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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. If Atma is done with running this (don't super blame you), I'll run one or two more until it's completely beaten into the ground.
  2. Harry Potter fans can be as obsessive as Star Wars/Trek fans. If this was at all legitimate, then a ton of people would have heard of it. Sorry, but I think your roommate has bad info.
  3. Super intense Orchestral work here, the shifting textures are fantastic and very inspirational. Though I think the piano was mixed quite a bit louder than it normally would have been in a traditional orchestral setting, the choice was a good one, as it lent a lot more power to certain passages. There were a lot of well thought out chord changes from the original which were all tasteful and colorful, and though this has a lot of power and emotion in it, I agree with CasualT that some full orchestra crecendos would really give it the final boost it needed. Stellar work though, this track deserves the attention it got back in the day.
  4. For the first half of the remix it sounds like an ambient and chilled out Korn track, and without the faux aggression Korn attempts, it works way better. It has a very sinister groove going on, and the bass is super intense. The changeup halfway through is just what it needed before going back to the main section, and though I'd have liked the track to be longer, I'm not sure what really more could be done. Increasing the intensity would be good for a huge climax, but I think that part of the mystery in this is what makes it so appealing. You just see glimpses of it. Not normally my style, but this really speaks to me. Hella great.
  5. Just finished reading it after picking it up earlier today. I thought it was good.
  6. Good stuff; I think this mix would have a ton more reviews if it was for a more popular game. I know goldeneye was super popular back in the day, but by the time Perfect Dark came out, most people had moved onto the Playstation I think. Anyways, very good arrangement, and the samples are all pretty good. Good transitions throughout between the move sparse sections, to the ones where the strings come in.
  7. Playing was good throughout, but a lot of the transitions were a bit WTFish. Some were good, but it sounded like a cd that someone else was skipping to a new track once in awhile. It was too jarring for me. As such I started listening more for transitions rather than the actual song, and so I'd have to say they ruined the song for me. Sorry guys, the rest is pretty good, just the flow is too hard to get into. Maybe that was the intent? I'm not sure.
  8. Fun and fast, it could use a few change ups throughout to make it a little more interesting, but rave music isn't about changing up music a lot, it's about shaking your ass as fast as you possibly can. For some reason this track has always stuck out to me since I first heard it, and I think it just might be because it is such a fast electronic track; possibly the fastest on the site. A little more variety would have been nice, and maybe a bit more sophisticated drum sound, but this is a pretty enjoyable mix.
  9. It sounds a lot better with full instrumentation now. I agree that some of the transitions are too abrupt, but i'm sure you can figure out a way to smooth those out with vocals or fills. here's some einherjer tracks. THey broke up a few years ago, but have a myspace page anyways. http://www.myspace.com/einherjermusic
  10. Very stirring piece; I'm not familiar with the original, but this is good stuff for sure. Somehow you managed to take the best qualities of my favorite Russian composers and input them into the song; nice work. The harmonies were really nice, especially in the quieter middle section. Percussion was well written and very supportive of the mix overall. Some of the samples were a little weak, mainly the brass near the beginning, but it wasn't offensive. Recommended.
  11. The intro was great, the soundfield was just seemingly massive; I love it. It seemed like once the melody started, it thinned out just a little too much until maybe the halfway point. I understand the need to break things down to build them back up, but it seemed sparse for a bit. From the halfway point and on it was really nice. I think I would have brought down the high end of the pad, but really a minor detail; it comes out clearly and i'm not sure if the melody would have been as pronounced if the high end was dulled. Overall a really nice mix, good for a rainy afternoon looking out the window.
  12. I didn't really expect a McDonalds tie-in game to have music this good, but this is a top-shelf sippin remix. There's always something new and intensely catchy starting up as other elements fade out. I thought the snare was a little too sharp early on in the mix, but once things got going it blended pretty well. There elements immediatly caught my attention when they came in, which is rare for an ambient chill mix. The first was the double time with the shaker about 1/3 through, the second was the subtle strings just before the halfway point, and the final was the slightly busier beat at the 2/3 mark. Throughout the whole thing is a sick vibes solo; and the groove is killer. Awesome work.
  13. Pretty midi-esque, but it's a venerable mix and that's just how things were usually done back then. There is enough interpretation present to escape the lockdowns, but it's pretty borderline. Strange that the cymbals seemed to be pretty good quality when the rest of the drumkit was a lot more lofi sounding.
  14. I will be astounded if you (or anyone) can play those first runs cleanly. Not the straight notes, but the actual runs. I admit my Viking metal knowledge starts and ends with Einherjer, but it seems that the random starts and stops don't really sound very good, unless you have more planned. If that's the case, Fill it out so we can tell what is going on.
  15. It's a cool cover, but I can promise you that it won't pass; it is just too similar to the original. Same tempo, same counterpoint, etc. You switched up the sounds and stuff, but it's not near enough arrangement for OCR. Very cool work, but not what OCR is looking for.
  16. The orchestral elements are pretty good, but the guitar tone is incredibly distracting. It's super thin and crappy sounding. :/ It sounds way too far back in the mix as well. I can't tell if it's real or not either.
  17. For the B section, the male part is pretty good, the female one sticks out too much. I look forward to an update.
  18. sounds like either you arent muting all of the strings and general vibrations are being picked up, or something is wrong with your wiring. Could be a lot of things, but those are the most likely.
  19. I'm totally down with helping you out, dude. Let me listen to the song forawhile on repeat and i'll see what kindof concepts I can come up with; see if there's anything you dig.
  20. The basses and altos sound the most fake; the tenors are passable. Usually reducing velocities allows things to blend more, so The basses and altos for all of them, and just the passing tones for the tenors. Having listened again a few more times, you might want to bring your kick drum out a little bit more as well. I really like the guitar line you've added, though i don't think the fakeness in some parts of it will go over well with the judges. The sample is pretty clean, but it really needs some velocity work as well, and some string noise.
  21. I have my old xcom cd that has been uplayable... until now! thanks a lot!
  22. The choir is pretty noticable; i'd bring the velocities all down and mix it with something else. The male aspects sound better than the female, though that may be because they are holding their notes more. The guitar sounds good overall except for the bent note; maybe the 6th one in the phrase. It sounds flat. The note may be correct, but the bend makes it sound weird. I like the string sound, and the drums are decent, except the ride needs some velocity humanization.
  23. The kick is pretty wimpy and I am not sure if i am hearing a lot of clipping or if you are intending on all the distortion throughout in the drums. The arrangement is fun, but could use some panning, it seemed pretty centrally mixed, and the lead synth seemed slightly lofi. I liked the steel drums though, it did give it a nice feel.
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