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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. Pretty weak transitions give this a medley feel, but you really can't deny the quality of a lot of these themes. Production is pretty muddy, but for fakey synth rock it has a decent amount of power behind it. That main theme is so good I can forgive that it's not much more than a straight up group of covers with some new drums, but no way in hiz-ell that this would make it nowadays. It almost sounds like a blueprint for that famous Virt track. There are some cool touches, like the in-game sound effects used rhythmically at the beginning, and a few unexpected instruments (marimba?!) tucked away in the synth rockage. It hasn't aged all that well, but it's still a good listen, due to the source used.
  2. I really don't hear any Metroid in here at all, though maybe there are some connections in the spacey sounds? Metroid had a lot of very ambient stuff going on, so maybe this is just a bit of melodic addition to the general background? Who knows, besides Midiman. Balancewise it's pretty good, and some of the pads are sounding great, but the bell can be pretty piercing, I think it should have been toned down slightly. I'm not super excited by the melody in this, but this is an EXCELLENT track for having in the background. If I had an elite retail boutique I would have this in my playlist and watch the sales roll in. Fantastic background music.
  3. The jawharp is a bit too prominent, but otherwise this is a great mix, you definitely know what you are getting into from the title, and despite the lack of any real expansion, it conveys the mood really well. Excellent sound choices to really get the style down. I'm very impressed with the brass; you have to listen pretty close to hear that it's synthetic, and even then it's mostly the repetition of the vibrato. After a few listens though, that jawharp simply has to go, or maybe take a break for a section or two.
  4. O U C H ok, I was a fool and listened with headphones, as that is all I have, and my life as I know it is over. ;_; The modulation on the lead synth itself was cool and well done, but those frequencies need to be curbstomped before they claim another innocent victim. Otherwise a pretty happy song.
  5. Pretty chillin mix; It has a smooth groove, and though i'm not completely sold on the the panning ideas (as the bass was all in the right side, making it really unbalanced), overall its a good mix. I think it could be improved with an additional melodic instrument; piano, epiano and bass makes for a pretty static listening experience. I think some smokey muted trumpet would sound killer all up in here, but as is, it works.
  6. Damn you, Larry, for making me break my promise to be stingy about giving this out, but you definitely earned it. Pez, listen to Dr. Lovetamer.
  7. Pretty cool stuff; Nice production, and great variation on keeping the theme fresh. The percussion throughout is pretty interesting, nice bongo work, and the flute melody is pretty nice. I think the flute might be too piercing, I am listening at half volume and it still hurts. Everything else is fine though, volume-wise, and that gated synth is really nice. Overall this is a really strongly crafted song, and works pretty well as trance. It has enough tricks to keep things interesting, and is pretty danceable. Check it out, yo.
  8. The mix starts out alright, with a cool synth sound, and builds up a few times, though it drops a beat or two along the way during a transition. :/ Then a really annoying atonal synth comes in, but drops right before the midi horns come in. Then it ends abruptly. I gotta say i'm not terribly impressed. Sorry
  9. Did you wear the leather pants like I told you to?
  10. Kind of treble heavy, and pretty much the same as the original, there are a few touches that make it unique, but some things are really distracting, like how mechanical the shakers sound. There is all this cool piano stuff going on, and it's hard to focus because it sounds like the copier is broken again in the background. It's really too bad, because the rest of the drums are nice, and the piano section is fantastic. One thing I noticed is that the drums sound off for the second half of the song. Kindof strange..
  11. Pretty chiptuney; I vaguely remember the theme to this game, I might have even owned it when I was a kid. As is, I'm not really sold on this one, it seems like the same melody with some effects and drum loops added. Combined with a repetitive theme, it doesn't make this one stick out in my mind well at all. It's fine when listening, but it's pretty forgettable.
  12. Zeal before Zeal was cool, that's worth some street cred, right? Completely killer beat on this one. Lots of percussive layers and a great feel overall. Production is slightly bland in a few spots, but the rest of the song is definitely strong enough to hang through. The lead has a great unique sound, thanks to lots of modwheel, or whatever the tracker equivalent of that is, and though it stays somewhat similar to the original in instrumentation for the backing parts, the synth and percussion sets it apart enough to be unique. The arrangement is way too conservative for modern OCR, so it's good that this mix got in while it could; It's nice, but not as expansive as I think it should be, especially with that percussion. Really groovin'.
  13. Nice soundscape going on here, and a pretty memorable theme as well. I like how how the strings and brass kindof echo each other ever-so-slightly. Nice varied and driving bassline, and pretty good samples. The percussion didn't quite click with me, but at least it was creative. Nice breakdowns, and though the ending was a bit anticlimactic, the mix overall was well constructed.
  14. A more atmospheric mix, light on the melody. The good news is that it's made pretty interesting by creative synth writing and lots of parts. There is interest going on at all levels of the mix, and even though it takes a more piecemeal approach, it works well as intertwining parts and rhythm shift constantly to create something really cool and unique. Pretty catchy synths, despite the lack of a strong melody.
  15. zzz Not feeling this one at all. It is sonically balanced at least, but is not interesting to me at all. Sorry.
  16. I think Rayza did a good job on making the theme itself interesting. The gated synth is really nice, as is the sliding synth, but man, the source is boooring. The mix itself is decent enough, with a breezy house feel, and works very well as background music. Some setbacks to it are that a few of the pitch bends travel into dissonant territory, and the track as a whole sounds like it's on autopilot; there isn't much progression as a song. You can skip to any section and it'll sound pretty much like another. Good homework music, but it doesn't translate well to active listening, IMO.
  17. yeah, it's the premier online repository for pictures of dogs in bee costumes. I thought you knew.
  18. It's a biiirthdaayy woooorld... thaaat we liiive iiiin... Happy birthday
  19. so would this be the child of the children of the monkey machine? Regardless, super congrats.
  20. Eerie SFX-laden intro starts things out; I have finally been broken of my condition to shy away from doom mixes (maybe someday I'll learn to love metroid too >_> ), thanks to the tireless work of mixers like TO; and Myf further proves me wrong with this track. Ok guys, I was wrong, i'm sorry! Percussion on this ranges the gamut, and works really well, as it really sets the mood. A lot of it sounds like it could be actual debris found in a blasted-out space station that was picked up and put to more a more musical purpose. Instruments are a good mix of bells and pads, strings, and some solo orchestral instruments. All are well used, and they convey an eerie, desolate soundscape, without things sounding too minimalist. The choir is obviously synthetic, I don't think anyone would be fooled by those samples, but it is used in such a way that it sounds very good. Way to play to it's strengths. If you are a fan of moody and dark soundscapes, it doesn't get much better than this track.
  21. Pretty decent mix from La Cavra, taking his usual rocking style and adding a few accoutrements to stand out a bit. The mix itself is pretty good, the piano breakdown is especially nice, despite the overly quantized feel, and the sound effects give it a slightly different flavor from his other straight up rock mixes. I thought the solo was a bit boring and played it a little safe. It seemed almost mechanical compared to the great flow the rest of his playing had. Also, a few sections had a different guitar tone for the lead which seemed really thin. Can;t say I was totally feeling that. Not his best mix, but still pretty good.
  22. Just a shout out for some more reviewers to take a look at the UnderLoved ReMixes out there. There are some killer mixes that have like, no love at all, and they could use some attention. Are you a bad enough dude to review a remix? Shit yeah I am! No, i'm scared.
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