuase right now the only bass that is there is the kick drum with the occasional timpani, and since this is orchestral, I feel like there should be a bit more bass presence. Other than that this is pretty amazing, just needs some production polish methinks.
  6. Good freakin Job! That's really awesome man, pretty good medley of the slightly "less" metal christmas songs. (Carol of the Bells, God Rest Ye Merry Gentleman and Canon in D being the most over used)
  7. http://www.lemonsinseries.com/ocad/bbs/viewforum.php?f=14&sid=23e63f7918b58a60c7ab4cdfee1cb75d Go, register to the OCAD boards and make your voices heard for the 2nd semi-quasi-but-mostly annual OCADies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SERIOUSLY, ITS SERIOUS, DO IT! SERIOUSLY, FOR SERIOUS. (do it)
  8. Helloween covering Focus Sweet god, this is great.
  9. It's mixes like this that really illustrate the difference between mixing standards now and mixing standards then. The arrangement isn't really that bad, and I actually do like all those piano sounds. It may seem pretty straight to the source but there's some little interp there, and considering the style the drums (arrangement only) are satisfied. Is this a conservative mix in my opinion? Very, but it's got charm. Though I'm hard pressed to hear any interpretation beyond one certain section... The production is really lacking, the kick is too weak, things tend to blend into each other a lot, way too much brightness going on in general. And... piano bass the entire time? Weird. I don't rate on a numerical score, but if anyone wants to know the difference between OCR now and OCR then. Here's one of those mixes they can look at.
  10. Alright, I have a freeze man arrangement all set and ready to go. Just gotta add my vocals, record the guitar with a mic instead of awful direct line and mix !
  11. Josh Whelchel, he's a hero, and HELL YEA HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAN!
  12. I am here to approve this message and say....... Man I love the effects you got going with this, I think once we get the real guitar in there it'll sound a lot fuller and industrial, but god I gotta say I love those effects in the background, they are ultra cool. that bass tone may need some changing its contributing to some mud.
  13. See I like Beer, but I'm currently underage so...... yea.
  14. Okay, I may be bringing Chase (my cousin) unless he rather stay and play in the console room the entire time lol
  15. I suppose I could come be a teetotaler yea. I'm def gonna be there yea, so I guess I could come with, I dunno anything about the place, but AleHouse made me think "bar" ;P
  16. Sorry but: NEIN!!! Having a nice gritty bass tone there would have really filled out the lower half of the soundscape with some great grit. I concede for the most part though it sounds heavy, but the lack of real bass guitar still weighs heavily on my mind. Oh well at least they got a real bass player before they completely lost it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4mSS_gj2Vk
  17. Black Mages I is great except for one thing... They didn't have a real bass player
  18. Yo dude, if I get any overflow you want me to refer to you? Cuz I have a full room but apparently I know a lot of people
  19. Okay, so I hope songs from video game AST's count, the original didn't have vocals because of the limitation of the Gameboy Advance! However, Mark of Justice - Resistance Anthem! Okay, so listen to these beastly men sing. Seriously, I'm convinced of whatever it is their singing about (okay so within the game plot its probably about the guys who are going to fight against the Neo Arcadian Regime but I digress) in Japanese. If this doesn't count, then I'll just go with Dreams of an Absolution, but I'll make a separate post about that.
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