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Cyril the Wolf

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Everything posted by Cyril the Wolf

  1. gross. Simply gross.. Also, I have participated in a remix of GrabBag FYI
  2. I may try something with the the rhythms then. I'm only concerned about drowning out the bass. I dunno I'll try a couple different tones for ya too. :D

    You want two takes for stereo stuff?

  3. yea I got it, sorry about the lack of reply lol. I saw it and instantly started tooling around with it. Not entirely sure if I'm gonna do any rhythms, probably just the lead dunno though. :D

  4. O_O O_O O_O Considering that is my favorite Eevee Evolution. YES. YES YES!! (She does have a Paris Hilton face though. )
  5. Oh yea, I don't know if I mentioned this ever, but this song is what got me to do Absolution Comes in Dreams. The whole idea of acoustic guitars and vox, though granted the vox in this are more just extra flavor than the lead of the song. Still, fantastic guitar work, and it just makes me all happy inside, its so mystical. Hiroki Kikuta. ROX.
  6. I got a decent Sony sub for 100 dollars. "mondo expensive" reeeeeeallllyyy now? Anyway, this is, mmmmmm Mmmmmm goood. The arrangment. Of course the production is a little lacking, but do I care about that right now... no! Other than the clipping that everyone seems to hear (including me) at 3:30. God damn, that thrash part at the end sounds like it'll be sweet. Keep being metal.
  7. I will enter. Hopefully I can somehow best the other monsters who are joining up.
  8. That trumpet sample is pretty blah. sorry. The guitar isn't too terrible, but i think you added reverb to the entire track? Please don't do that. It's really too much, and with the acoustics being panned, it doesn't add size, it adds mud. Reverb individual tracks, and use far less reverb than you are using. Unfortunately this track basically sounds like the original to me, other than that guitar solo that has some cool little licks, but it also has some moments that really clash. Sorry about the equally negative review man. I was in the same boat not 3 years ago. Keep at it!
  9. I would prefer a different kick sound on the drum kit. As well as taking that snare and monoing it. Having it slightly in my left ear is very distracting. Oh man, this has great sound in it. that first climax you had seemed a little... clippy or too full. I dunno why, but maybe lay off the limiter a little bit if you are using one. If not then figure out what instruments are competing with each other for space. Like the piano and timps for instance. I dislike that end. Personal thing. I would have loved to have it do something with the melody and end on the tonic. But that is just me. I'm a very root-end oriented person a lot of the time.
  10. background sounds is def something that needs to be added. I think it could still come up in volume just a little bit. I feel this version gets repetitive toward the end. I'm of the opinion that the stereo field needs to be filled out more. However you do that is up to you of course, but i would love to hear more instruments coming in from the right or left. cool track too!
  11. I know this post looks small in comparison to the other ones but its there. C'mon guys, the dude probably just had a kneejerk reaction to something he was quite proud of. And to me this particular mix isn't really that far from what it would need to be to be OCR (mostly mixing and mastering issues to my ear... and maybe get some more interp in there) But the point is, he figured out that Gario was only looking to help and he posted that small post in response. No need to overdo it
  12. I'm not gonna name any names but... Hey kittykar. Thanks for enjoying the place!
  13. I'd have to check with Bahamut obviously but that would be the most badass thing ever. I dunno if my not even close to being posted mix counts for that CVC but... :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDd
  14. Jesus, the entire melody of mine is guitar harmonics... FUuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.
  15. Mixing issues are a huge problem here. If there is a bass I can barely hear it (but that's personal Guitar lead is a little out of tune in a couple places, the guitar tone is very buzzy and it bothers me. Other suggestions made in this thread, I agree with as well.
  16. Continue being awesome. Both of you. Happy Birthday.
  17. it also does it at select spots in the bass track during the intro as well as during the beginning of every track Including the drum track. The problem I have with that is, that you need that crash for the song to start the way you want it to.
  18. AMT you're stems all have this weird high pitched squealy noise in them.
  19. Okay, so just tried the Multiplayer feature. It is motherflippin' amazing. Real time, you can get into battles away from your friend, and they can join up with battles. He didn't have the alchemy ability yet, so it didn't allow him to use the alchemy pot in my game. And like... so sweet. You can still gain levels in someone else's world and its really well done. So. Saving the world with your friends? Hell YES.
  20. I purchased this game 2 days ago and its eating my life. I didn't even turn on my computer yesterday! Detailed stuff after I get a bit farther. I'm too lazy for a lot of sidequests but...
  21. Hey guys, have a low quality preview of CRUSHING GRAVITY!
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