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Cyril the Wolf

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Everything posted by Cyril the Wolf

  1. quoted for truth. I may pick this up, that way I can actually play them handheld instead of being a jerk like I used to and play them on emus.
  2. Um, Yea, I didn't know i had to specifically work it into the song like a motif, but I was gonna make it sort of thematic I think. I haven't put more than cursory thought into it.
  3. On that Night, 3 Years Ago I wants it. Bass solo included plz. And yea, I guess I'll take the other track too.
  4. My Challenge: Make something that clearly rocks... ROCK HARDER!!
  5. And your sons who may look like daughters. For they will want him too.
  6. New Van Canto Album Dropping: <--- Win.
  7. Wow... They kept calling me pukey, penske, plaguey... Depended on the year. Eventually I became a cool kid... somehow.
  8. True. I was just trying to point out the obviously negative one that was used on me as a tot. I usually shrugged it off. I'mma be there
  9. See Guys Pee? Like... implying that I am homosexual? wooowwww.
  10. Not really flawless, for you forgot to include my middle initial. So in attempting to use my name to insult me, you neglected the vital part of the horrendous atrocity that is my full initials. In response also, of course I SEE PEE, I am a dude. Its not like I look away in shame when I'm going to the bathroom. I bring this up, becuase you are my friend on Facebook, and those who are connected to me on Facebook know of my full initials!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! </counterstrike> EDIT: I just realized that I totally missed the BS part in The Krow's post... did you Ninja edit? poop.
  11. And the Tepids... don't forget the Tepids.
  12. cuz you know me far too well... GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!!
  13. So... can I make a request if I'm a remixer? I'm terribly confused.
  14. Move over to Sonar It's time consuming probably, but hell if its economical... Apparently Reaper is really good, but I also know several people who love Cubase (notable user being snappleman)
  15. Nom bitch. Nom. On topic: I really like the look of the newest installment so far.
  16. Too bad I thought the games sucked. That card game confused the shit out of me.
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