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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. youtube is ruining the nuances of the recording, but it's a very solid song. Nice work dude.
  2. I was totally on board, but the the guitar tone at the beginning of the solo lost me a little. It didn't seem to fit the soundscape, but it did make me sit up and take notice. Good stuff, and cool to hear that Sixto's production was really rockin back in 2006. The violin solo was great, and with the exception of that one guitar section, everything clicked. Nice work as usual.
  3. Great rhythm guitar sound, super dry and in your face. Total classic metal sound, and really highlights the precision. \m/ Really nice energy throughout, and I even though i'm so over Schala, this way of presenting it was well done and fresh. Drums are passable, but definitely the weak spot, production-wise. Good stuff, I thought it rocked.
  4. Pretty great stuff, varied and interesting, nice playing, and good production. I wasn't familiar with the specific source track, but it had a distinct Life Force feel to it. Great solo as well. Really enjoying this one.
  5. Ferret visited my profile...?


  6. Wow, really, really good arrangement- Throwing the modulation to Celes's theme was great, and unexpectedly cool. Hearing the organ chords and the bass part made me think it seemed really familiar, but when the melody came in, I was all . Great balance via panning and instrument choice, and though that last transition back to the first theme was a little weak, this song is very strong overall. Strange that the trumpet sample sounds bad in some places, and excellent in others. A non issue. This is amazing stuff, people.
  7. I'm not sure the wisdom in exposing that super midi bass sample right out of the gate. Once the guitars came it it was a lot better sounding, and it blended better. Drums are a little weak, but the high octane tempo and the enthusiasm keep it going strong. Overall the production hasn't aged well on this one, but the solo is outstanding, and the transition afterward is really cool and well done. Not jaw-dropping, but very solid and rocking to boot.
  8. Seemed like a good chunk of mids was missing, but seriously I was rocking out so much I figured it was there. It wasn't only until the 4th or 5th time listening when I was too exhausted to rock any more, and was laying on the ground did I notice. Incredibly intense drums, I love it. 4 donkeys in a bathtub out of 5.
  9. Complete virtuosity here. The rhythms are dense but never cluttered, the panning is great, and the melodies are intact, but everything else is completely redone, which is what I tend to prefer in my remixes. Even the turntable cut was cute. Love it.
  10. More of a sound upgrade than anything else, it's good and well produced, but doesn't grab me as something really expanded upon. I think i'm missing the nostalgia factor here is all. I'm sure things would be different if I had played the game.
  11. Took me forever to recognize the source (or even remember the original, which i think was the main problem). However, I was captivated from the beginning. Great soundscape, and some excellent original writing to improve the source. My only complaints is i think due to the tone, the snare and cymbals were a little too dry. Oh yeah, and that note at 1:38. Gross. But seriously an excellent mix. Check this out.
  12. Great intro- I love the bassoon sound for melodies, and when the oboe comes in later, it works equally well. The flow on this one is perfect, and the song seems a lot shorter than it really is; excellent transitions and texture changes. The synths that subtly color some passages are perfectly chosen. This is probably the best DS mix i've heard. Awesome stuff.
  13. Really really loose (your drummer needs to start recording with a click track), and poor mixing, but the vocal performances really carry it. Nice harmonies for sure. Pretty good solo too.
  14. Great melody here- something i'd never had ever heard if not for the remix. Nice variation with the drum parts, and the mix is filled out pretty well with the different reverbs. That bass is great too, super late 70's rock. Reminds me of kiss or something. Good stuff.
  15. I always thought the original track was solidly written, but arranged as to be as boring as possible. This remix focuses on all the good parts and makes them fun and appealing. Good clean upbeat fun with a dash of humor, and well performed. You are the best man. The breakdown section was extra catchy.
  16. One of the classic tracks from OCR. I'm surprised this doesn't have like a million reviews. A perfect soundscape for Jill's Voice, and a great source song really taken to the next level. This really has to be heard to be believed. Fantastic.
  17. 2 years on this one, time for a review! The people need to hear about this great mix! Great samples and well used to boot, the level of sophistication is pretty high in most of the sections, and the colors an d textures are varied. THe only real issue I have is that the ending seems a bit overly sparse and anticlimactic, but after 5 minutes of great music, a few seconds of subpar ending is easily dismissible. Very natural sounding, nice work.
  18. Pretty extended intro right before the familiar schala riff. In some of the intro parts i didn't think the melody was supported enough by the backing, but things got very well balanced for the majority of the mix. THe dirty synth guitar was in need of a little bit of modulation, but otherwise the instruments really blended nicely. I'm pretty over Schala's theme, but this is good stuff.
  19. omg how did I miss this one?! Classically beautiful and pristine. This has such a controlled and elegant approach, but it's so full of life. Adding to the fact that i'd probably never hear the source tune otherwise, this is a total gem. I am absolutely in love with the marimba sounding instrument that comes in with all the delays near the beginning. Great emotive guitar playing, and some very well used and thought out effects. I'm sad that there's only one mix of his at OCR, when he has several on his site that would fit in pretty well. Anyways, I can't recommend this mix enough, and also check out the tracks on his homepage.
  20. The mix overall is really good, but what really stuck out to me was that super nicely sequenced guitar. It's really tastefully played, with a lot of detail in both velocities and modulation, and some well thought out slides and bends. The rest of the mix is good too, with some hard-panned pan flutes (haha) and a lot of varied percussive textures. The flow is really well paced, and production is very clean. The adding of additional guitars to build to an exciting ending is icing on this cake. Tasty! Nom nom nom
  21. Some of the sections seem really minimalist, but the arrangement is so interesting that anything too dense would really make things impossible to hear. Great rhythmic ideas, and the interplay between instruments sounds awesome. I loved the section where it dropped out everything but keys and bass, both panned. It was a weird section, but it just really worked. Some of the woodwinds were a little naked as far as modulation it seemed, or it may have just been the samples, but it didn't really detract too much. The playful ending is great. This is a lengthy mix with a somewhat steep learning curve, but if you take the time to really listen to it, there's a lot of great ideas here, and it gets better with each listen.
  22. I love ilp0's work, and this is sort of a step in a new direction for him. Great attention to detail and construction, and some great variations and general ideas. I love the opening thick riff followed by the stereo pings. Nice guitar playing on a good theme, and lots of well thought out textures. What really stood out to me on this track is how exceptionally good the panning ideas are. Often times people will use panning as cool effects here and there, but here, panning itself is almost like it's own instrument. Be sure to check this mix in headphones. Great stuff, super recommended!
  23. I love Pot Hocket's approach to just about every track he takes on, and this one is no exception. I do think a little more high end and volume would be nice, but the playing and interpretation in this is excellent, and that's all I really need from a track this well performed.. Highly recommended.
  24. Pretty cool intro and good sounds overall, but the lead seemed a little buried. Later on it's more audible. That synth guitar is no good, but otherwise i'm generally feeling everything. Nice transition to Bubble Man, and generally creative takes on all the themes, with pretty good transitions. Drums I thought were a little on the loud side, but there was a lot of layering going on, and it was only in a few sections. I think some of the textures were good, and the different sections presented everything in a good way.
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