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Cyril the Wolf

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Everything posted by Cyril the Wolf

  1. Thank you for the update Steve. Also, I am clearly a big gay. At first I was sure it wasn't so bad, but you know what, the shirt censor actually makes it look MORE gay. D:
  2. I said ALMOST everything and its mostly rock. Like your softer mixes get a little poppier, but they tend to still be rockish. Even that Nights Preview track. Its pop, but its got that rock vibe IMO. (I compared it to Rush didn't I?) Shameless self-promotion?
  3. Your handle tells all. lol http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01865/ http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01385/ and almost everything from http://ocremix.org/artist/5420/level-99
  4. REAPER is good I use SONAR though. I'm far to used to it, but REAPER is cheaper.
  5. I personally don't wake up to songs. But if I did I would totally wake up to why? It hits hard, has a great driving riff, then after the verse it goes into a great uplifting chorus.
  6. Okay, production wise, I'm not liking the way the low end is used here. The low end is more muddy than anything else... try using some gating or something becuase the tom(?) I think it is really muddy's everything and reverberates too much. The faster section is cool, same issues that heiswhoiam said. You have kick drum, but the kick has no low... GIVE THE KICK LOW PLEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAASSSSSSSEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Or not, your call, but I'm begging you. I kinda like that buzzy synth, I wish it wasn't completely in my left ear though... ouch. Cool ideas though.
  7. Mmmm... I feel like the flute/wind samples you are using are dragging the arrangement a bit for some reason. It feels like they are too breathy for the power you want behind the norfair part. I also think that the parts could be a little elongated, but if this is for OCR I suppose you would need to be mindful of the time spent. The drum kit seems a little sudden. I think that you could so some swells on the cymbals or maybe some hat work to show "Hey there's a drumkit with this orchestra" Though the surprise is really cool. Love the dynamics though, so accentuate that as much as you can. That's what makes this style so much better/different from techno and rock is the dynamics so abuse the HELL out of them. Can't wait for another update.
  8. I will have you all know that I am doing a MMX one. Sorry but, I love the series too much.
  9. From that gradius mix, Meiko is now my favorite vocaloid.
  10. WHY DOES EVERYONE LIVE AROUND MARYLAND!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111111 That being said, I was hoping I would have the time to make a road trip, but with school starting around then and all. Have fun, take lots of pictures so I can live vicariously through you.
  11. Sorrrry!!! I forgot that it was possible for a human to sleep where you were sleeping!!!! Also, yes... SWHS... should not exist... EVER! I stand on shelves and stalk things.
  12. Happy Birthday Willrock. And you probably have been drinking since 16, but hey, have at it.
  13. Wow, so glad I wasn't invited then, I really need my creativity.
  14. If I get that much money, hell yes. I love IK products. Otherwise no.
  15. I'm torn on this one. But I would say keep it as just for laughs. Those arps are pretty funky.
  16. Heh, this is an interesting concept. Some of the songs I felt could have had stronger drums for the style, like Kevin Eggerman, and Complex Labyrinth. Other than that though, I do enjoy the remixes and the overarching story. Though some may disagree. Also, ME SINGING! I personally prefer my singing on the acoustic one in retrospect, but please let me know if you disagree!
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