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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. eep, attack of the GM. Nice guitar though, but the hard panning of midi and guitar was more than a little distracting. The guitar playing is nice, but the rest of this was pretty weak. SOrry dude.
  2. Awesome bass and a great lead up- really built anticipation until the main melody hit. Great distortion, excellent beats, and super clean production. This track is a winner.
  3. Very melancholic and forlorn. Good progression and a solid balance. Nice super sustained leads (ebow?), and yeah, this track is really depressing. Nice work evoking a mood, I approve.
  4. Totally rocking stuff, great collab. This track was my first yes as a judge too, which makes me pretty nostalgic. Awesome work, guys. Keep pwning.
  5. Some background on the track besides the fact that it was the freshly baked remix challenge track assigned to me: * I used the orchestral samples so extensively because I wanted to break away from my typical synth leads. I think it worked pretty well, but I wish that I had more time to polish some of the exposed parts to make them sound more natural. It's better than I usually do, but usually I use orchestra as BG. * I think the world would have exploded if I did a song this happy in major. It needed to be in minor. * I like the breakdown the best; the violin lead is still a bit fakey, but I like the parts there. *ending is a bit weak, and i've learned from it. Usually my endings are a lot stronger- i dropped the ball here. *everyone should try the freshly baked remix challenge next year, it was fun.
  6. Really pleasant work that does work well with both active or passive listening. I am completely unfamiliar with the specific source track, so i'll just assume it's well arranged, though to be honest Sam could just record himself jammin' on the piano for 8 min and i'd be very entertained. Very good stuff, I approve.
  7. Interesting and cool use of guitar textures as opposed the super wall of sound i've grown accustomed to with recent guitar subs. My first introduction to this there was Scaredsim, so my expectations are a little biased towards his arrangement, but this one stands up really well, despite the slightly conservative approach. The use of 2 themes works out very well, and the break between the two was well handled. Nice playing throughout, and production was clean and not forced. A big plus in my book. The ending was a little abrupt- i'd have preferred a more dramatic finish spread out over a little more time, but really this is a solid mix. Nice work!
  8. Not me, it's pretty clear there is plenty of source here. Anyways, there are some nice synths and ambient feel, but somehow it tends to just seem like it's going in circles. The sounds chosen are really good, but there's no real forward momentum. Something as simple as a kick would have helped I think. Anyways, not my favorite arrangement by Rozo, but he is definitely capable of making some good arrangements.
  9. Great mix of sounds here, the synths and orchestra, plus drums are really what drives this to be a good mix. The arrangement is really nice, and I think basically this is where I should just stop and say "awesome work", because I am basically rehashing my vote on this track. A cool obscure track that deserves some serious attention.
  10. Rockin stuff for real. I love the harmonized synth breakdown with modulations. All kinds of sick stuff going on there. Great guitar playing, and though the production wasn't as good as the previous sub, it's still rocking enough for me to enjoy.
  11. Really nice stuff. The lofi recording I wish had a little more brilliance, but this is seriously some good stuff. Awesome job to everyone involved in the mix. Special shout out to the dude and his additional Amsterdam. I am certain it was as delicious and refreshing as this mix was.
  12. I still get a super strong Zelda 2 vibe from this, but I'm glad it passed, as it's a pretty nice track regardless. Good tone and some very nice playing make this a mellow but potentially tense track. There is an undercurrent of motion, but it feels very dreamlike. Very pleasant stuff, and a brave arrangement, even if it mostly went over my head. Nice save by Jimmy to get this one on the site.
  13. i'm looking forward to the day when we have a posted remixer who is younger than the site itself.
  14. ohoo, the mix that was posted right before my debut mix! While it may not mean anything to anyone else, it somehow means something to me. XD Select start absolutely pwned at magfest 6, and this specific track os one of their standout arrangements. At less than 2 minutes, the track is pretty brief, but it really has a nice feel due to the all live performances. The flute does seem a bit under pressure, but it's a pretty demanding part, and a second take might not have been an option. Either way, it's a great mix and I'm excited to hear some new material by them.
  15. Big Blue for solo piano? I can honestly say I didn't see it coming. Arrangement is awesome, way to build up tension early on for the theme with the plucking. I wish that section was a little louder, but the dynamic contrast worked out well in the end. A flub here and there, but overall this was some very strong work. It definitely conveyed the intensity of racing, but with a completely different feel than the standard rock arrangements the source is accustomed to. I really enjoyed this, thanks.
  16. Good stuff, great intro, and I love that drum sound. Some very nice riffage as i've come to expect from Xmark, and those it's a bit loose in some sections, it just gives it a more live feel, rather than bringing the mix down overall. Source was really used well here, and fits the treatment. Basically, this just plain rocks, and not only does it have swagger, but a lot of personality. Recommended!
  17. Much love for the PW soundtrack from me- I kept waiting for the "OBJECTION" soundclip, and I was happy to hear it (which pretty much flies in the face of all my soundclip beliefs). It really doesn't feel like a medley, and though a lot of the samples are pretty expected trance ones, there are enough sonic surprises to make this an exciting track. The ending piano I thought was fine, And was an interesting and cool way to wind the track down. no reason for me to HOLD IT on this one, I have no OBJECTIONs to this track at all. yes (TAKE THAT)
  18. The bassline is really good, and the beat is pretty hot, but where is the variation? I liked the production on this, and overall, despite the repetition I think it's decent enough. I enjoyed it at least.
  19. Dear Platonist, How are you? I am fine. Camp is fun here in the forest, there is lots to do, and many textures to hear. I like the synths. The percussion is cool. The best part is the breakdown with the piano! LOL! It is cool how it builds back up again too. The song is 6 minutes long but feels shorter. It is very good. Please write back! Your pal, OA
  20. Fun and funky, this takes a very serious source and makes it into something that's catchy and quirky. I'm not sure of the drum sound used really, but it's small apples compared to the strengths on display here. Transitions were good between themes, and everything was clicking for most of the time. I loved that acoustic guitar breakdown. Good work!
  21. Great opening synth, I love this sort of sound, it really has a lot of character. Panned sharper-toned synths make a compelling foil to the lead, and the bass is happily moving around. I don't completely recognize the source, but it's been quite some time since i've played Zelda 2, so hopefully I can be forgiven. Not knowing the theme certainly doesn't make this inaccessible, as this track can easily be enjoyed by anyone. Very good stuff.
  22. Smooth stuff, and the violin really makes it. I almost with it had a little bit of freedom with the main melody away from the piano doubling it the entire time. Generally doubling something works good with samples, where the multiple frequencies can help mask weaker sounds, but when you have something as full as life as a good live performance, it seems counter-intuitive. It sounds great by itself in a little solo. Either way, this is funky stuff, with nice gliding synths providing counter melody in the background, and a nice soundfield encapsulating things.
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