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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. It's a little more apparent that it's Schala, but it's kind of boring for the first half; I suggest humanizing that brassy sound. It eventually gets interesting, but the sounds are really thin; there are some frequencies that i can't hear at all, and if I am missing out on something like that, there are certainly issues. What are you using for monitors? that might be part of the problem here.
  2. I assume you are referring to me; if so, then reread my post please. A. because you missed a few words here and there. B. because it makes me feel awesome when people read my posts. I listed what I thought needed to be done to improve the mix, provided he really believed in it. Later on in the post, I gave him an option if he wanted to wuss out.
  3. This is a pretty bad idea. If people on WIP have issues with it, sending it to judges is just a waste of time for them, since the issues are still there. You shouldn't submit something to the judges unless it is as good as you can conceivably make it. It's not like they are going to look past something. The reason the standards are so high on this site is tied in with the site's mission, which is to legitimize video game music in the eyes of the public. That won't happen if they post sub-par or half baked mixes. Ambient is right on a lot of points; there is too much reverb throughout, and the chromatic section is a good idea, but the execution isn't there. Adding to that, the beats seem on autopilot for most of the track, and there really isn't much of a melody near the beginning, just chord progressions, and some sortof original melody could fit in there. This isn't a bad mix by any stretch of the imagination, but it needs polish and a few major issues need to be resolved. Have some patience, and work them out one by one. If you are getting burnt out on this track, chill on it for a few months and work on something else, but keep in mine the critiques noted here. If you are looking for a place to put your remixes and don't want to make them stellar, thasauce is a great site, with a standards bar that this would certainly be able to reach.
  4. I'll be there, acoustic guitar and alto sax in tow. Not quite the mental image I was hoping for this morning. ;_;
  5. I'm surprised that no one has said anything about how awesome The Cliffs of Dover is. It's been my favorite song ever for like 15 years. Is the dragonforce carpel tunnel that important to you guys (I say this because it kicked my ass and I now sit shamed in the corner)?
  6. Get 37 ipod shuffles. Those things are indestructible.
  7. Some very cool ideas on display here. I agree with Darkesword in that some of the reverb on the brass and orchestral elements was a little too present, but otherwise the samples were very well used and expertly mixed. The weaker transitions bothered me though, as I felt that with everything else being on such a high level, the abrupt shifts to different sections broke a lot of built up momentum. The first transition was decent enough, as it went to a softer theme, but the others were pretty jarring. Transitions aside, this is great stuff, I love the rich sounds you have going on, and the themes are pretty well expanded upon as well. Nice work.
  8. Amazingly full; it's like the sound is just pouring out of the speakers. The arrangement is more subtle here than in other more recent mixes, but the main show here is the production. Amazing work. bLiNd really is the bomb.
  9. Those drums have punched a hole in my heart, never to be healed. ;_; Being amazingly hardcore, they don't even care, and continue their wake of destruction. You've pushed them to the absolute limit that they could go to be powerful and punchy without sounding overdone. Andy Sneap could learn a thing or two from you guys, at least as far as the production on the newest Into Eternity album is concerned. Fantastic balancing act here. Great collab, it really does a great job of featuring both of you guys at your strongest, great shredding work by both of you; I almost wish the synths were more prevalent in the mix overall, but they come out when they are most important. I love all the seemingly-but-not-really-random portamento and dives they do, especially in the half time section. Horns would be held high during this section if this was played live. \m/ Overall this is a super-intricate step up from the original, which was a great song in it's own right, but you guys have turned this shit up to 12.
  10. Great orchestration, excellent bite on your low strings, and a super feel throughout. I love the crescendos and the full hits, and the 3 note oboe motif is as mentioned before very well used as a subtle hook. I hope I can someday master my orchestral samples and use them as effortlessly as you seem to. Very awesome work.
  11. This track would be perfect for the showdown in the game's sewers; I totally get the modern spaghetti western feel to the intro, and though it goes throughout the mix, I think it could have been even more prevalent. More slide guitar and stuff, please. Once the mix got going, the guitar lead was great; super dirty and nasty sounding. I like the concept of the vocals, but I think they should have been a little more present in the mix, with more of a high end to them. The ending was a bit anticlimactic, with the components breaking down, only to segue into the main riff and then fade away. Overall though, a good mix. I think you should have gone a little further with the western motifs, but as is, still a keeper.
  12. I was interested-but-not-interested until i read a few reviews and saw it had 2 player co-op. I love games that are multiplayer and co-op. I'll be picking it up as soon as I can find a copy.
  13. Production is pretty close i'd say. I think the hats are a little on the quiet side and should come out a bit more, or at least have a higher frequency boosted, since the effects added have dulled them ever-so-slightly. The string hits need a bit of humanization, and the fluteish lead needs a bit of stereo panning, it's too far right at the moment and should fill more of the sound field. I'm digging it. It's groovy and hip.
  14. He was probably responding to me; bwi eh? I was planning on renting a car actually, so no worries with good ol' Stevo, but thanks for a heads up on airport.
  15. that is a damn fine lineup. I have everything lined up except my plane ticket, which i keep forgetting to do. Maybe I should do it right now so I don't forget. What is the closest and least trafficed airport to this deal? I hear people menionsing dulles? is this the official airport of magfest?
  16. Suspenseful and seductive. Those strings surrounded by a fantastic soundscape are instantly memorable and completely addictive. It helps that the song is bite-sized enough to encourage repeat listens, and that the content is deep enough to keep finding new, subtle phrases each time. I especially like how the song is driven by the panning, pinging synth, allowing the percussion to take a more atmospheric role, with the toms adding a bit of punch here and there. This is excellent, inspiring work, and easily one of the most accomplished tracks on the album.
  17. Well utilized synths and a great atmosphere, it started off a little slow, but picked up very well, and at 7+ minutes, it can afford to. The source was a bit hidden (with a few obvious exceptions), but it didn't take much digging to find it right under the surface. This is a difficult mix to initially get into for a lot of people because it walks a fine line between having a lot of energy and being laid back, and it frequently goes back and forth, but the creative writing, great production, and superior attention to detail make it really rewarding if you give it a few listens. I hope in a few months when people become more familiar with this one that we'll see some more reviews on it.
  18. You are correct sir about cutting down on the verb, it could use throughout the mix, it really takes the attack out of just about everything. I do have to be completely honest that hearing your posted works I have pretty high expectations, and this one seems to suffer from a pretty severe case of medleyitis. The transitions themselves are pretty nice, a your samples are pretty good, though, like you said you need to massage them a bit; they need some velocity adjustments and some humanization. Arrangementwise it seems a little on the conservative side; there are some nice personalizations made with some of the rubato sections, and there were some cool theme and variations on the main theme and such, but it seemed to lose it's momentum each time it shifted thimes. In some cases this can be good, but it seemed to happen to almost every theme. Not an issue if you were the original composer, as it's pretty strong orchestration, but we are talking a ReMix here, so I think the required differentiation is a little bit more difficult to achieve. As far as strengths to the mix, there are plenty, your part-writing is solid and the balance throughout is great. The reference you've made to Williams are very clear and well done, but still with your own spin on it. I think adding some additional counterpoint and perhaps eliminating a few themes in order to concentrate and expand on others is the best way to serve this mix, maybe have the main theme, a tender theme, a scary one, and then your triumphant ending (which i think could be even bigger and more bombastic if you so chose) and develop those a bit more, we'd have a Kid Icarus mix that would go into legend.* Nice work,and fantastic start, but keep polishing! *did you get my greek mythology joke here? lololol
  19. I am shamed shamed! that i missed this gem the first time around and it's taken me a few years to get caught up. Simple and unpretentious, it's straight ahead rocking with a home-grown feel. I agree with some reviewers that the drums are a little thin sounding, but that's super small potatoes compared to the big picture. Beautiful harmonies throughout; I love the 'why try', but i think the real star is the 'understand' backing vocals. Very emotive and enjoyable. I'm inspired. Awesome work, dude.
  20. Pretty nice start, and a cool concept. I am loving the shimmery runs and the string counterpoint. I think your bass drum needs to come up a little and hit a little harder, and that you need to put some pads in to thicken out the sound in some places, but this is a great start. Nice work dude.
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