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Cyril the Wolf

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Everything posted by Cyril the Wolf

  1. Congrats, you guys made me feel really welcome to the community when I first came to Mag. You all rock, cheers to an awesome wedding and happy marriage!
  2. Appreciated, but seriously its not mine! Its Just64Helpin's. I did vox, so yea, I contributed to something important, but I really don't consider it mine. I'm a stickler for giving credit where credit is due, and the arrangement backing my so-so vox is what makes it good!
  3. This is actually my first time listening to this with my new monitor set up. Holy s***balls. This has some of the most amazing mixing of any epic orchestral tune I have heard. For realz, there's really cool subtleties going on with this. I would also have to disagree with those who say the song drags. That ending is great, its like the denouement to the second climax. The sweeping, the subtle layering that bring it to its close. Its got a Appian Way ending for certain. Don't forget that the guitar scale is totally on point. Maybe Jay and I have similar tastes in music, or rather, I know we do. After all... I am Zeromus. Great work bro. Hope to see you next mag, and may we have more musical adventures!
  4. Great scott. I mean... Great STEVO!!!! This really is epic. Like. not epic like Might of Baron, but epic like "Wow, that's just acoustic guitar" epic.
  5. Oh, well... okay so I did some melodic retooling, but that's IT! lol
  6. bass tone needs more mids. Right now all I hear is some low and CLICK. Generally, the toms/sexy drums need some lo-cut cuz like... my sub is just like insane. Arrangement is awesome though
  7. Happy B-day folks! ScaredSim totally rocks. (Sorry Geeky Stoner, not familiar with you)
  8. garrr I'm totally missing it... oh well maybe I'll stream it? I totally forgot, twas playing guitar
  9. Mirby. I winked. Its cool. Thanks Brando Strader and Diotrans. now, I am off to sleep, another year older.
  10. My youtube is "Cyril Rufus" so Cyrilus Rufus would work better (Red Wolf gais!!!)) Thanks everyone!!! So far I've lifted weights, worked my job and jammed at a jamboree. Logging on IRC, gonna have a partay. Record some bass and then veg. LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!
  11. Friends don't let friends post drunk. A message by the Ad Council.
  12. I really like playing with chord prog generators. Helps me make melodies that I may not have thought of before by variation and stuff.
  13. You know what that intro reminds you of. You know it. If you don't know it you fail at video games It's Kakarokio Village
  14. Well I can't get my monitors QUITE 5 feet apart, but damn that made a hell of a difference. Thanks! Now all I gotta do is put them on stilts so I can actually sit up in my damn chair. oh yea, and I have a sub. Sexy.
  15. THAT'S DISGUSTING!!! I want you to make it and only give it to me.
  16. once I get through finals week... MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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