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Cyril the Wolf

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Everything posted by Cyril the Wolf

  1. I have some hearing loss now, but I totally ear-plug it up. Though being to the right of a loud drummer is hell. He has a snappy snare that really cuts through even my ear-plugs. Agreed with Fishy, the chart shown isn't the best I've seen, but leaf blowers are a lot of white-noise, rock concerts are different sound so... Rock concerts also sometimes stop being loud for a couple minutes while the Singer yammers.
  2. Once I'm through the thick of finals. Orchestral shalt be had. EDIT: There will be rock to... but its a mjuthafudkign battle theme for hell's sake!
  3. It was interesting anyway. Don't be Rippin' off Ocarina of Time now yea, metronome quantizing. Then try to ad more instruments! Build it up!
  4. Zeromus reads my immortal. 'nuff said. Also I laughed my ass off today.
  5. That synth in the beginning needs some highs neutered or something. It's REALLY stabbing in the ears for some reason. Other than that... so smooth.
  6. I am impressed. Slick arranging and slick samples. I'm totally picturing a Cave Story anime in mah head.
  7. Another thing that's just as likely is that the actors couldn't do more than X weeks of shooting or whatever. So they wouldn't be able to do ADR, and just as likely is that they don't have the proper equipment for good ADR becuase they blew the entire budget on bad CG. Or its my first reason. CG is sorta necessary for a movie like this, becuase animatronics are more difficult to pull off than CG, CG is more time consuming but.... Possible reasons? I could be completely wrong. I just like playing Devil's Advocate to glean knowledge.
  8. Mmmmm.... This is nice. That's sick bass! Damn son! I dunno. I personally disagree with Taucer, but then again I'm a huge fan of lo-fi sounds.
  9. Not bad. I echo all the things about the bad fight scenes. Dr. Light came off like a douche the entire time though. I dunno, the actor was trying to look comforting but he sounded douchy.
  10. K. So I fangasmed... I subscribe to Mr. Floss on youtube so I heard this awhile ago. Little did I know he subbed it to OCR! Good showing, I liked the piece before, but its awesome that the rest of the VGM community can see the musicality of brentalfloss. I hope he can put a show on next Mag, he's got skillz.
  11. No, definitely a parody. Check down a few threads to see why I find this especially funny. HAHA. Love this, its like DethKlok but even more nonsensical and funny.
  12. Yea, With that last part, it should provided everything else is up to snuff!!!
  13. Wow. My singing is being compared to heavy weights like that? SHIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. Thanks. Also, thanks DragnBreth, I aim to please. And sometimes to please you gotta be able to do everything
  14. No. Unless babby is proven to be mine.

  15. Yea, but Mirby, it's still subbed into OCR proper.
  16. psh. who would do that... I totally did.
  17. Yeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaa... Sorry about that. Considering the 2DC even starting bi-weekly was a little bit of my fault, I think I should have done a better job postificating it. But yea, I'll keep people more aware. and stuff.
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