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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. Pretty great stuff, though I almost wish the bass and backing chords took a more active approach in some of the transitions, or some rhythmic unison lines; I'm not saying that this isn't the hotness, because is really is, I was just hearing something else; maybe a little more syncopation. Organ seems a little piercing for it's brief entrance, but it's short and not a huge deal. Beautiful rhodes solo, and the rhythm near the end gets a bit funky, I dig it. I will definitely love this song for a long time.
  2. Very suspenseful; I almost expected something a bit more 'shocking' coming from the source, but this is a lot classier; great use of SFX like the rhythmic footsteps. Great textures and sample use, and some nice progression. The source doesn't lean to far towards a strong melody, but the mood set in the arrangement is the real star here. Nice work.
  3. You have to remember a few things: 1. That the Vashj and Kael-equivalent raids aren't even out yet, and this is basically the Wrath-level Kara. These two guilds had Kara itself down in a matter of days as well, and both had Muru and KJ down within a few days of them being available as well, once the barriers came down. I think the content is tuned just fine. Some guilds are just that dedicated. As for myself, the best i've seen in KJ down to 7%, and that was last Monday, our last raiding day of BC. We were in Sunwell when the 3.0 nerf hit, and it sped things up like crazy for us to get over the Muru hump. 2. The way things are designed this time around, you should be able to raid these entry levels with your level 80 quest gear; my raiding priest is only 74, but seeing some of the higher levels in the guild replace sunwell gear with late 70's gear ( for example one of our hunters replaced her Eredar twins bow with a level 77 blue) makes me think gearwise we'll be fine. I havn't seen any upgrades yet, but that just means i make a lot of cash selling quest rewards.
  4. Super Congrats! Can't wait to meet both of you at MAG
  5. A- it's like peeing in the snow, but cooler.
  6. Updated this image! Sure has come a long way in the last 10 months! Check out this old image I found! I just fought Rubicant and got annihilated.. any tips? He keeps countering with fire when I attack and it's too strong for most of my group.
  7. Congrats on your new job! I look forward to hearing the WIP. Neko and Audix, i've penciled you two gentlemen in for the fight tracks. Consider the end of the month your deadline to have a Very Strong WIP. I still need to hear back from 2Radical about the status of his Fight 1 track which died out, but things should be ok. The way things are going, I think we might as well finish all of the tracks. I need to figure out how to accomplish this while still staying within the deadline set, but Tales project needs to have time to shine first anyways, and there is plenty that needs to be done even after all the tracks are sent to me. As for WIPs, I expect Airship, Cecil becomes a Paladin, and Rydia to be done within a week, and the rest of the existing WIPs have either spoken with me and moved my heart of stone with their sad stories, or have requested assistance in finishing. This project has been great so far, and I'm very excited to share it with the community. 25 completed tracks in 8 months is totally kickass, so keep up the hard work, everyone, we are doing awesome!
  8. Unless you manage to get a 5 inch long bruise on your back from Stevo's car, forcing you to miss the first night of concerts ;_; You'll probably sleep then.
  9. i think he did in the old version too in retrospect; I was surprised too, but c'est la vie. I just put him in the back row for a few fights while he got powered back up. Updated the tracklist up front. The WIPs that are still upare the ones who have either contacted me, or ones I haven't heard from yet.
  10. Hell yeah, Bad Dudes! No one is Badder, nor is anyone more Dudical. Fantastic work. <3
  11. i've been working towards the end of FF4 DS. I just got edge in my party, so i'm kindof far from the end. XD
  12. I love the music in this game and am considering mixing one of the tracks, but right now I've pretty busy, so It'd be months. I strongly recommend fans of mega man 2 to check out this soundtrack. It equals and in some ways betters it.
  13. A few more completed tracks! We now have 20 finished! That is pretty awesome, and I know that i'll be getting several more beautiful and completed tracks this week.
  14. There will most definitely be some new open tracks on the first. Once I know how things are going to pan out, i'll pm both of you the updated track list.
  15. Nice sax playing, but i'm glad you have a new mic now. The drums are really well done, and i like the synth solos and the bells. Room sound sounds really strange to me; the sax has way more space around it. Not sure about that really, but its a fun listen, despite it.
  16. Chill without being dull, this is a laid back track with a lot of great layers, and some really nice synth subtleties. The way the layers were added and each layer seemed to stack new frequencies up was pretty cool, and the mod and pitch bends of that backing pad were awesome, it has great serene feel. This is definitely recommended, really nice stuff.
  17. Dude, even I got one; I wasn't even on the project. You must have made Zircon pretty mad to receive an epic snub like that. v_v
  18. This deadline is the hard deadline. As in, it's been known for months.
  19. A few new tracks completed and a few that are updated, things are moving along, but everyone remember that there's less than 2 weeks left to get your tracks in!
  20. I was sooo happy until I saw the edit. Of all the reasons to ban someone, I think being the great Satan is pretty high up there. Regardless, I don;t think the specific lyrics really fit the LBP theme anyways. All this recall will do is make us more jealous of the dudes that got their (now COLLECTOR EDITION) versions of the game early due to the broken street dates.
  21. So not Disco. I do like it though, and it's way mechanical feeling really makes me think of a little friendly robot rolling around with built-in speakers cranking this out. Maybe a mini-Gato? The segue to Spekkio was unexpected and awesome, and was improved even further with the modulation. I think this could have been loosened up a little bit and still kept it's feel, but it still works pretty well, even years later.
  22. This mix is completely unstoppable; The rhythm is punishing, the leads are perfect, and there are so many awesome melodic elements added in; the guitar solos, the bass fills, the great drum parts, and the rhythm guitar part 1 minute in. There is always something *AWESOME* happening in this mix. Highly recommended.
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