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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. It's actually a lot easier for a lot of people (myself included) to write something completely original rather than try to properly tie in something to an arrangement. I can just take the song wherever I want, forging my own holy and righteous path through the steaming and dense jungle of Borneo, rather than taking the worn, yet familar, cobbled roads of the Roman empire and merely taking a brief shortcut through a beautiful meadow before returning to the civilized path.
  2. To be totally blunt (and please don't take this as a slight against you, just the tactics you are using), it really is. In my opinion, I think you are (occasionally mis-)using large words to try to distract from your anemic arguments. It seems like you are trying to impress people and achieving the opposite effect. You are spending so much effort in typing a lot, but nothing you are saying is focused, and I am having a very hard time taking you seriously.
  3. MOA is worth seeing at least once for the people watching. Random tourists + blinged-out teenagers is a great combo. If you are a cultural type theres museums and stuff that are good, but meh. Spend as much of your super-valuable Canadian currency as you can on stuff, you can probably get some great deals. edit: omg i forgot valleyfair and it's like 2 min from my house great rollercoasters there, especially the 2 newest ones. http://www.valleyfair.com/
  4. I spent a few hours on my life as a king last night and I have to say I'm really impressed. The art and music are beautiful, and the game play reminds me on an ultra-detailed version of the Actraiser town areas, mixed with a bit of Sim City, and with a few unique twists. You build different types of buildings, learning more types as you progress through the game. Small houses bring in 2 new people and earn you 10 gil per day. Of these 2 people, 1 you can commission as an adventurer (for a 1 time 100gil fee to sign them up, and then 15gil for every day they go out and do things for you). They can level up, and they go into the dungeons to brign back building materials for you. They all have friendship levels with each other, so if you want them to be extra effective, you can have them join a group with their friends. You can go into their houses and view thier stats as well, which is pretty cool. When they defeat bosses, you can award them a medal, which gives them a stat increase of your choice, in addition to their leveling up. You can also build bakeries and different weapon shops for your townspeople. The bakery improves morale of the surrounding citizens, which gradually fills a bar. When the bar reaches 100% you get a cool present and then it resets. You can also increase the bar by running around town and talking to your residents. The weapon shop is cool because it allows you to invest money in it to improve it's goods, which your adventurers will spend their money on to grow stronger. There are a few restrictions of where you can build; like the bakery needs to be near houses, and stuff like that, but you have a good amount of control of how things grow and develop. Overall totally worth $15 to me. Once I finish this, I'll probably be picking up lost winds, especially after the positive review from Penfold.
  5. EQwise, i think some of the high end of the percussion could be toned down a little, but it's a beautiful piece. I love the rain effects and the pads, and though the piano is a bit mechanical and sounds like the are hitting it with a sledgehammer, the melody is beautiful. The ending was a little abrupt, but still this is pretty nice stuff, as long as you turn the volume way down.
  6. Glad to see you guys being civil. Banana stickers for you all. Here's a few more points to discuss. Seems to be a sweeping generalization that is causing most of the communication issues. Sure there are classical elitists, but there are also rock elitists (just go into guitar center and find any employee on the guitar floor. Wankers. ), and jazz elitists (don't even get me started. Wankers x2 ;-)). Point being, most classical fans aren't elitist at all. http://www.minnesotaorchestra.org/season/index.cfm Check out the calendar there, half of the shows are pops concerts, and for what could be considered 'classical', it is always mentioned by the composer. Also, there are 60+ people in the orchestra and I can't find any of their names on the web site. There are soloists occasionally, but are the other 60 or so not considered performers?
  7. cd baby review +1. Some editor or whatever needs to approve it. Sorry for the delay on it, needed to take the time to collect my thoughts.
  8. This is fantastic stuff. Every track is excellent both musically and creatively. The site and art are great as well. I love love love it. Thanks a lot, homies.
  9. checkin this out now. I thought the bad dudes were doing ff4?
  10. Pretty chill stuff, I love that prominent analogue bass. This has been one that i've enjoyed for years, and it has a very distinct style, making it really stand out amongst all the other mixes. I think the piano is a little stiff, and i think some of the panning could have been more pronounced, but otherwise this is pretty rockin stuff.
  11. Pretty great stuff, I was completely groovin to this, but the lack of an ending is a total turnoff. Samples are great; completely grungy and angry, and even the super-straightforward beat works very well. The feeling in the arrangement is excellent, but it just seems half-baked to not have an ending. Excellent, but flawed.
  12. Though I do feel it's pretty coverish, the fact that it holds up so well years and years later is amazing. Beautiful sequencing and great samples plus attention to detail equal something that lives on for a long time. Very nice.
  13. Great feeling to this one, I gotta agree that real guitar would have put this over the top, but as is, it is very strong. The beats are great, and the atmosphere is very nice, and I have to agree that this is a very stylish upgrade of the original. The source melody itself works better for BGM than for something to listen to actively, and that feeling is kept in the mix, but the added elements make the track so much more engaging. Nice work, I really dig this one.
  14. Lost winds looks great, so i'm happy to hear it is good. I'm picking up the FF game tonight, so i'll let you know what I think of it. A few months back in some thread I remember wishing for basically a game just like this, so it's kind of strange that it actually came out. And since Square Enix is apparently granting my wishes now, I'd love a Soul Blazer sequel/remake/VC release please.
  15. The lead is pretty hardcore in the higher frequencies; I would agree that pain is involved. The arrangement here is really nice though. AnSo style before it was all the rage. Lots of crazy analogue funk, and some great counterpoint. I really think the star of this one is that organ, which does some great syncopated bits. Cool stuff.
  16. Saturday was super fun, I added a little [OCR] tag to my name now. If only I didn't suck at every class besides medic.. I guess I can console myself by being GREAT DOCTOR!
  17. 2 more completed tracks! Only 2 more weeks until a WIP check, so if I havnt heard anything from you yet, you might want to get on it.
  18. having some issues converting them back from photoshop files into the proper file format. I think the main issue is that i don't have a single computer with both the game and photoshop on it; so it's hard to test.
  19. Pretty nice stuff, good variations, though it's a bit smooshed at times frequencywise. Nice playing. Ending really sucks though. Even a held out root chord would be better than abruptly ending the track for this song. Good luck with the panel.
  20. Pretty nice. I love analogue synths, and these are pretty well used here. The hihat was distractingly loud, but everything else seemed to fit in well enough. Arrangement was pretty basic, but had some nice piano fills and counterpoint near the end to progress it a bit. Overall it's a good mix if a bit generic; I don't quite agree with Antonio Tolstoy's 1200 word essay of pure praise, but it's very enjoyable and repeatable, and plays the nostalgia card well.
  21. For a dance track, this is pretty low energy. Repetitive until the background with some original-sounding stuff. Not too bad here. But yeah, somehow this is more relaxing than exciting, which I don't think was the intent. I dig the theme, but this repeats way too frequently without significant changes. Some of the synths are decent, if a bit generic sounding, but the bass is really weak, and the drum programming is putting me to sleep. A bit too dated for me. Sorry.
  22. http://youtube.com/watch?v=Wcm9gbsgmXo close as I can come
  23. The shells are playing the pitches. Dhsu is right and the rest of you are all fools. Considering what was there to work with, this is A+ material.
  24. Beautiful! Thanks so much for making a great track even better. I'm really glad I reviewed this and got some attention here.
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