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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. Pretty nice soundscape on this one, though that drumloop gets kind of old. The lead synth is really nice, and the mood is generally pretty chill. I think that the repetition gets a little grating after repeat listens, but once or twice though is fine. I'd have preferred a bit more melody to go with the feeling, but that's the source for you, I suppose. Decent, but not jaw dropping.
  2. On first listen, I thought it started out a bit meh, but once the guitars came in, it was a definite WOAH moment. It made a lot more sense and I appreciated it more on repeat listens. I'm not sure how many guitar tracks are being doubled, but it is a great sound. Very crunchy, and it blends well with the synths used. The drum fills are also pretty intense, and get me PUMPED UP, however that might also just be all the coffee I just drank. >_> Nice drums overall, actually, including a split second filtered drum break that catches your attention right before the guitars come crashing down again. If the mix had a weakness, it'd be the GM-level oboe synth. The part is decently sequenced, but the sample used is weak as hell, and compared to the beefyness that is the rest of it, seems out of place. I also thing it calls for a solo, with that kind of rocking coming around, who wouldn't want to hear it taken to the next level? I think the answer is no one. That's who. Check it out, this one is great.
  3. Great source + great rhythm guitar ideas + pedestrian drums = more than good enough for me. The sources are excellent, Lufia music is some of my favorites, and it seems to have a pretty strong cult following, with pretty good reason. It's a not-so-played game with very catchy music. Darangen does it pretty well with this rockin mix, where the main focal point is the dual rhythm guitars. The way it's set up is pretty good, with one riffing while the other hangs back and supports with some chords. With the panning choices, it's all pretty clear what's happening where, and i'd say the choices made were pretty sound. The drums are super basic, but with all the guitar chugging, there honestly isnt that much room for a busy drum part. They are mixed up a bit near the end to swing a bit, but otherwise they are an exercise in "expendable band member". The synths sound cool, and the production is nice. If you like Lufia you've already grabbed this years ago, but if you have never played, give it a shot regardless, you'll like it.
  4. Well, in some parts the guitar sounded great and really natural, with a strong groove, and other is was just terrible; how does that even work? It's like a full riff sample mixed in with straight note samples. Anyways, the riff is great, the single notes not-so-much. Beats are generally pretty good, but don't go anywhere, which kindof can be said of the entire mix. It sets a good tone, has a breakdown section where the same strings that repeat over the whole mix get a solo, and then same same 4 elements that make up the song have some mixing up, but there isn't really a second part to the song, just the same elements being added or subtracted a few times. That one sampled riff is killer though. Listen just for that, and then call it a day, IMO.
  5. Great production; it's super crisp and great separation. Vocals sound good throughout, and the guitar playing is great, during the guitar solo, the fast run (you all know what i'm talking about) was played so cleanly I thought it was synth guitar for a second. Nice work guitar dude. The breakdown was the best part, with the coolest vocal harmony,and the biggest hook in the form of the spoken part. Super catchy and very compelling. My only real complaint is the comparably weak ending, but I think it works decently enough for the style, since it segues well into the deafening cheers of the fans who are watching these guys live. This track is a pretty strong argument to pick up the entire album. Very nicely done.
  6. Garageband is pretty nice (and easily the best free program) and good results can be had from it (just not by me lolololol), but i super recommend Logic. Save up for express 8; while you do that start using garageband and getting a feel for it, they act very similarly. PS. http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01565/ and rumor has is some of Pixie's mixes are GB as well.
  7. I'm not feeling the vocal samples, but they don't really detract from an otherwise fun mix. I love these piano-driven dance tracks, and this one is produced pretty well. I wish the lead synth had a slightly stronger attack, but as is, it's still decent. Great work keeping things interesting throughout, I like this one, super cheerful and energetic.
  8. I got pwned as well. 3,7,9,13,17,18,34,35,39,45,48 basically the super hits. I know 36 super well, but i can't place the game.
  9. Pretty solid synthage rockin here, though the beats are a bit on autopilot. They change up between the different sections, and there is plenty going on but they never really catch my ear. The synth textures, however are pretty nice, and combined with some orchestral elements are what make this track good. Some of the sounds could have benefited from being a bit more crisp, mostly the mid-lows, but production is good enough. I think the source itself is a little dull; decent texture, but not much going on melodically, so making it listen able takes a little extra work. I think a good job was done here, though. Some nice breakdowns, the melody itself played by a saw, with some good gating variation between repetitions to keep it sounding fresh, and great use of panning. Basically a great treatment of an average source song, it's a distinct improvement over the original, and atmospheric enough to have some personality.
  10. I rented unlimited saga, played it for 20 minutes, and then just bought the artbook instead. Much better idea, IMO. My only memorable mis-step was Urban Champion for the NES. Man this game was bad.
  11. Ah, remix number 11. Some of the samples are pretty low-fi, but the treatment of them is very interesting. The delay on the tightly wound organ at the beginning was a bit surprising due to the slightly off-tempo beginning, but it worked really well in filling things out, and when the flanged and leslie'd synth comes in, it gets a pretty good room sound. I think the drums used are pretty weaksauce though; no self-respecting viking dwarf would be caught dead groovin to these drums. Maybe those little thief dudes. Nothing more satisfying than busting them up after they stole my potions. They would probably like these wimpy drums. I wasn't really feeling the ending either, as it sortof record-skipped out, which is fine, but it didn't do so on the beat. Overall pretty enjoyable, but the weak drums and dated synths hold it back. I give this song two viking-dwarves out of four.
  12. Transition between the well done moody intro and the slightly upbeat main section are pretty weak, and once you get to the main section, the production is super grimy, like there's a film over the entire mix. Props for the time signature change, but i'm getting conflicting moods. The new melody is way more cheerful, but the instruments used are somewhat morose. I think if this had the production touched up, and if the sounds were re-chosen, it'd make a lot more musical sense. That'd mean the intro and breakdowns would have to go too, however. Basically I see this like ideas for 2 pretty good songs that were married against their will.
  13. This was my second favorite track on the MAG DoD, and hearing it with all the homies from there was really cool. Here's a snippet from my quick review from back then: To expand on this a bit, there are some amazing additional sections added, specifically the ultra-clean breakdown section. I was seriously surprisd when I first heard it, and it fits so well, it's almost like it was originally written for the song and omitted for the game version. Ending is great as well. Fantastic work and one of the best of '08 so far!
  14. The ending sucks. The rest of the mix, however is really good. Creative intro, nice beats, and a very well-interpreted version of the source. Nice samples, well used, excellent expansion. Too bad about the ending.
  15. I think the SNES controller was my personal sweet spot as far as button numbers, but I think the best controller would be basically a NES controller with shoulder buttons. 2 on the face, 2 on the shoulders. Even that might be too many for a lot of people. so my answer is "yes".
  16. Super creative work, I've only listened to it twice through so far, so i'm still absorbing it, but it's really catchy stuff; fantastic melodic hooks in here.
  17. this is a pretty good idea too. I love Final fantasy 4.
  18. Pretty expanded upon to my ears at least, this really does a nice job of stretching out the theme over some pretty good beats. One issue I had with the track is it lost steam too quickly, and the second half kindof coasted off into forgettable musical territory, culminating by the weak ending, but it started out really good.
  19. Very atmospheric. For some reason the first few listens I had some preconceived ideas of where I thought the song should go (I think specifically I was just in the mood to rock), but once I got past that, I was able to appreciate this track on it's own. Mixing equal parts chamber music with soundtrack atmosphere, and then adding teh beatz, it really creates a unique sound. I think it'd be further improved for a more prominent bass to join the beat sections, but as is, it's pretty lush and has great sample-usage. When the filtered synths come in and then the busy drums come in, I am expecting to really step up, but it doesn't quite; with the lead remaining subdued. I really think it should of kicked itself to the next level, but as is, it is still a very good piece of work. I enjoy the Soul Blazer soundtrack, and the source is a song I vaguely remember, and the mix more than does it justice. Nice work.
  20. The beat here starts out rather annoying, but as a lot of people have attested to, it really does make you start bouncing. There are a lot of subtle touches that make this one pretty interesting, like the bass drops, the shimmering synths, and some pads as well. Melodically it isn't too interesting for me, but that is the source rather than any specific treatment of it. Super Metroid's music never struck me as being especially catchy, but you've made it so with that crazy kick.
  21. I fully endorse this; also thanks for the link to that site, I have been looking for a lot of these spc files, (especially the original aerobiz). Will you be updating this thread with hidden gems? You receive the FIST OF ULTIMATE APPROVAL!!!
  22. Pretty straightforward dancey stuff, I am guessing this source was a lot fresher when this first came out than now; it's one of those tracks that has been completely pummeled into my brain along with Ice Cap and Zeal. Synths a re a little lofi sounding, and there's some mud, but there are some decent breakdowns. I don't think this arrangement would pass nowadays, as it's pretty dated, and i've heard enough of the source for the rest of my life, but it's decently done, and i'm sure it has plenty of fans.
  23. grab the demo and check it out; it works amazingly. Beautiful sound. Time to start saving.
  24. This song saved my marriage. True story.
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